Should i transplant??


New Member
i got my clones when they were about 2 inches put them into 4'' square pots then transplanted into 2 gallon pots 3 weeks later now they are almost 2 feet and i see a root coming out the bottom. i only want them to get about 4 feet tall and yield about a half lb each. they are outdoor and in ff occean forest. do you guys think i should transplant into 3 or 4 gallon pots or will i make my margin? thanks much


Well-Known Member
i only want them to get about 4 feet tall and yield about a half lb each.
Well thats a nice goal, but (realistically) unattainable in a 2 gal pot.

Bigger pot = bigger yield generally. Outdoors I grow in ground and in 18 gallon pots, push a lb per plant if they stay vigorous.