Should I use nutes?


Active Member
Hi all

I have some auto AK47 plants that are a few days old.
I have germinated them in canna terra medium in 12 litre pots which they will stay in until harvest to avoid stress.

What I would like to know is should I start using my terra vega nutes now or should I wait another week or 2?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
isnt the canna terra medium like cocoa? if so, im pretty sure you can use nutes asap. i could be wrong though but i though cocoa doesnt really have any nutrients like rockwool cubes. correct me if im wrong


Active Member
Thats what I thought but I have never used this stuff before so I aint sure.
Studying the posts I have had some differing opinions on this.


Active Member
I'm starting to panick a bit. Can't find details of the amount of nutes to use with this canna terra soil or when to use.


Well-Known Member
Do you have any pics of the seedling? If you do decide to feed them now, go VERY light and pay attention to how the seedling responds. I've found that taking pictures every day of the plants help me, so I can keep track of the development.


Well-Known Member
oh shit, i just noticed you said you just germinated. if anything just get something like "green stay" or "superthrive" and just use a couple drops at most, and that should last you a while.


Well-Known Member
That's why I'd like to see a picture of how far this seedling is really along in its development. Does it have its first set of true leaves yet?


Active Member
I'll try and get a pic but I won't be able to till the weekend.

I take it then that canna terra soil contains little or no nutrients?