should i top already?


Fallen Buckshot

sure 3-4 weeks or sometimes less is fine to start clones 1st pic would be best for clone as it would give more rooting area


now if i want to clone the i have to cut a straight line or does it have to be a 45 degree angle?

Fallen Buckshot

i do 45-90 degree angle and skin back about a quarter to half inch around the cut


Topping your plant for reasons other than cloning or just space in your garden is just a personal preference. Looks like its doing fine the way it is. Why do you want to top it?


Active Member
pull the top leaf off with a steam it will top it and let it get back to growing faster than beating it up


Well-Known Member
Okay, your most efficient move will be, Top it about the Third true node and start your LST. What this will do, is give you Four main cola's instead of just two from a normal top. When you bend it over for the LST, the top two growths and the next set right below it should begin to start growing. Make sure, that the top and the second set of growth gets good lighting.

Oh and use the top of what you cut, for a clone. Make a 45 degree cut about an eighth of an inch above where you want to make the cutting. For the clone, if you take a razorblade and cut about a half inch up the stem, splitting it in half, you will have more area for the roots to grow from. Do you see the picture I'm conveying for you? If not, I'll explain a little better, Or just differently? Good luck! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Doing the Low Stress Training, will help you keep her short and bushy!! It's a great way, of keeping her away from prying eyes!