Should I worry?


Active Member
I got pulled over for supposedly passing on a curve. I was on vacation and had about a gram on me. I was also for some dumb reason drving my friends car because I was helping him pick it up at this bar where he left it, none the less on a suspended license.. I knew this... but I didn't have an id on me anyway so I gave my brothers info.. I was pulled out of the car and searched. cop asked to search the car... I did not consent. then I was placed in cuffs and put in the cop car. then the cop started to search my friends car. he found the ganja (less than a gram) but he also found my camera in the car which had photos of a legal grow room from another state. they didn't know that I gave false info until I got back to the station and was turned over to booking... what to do about the camera is the question?

I was charged yesterday with Driving on a suspended
providing false info


Well-Known Member
if you did not give consent for them to search and they did anyway w/o a dog there then the camera should not be a problem cuz anything found in the car is like it was never there cuz they search illegally


Uses the Rollitup profile
Cops are trained to use ploys in normal conversation, to get you to waive your rights, or more appropriately, imply that you waive your rights.

If the cop starts toward your car and says, You don't mind if I take a look, you don't have anything to hide, do you? You say No. You've just given consent to search, and search he will.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
charged with possesion providing false info and driving on suspended and they took the camera


Well-Known Member
dont matter

you didnt have ID. that is probable cause. they dont know who you are from jack or jill. they know people use other names.

but the camera shouldnt be a problem. you say its in another state, but your ass better make sure. you can bet your ass you just asked to be watched for however long you are in that area.

maybe paranoid thinking....but i dont think so. my ex is leo


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't be on here you should be on the phone to your lawyer, congressman, clergy,NORMAL and the bank to yank out your money before they do!!!!! I'm not joking here.


Active Member
yeah I'm here.. got a lawyer... pled down to driving on a suspended and giving false info... sucks that I am definitely on the rader when ever I go home though I'm not so sure that much else is going to come from this. The room in question is no longer at that location and baring a small amount of personal, that location is totally clean. anything else I should be aware of? you really think that I should take all my money out of the bank? that sounds a bit more sketch than not doing anything.


Well-Known Member
I would, man you never know what they are planning. Cops have all the time in the world. They will compile evidence and sit on it till you make there case for them. Be carefull and paranoid to the point where you can be safe!