Should I top the plants or just prune the lower branches? Tell me your experiences...

Buzzin like a bumble bee

Well-Known Member
So lets say you have 10 Black Domina plants that are gonna be vegging under a 400 mh with a light mover. Lets say that you are gonna veg the for 8 weeks, before putting them under a 1000w hps. What method is the best for overall yield? Should I top them 3 or 4 different times, or just let them grow naturally, and remove the lower branches so that all of the upper branches receive the energy? Please let me know what you would do and why.


Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert, but from what i have read removing any branches will do some damage to the plant.

To increase yield, you should look into LST.

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
removing lower branches to increase "energy" up top is a myth. it all depends on your available space. they become bushier/wider when you LST or top them. as for height management, LSTing or topping will help.

additionally, LSTing or topping will not necessarily increase yield. while you will get more bud sites they may not produce as much as a single cola. there are many variables to consider.

i suggest you check out this thread


Well-Known Member
need a better description of your bloom station to really get a good answer..

Do you have height restrictions? If not I would prune most of the lower branches and transfer that energy to the top of the plant (usually the lower branches are ligght deprived anyway)

If you have height restrictions, veg for a shorter period of time and still prune, if its a sativa heavy strain top it once...

if you have a shortage of space (thaey are close together), dont top, bloom early and prune most of the bottom branhes (sog or cola grow)

best of luck