You proved that rescission happens, you NEVER proved that Insurance companies dumped people off the plans because theyt got too expensive, which is EXACTLY what you have claimed.
The best part is that you keep claiming that my numbers of people that those 3 health insurers cover is made up, a fabrication, yet you don't even TRY to back up that claim. If my numbers are a fabrication as you have claimed, the onus is on you to prove such , not mine, but since you don't want to humiliate yourself I will just have to do it for you.
UnitedHealth alone serves more than 70 million people. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UnitedHealth_Group
Wellpoint Serves 67 Million people http://www.wellpoint.com/prodcontri...news_main/documents/wlp_assets/pw_d014892.pdf
do you think Assurant, the 4th largest insurer in the US, has less then 8 million customers? Do ya?
United Health group, Wellpoint and Assurant are global companies that have customers outside the US there are only 300+ million Americans 48 million have no insurance and almost 40 million on Medicare. Since I think we are only talking about America and I gave you more than one link where the CEO's of two of those companies admitted to congress they did just that an congress has 20,000 confirmed US cases If the US congress can find 20,000 how many really happened?
Feel free to revise your numbers at any point