Should I use Fox Farms nuts every or every other watering?


I have some white widow clones two weeks into flowering, in five gallon buckets. I had them in some hot soil with enough nuts to last until this week. I decided to start them on the fox farm three pack of grow big, tiger bloom, and big bloom using their feeding schedule (starting on week three of flowering). I fed them all the other night at half the recomended strength. The plants have no signs of nut burn and are thriving. They are all ready for another watering, I just don't know if I should feed them when I do. Should I feed them every watering or every other watering?


Well-Known Member
Give them a full dose and see how they react. I think they will suck it up. I would do every watering if they accept full dose ok.

northern cali

Active Member
I give mine twice the recommended amount of nutes i water 3 times a week 2 times with nutes and 1 straight water works for me...


Well-Known Member
hahaha. i would use them every other watering. tiger bloom is known to burn plants.i would say use full dose every otherwatering untill plant is dark green an healthhy. once your plant is healthy it doesnt need all the extra nutrients fresh water is all it takes 2 grow weeds


Well-Known Member
I go past full strength (1300) and no nute burn, if careful.
Once a week just water.
Yeilds are above 4oz per. Smoke comes out smooth after cured.
im also at week 3 about to start feeding should i worry if it is mirical grow soil or will i be alright at a lower strength any help would be great