Should I transplant these?

First Timer Here,

I’ve got 4 Apple Fritter Photos going in a 4x4, absolutely no idea what I’m doing lol. I’m trying to figure out when I should transplant these. They are in their 3rd week since germinating. What should I be looking for?

I’m planning on going from the current nursery pots to 1 gal bags then to 5 gal bags later on. They are currently in a coir/peat/perlite mix with a little bit of worm castings in there too. I’ve got some soil that’s been cooking a couple weeks that I am going to transplant into. It’s an iteration of the coots mix (crab/kelp/Neem/rock dusts).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I'd let them go for a little while longer, I doubt the seedlings have developed a descent root ball yet . Don't fertilize very young seedlings . The seed provides nutrients that are adequate in the early stages. I start my germinated seeds in my 6gal pots , no transplanting ( I'll get flack). I get great results , it saves me from a lot of work and eliminates any stress caused by transplanting. I've done it that way for almost 50yrs . I have tried the transplanting, the way you and most people do it, but in the longhaul, I don't see any difference. One lesson, I learned the hard way, was, don't ever bring outdoor plants inside, unless you are absolutely sure that they are disease and bug free. I always keep a sharp eye on my plants. I inspect them all practically everyday. That way you can detect any problems at the onset and remedy the situation before it worsens. Happy growing stoner dude !