Should Iran be invaded because of it's apparent nuclear program?

Should Israel be invaded?

  • Yes the zionist scum should be thrown out of power.

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Noone in the middle east should be invaded.

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Iran should be invaded, they are the trouble makers.

    Votes: 4 21.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Iran is a rogue state. It is a dangerous destabalizing force in a dangerous destabalized region. Islam is also an evil and dangerous religion. If they truely are right on the verge of having a nuke, then I think the US should send a "Special" message. . .Use some small tactical nukes to eliminate their ability to make nukes.

Look, Islam is a threat to the Western World. They would like nothing more than to kill the infidels and rule the world with their cruel, medieval doctrine. Infact, their religion demands it.

A powerful message needs to be sent to these wing-nuts that would destroy us if they could: We will use any and all means to protect our people and protect our way of life.
haha someone's been keeping up on their Fox News :lol:

Why would Ahmadinejad be greeting Jews in New York?

Why do 30,000 Jews live peacefully in Iran, if Ahmadinejad is such an anti-semiite?
Well, Let me put it like this kids, I say kids because you act as such. You nuke Iran, you better have a bicycle because you are not going to be able to afford gasoline. Venezuela, Nigeria, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Russia. Well guess what America seems to be burning a lot of bridges with the suppliers of your black gold. You might say we can use alternative fuels. Really? I guess you are gonna remake all the lubricants, tires, plastics, and modify every gas station within the next 10 years. Sure you are. And even if you could guess what millions will starve to death because of your alternative fuels, and you will still need a bicycle because you won’t be able to afford the fuel. Iran has the right to nuclear technology hell I believe everyone has the right to nuclear technology. You think Iran is going to destroy the world with nukes? Don’t think so. Even if Iran Nuked Israel well that isn’t going to destroy the world. What will destroy the world is the American retaliation. You fail to understand that everyone in the world who was alive when the 2 bombs dropped on Japan. Are eradiated a little bit they have some radiation in their body. Everyone :) So you drop a nuke you affect everyone. America can’t invade Iran either. You guys piss and moan about a few thousand troops dying.. Really.. Common You are gonna fight a war in a rugged country with a big population that will fight to the last child. Well I applaud you Sir if you can muster your fellow Americans to accept the numbers for Israel. Iran is surrounded. America, UK etc all want control of Iran not because they are a threat, but because the oil. Oil is worth more lives than you can fathom. Reality Oil is the blood that courses through this country’s veins. It’s up top on national security. I wouldn’t worry about Islam taking over the world, because it has nothing to do with Islam. It’s the rich, the greedy who are responsible for all of this. People are just people. Just trying to get by. I don’t care Muslim, Jew, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or Atheist we are all just trying to get by one meal at a time.


Well-Known Member
Well, Let me put it like this kids, I say kids because you act as such. You nuke Iran, you better have a bicycle because you are not going to be able to afford gasoline. Venezuela, Nigeria, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Russia. Well guess what America seems to be burning a lot of bridges with the suppliers of your black gold. You might say we can use alternative fuels. Really? I guess you are gonna remake all the lubricants, tires, plastics, and modify every gas station within the next 10 years. Sure you are. And even if you could guess what millions will starve to death because of your alternative fuels, and you will still need a bicycle because you won’t be able to afford the fuel. Iran has the right to nuclear technology hell I believe everyone has the right to nuclear technology. You think Iran is going to destroy the world with nukes? Don’t think so. Even if Iran Nuked Israel well that isn’t going to destroy the world. What will destroy the world is the American retaliation. You fail to understand that everyone in the world who was alive when the 2 bombs dropped on Japan. Are eradiated a little bit they have some radiation in their body. Everyone :) So you drop a nuke you affect everyone. America can’t invade Iran either. You guys piss and moan about a few thousand troops dying.. Really.. Common You are gonna fight a war in a rugged country with a big population that will fight to the last child. Well I applaud you Sir if you can muster your fellow Americans to accept the numbers for Israel. Iran is surrounded. America, UK etc all want control of Iran not because they are a threat, but because the oil. Oil is worth more lives than you can fathom. Reality Oil is the blood that courses through this country’s veins. It’s up top on national security. I wouldn’t worry about Islam taking over the world, because it has nothing to do with Islam. It’s the rich, the greedy who are responsible for all of this. People are just people. Just trying to get by. I don’t care Muslim, Jew, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or Atheist we are all just trying to get by one meal at a time.
Who said anything about nukeing Iran? We have the oil reserves in the u.s. plus enough natraul gas to run this country for a hundred more years. How much oil have we obtained from Iraq...0 barrels! So spew that crap where it might stick.
Who said anything about nukeing Iran? We have the oil reserves in the u.s. plus enough natraul gas to run this country for a hundred more years. How much oil have we obtained from Iraq...0 barrels! So spew that crap where it might stick.
An Oil & Gas Journal (1/19/09) article, “Iraq’s Oil Prospects Prospects Face Political Impediments”, notes that Iraq’s proved reserves are 115 billion barrels, of 80 fields only 15 have been partially developed, the 7 largest fields contain 2/3rds of total reserves proven to date, and it’s potential reserves are 215 billion barrels, possible the largest of any country in the world. Finding cost is a fraction of a dollar per barrel and estimated finding and development costs are between $1.50 and $2.25 per barrel, among the lowest in the world.
Iraqi production reached 3.5 mb/d pre-invasion and is currently about 2.5 mb/d. Contrasting that with the current 12.5 mb/d potential production claimed by the Saudis and their peak 10 mb/d production gives some perspective to the Iraqi potential.

America does not set the prices of Natural gas or oil. So, it doesn’t matter if we have enough natural gas or oil to last 500 years. If the cost of oil is high.. Well you can guess… But you seem to be getting emotional and if you are gonna get emotional on me then we can’t have a intellectual conversation.


Well-Known Member
An Oil & Gas Journal (1/19/09) article, “Iraq’s Oil Prospects Prospects Face Political Impediments”, notes that Iraq’s proved reserves are 115 billion barrels, of 80 fields only 15 have been partially developed, the 7 largest fields contain 2/3rds of total reserves proven to date, and it’s potential reserves are 215 billion barrels, possible the largest of any country in the world. Finding cost is a fraction of a dollar per barrel and estimated finding and development costs are between $1.50 and $2.25 per barrel, among the lowest in the world.
Iraqi production reached 3.5 mb/d pre-invasion and is currently about 2.5 mb/d. Contrasting that with the current 12.5 mb/d potential production claimed by the Saudis and their peak 10 mb/d production gives some perspective to the Iraqi potential.

America does not set the prices of Natural gas or oil. So, it doesn’t matter if we have enough natural gas or oil to last 500 years. If the cost of oil is high.. Well you can guess… But you seem to be getting emotional and if you are gonna get emotional on me then we can’t have a intellectual conversation.
The price of a barrel of oil is priced by the U.S. dollar. This is something the goverment has been able to minipulate. When you imply that (its all about oil) you are mistaken and repeating the programmed response. We have no more an oil crisis than we have a healthcare crisis.


Well-Known Member
Personally I think we should invade France, they have way too much nuclear stuff going on, im sure its a plan to kill us all.