Should queers be allowed to adopt

Should queers be allowed to adopt

  • Not at all.

    Votes: 29 34.9%
  • Yes.

    Votes: 47 56.6%
  • Only lesbians should be allowed to.

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • Only male queers should be allowed to.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not sure, still thinking about it all.

    Votes: 4 4.8%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
should crack whores be allowed to raise babies?
y don't u do a poll for this one fdd2blk?
i'm sure mcfried would love to vote in it
i know my answer
(put an option for eliminating whores that don't use crack either)
(and an option for mail order rpg's while u're at it)
(no rpg does not stand for 'role play game' stoney)


Well-Known Member
Man,now your off on whores,whats wrong with whores anyways :confused:?

Your a pretty uptight kinda fellow,i know there have been several times in my life where whores helped me quite a bit,especially when i lived on your continent,the whore i lived with knew where to get the best smoke for dirt cheap,washed my clothes,fed me grub,jacked me off,twas a win win situation i tell ya,nice lady too.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Awwww...Poseidon...It's role PLAYING game.Boy, you sure do like to keep an eye on what I say....And you sure do try to put words in my mouth.What anyone does with their body is their business....and if a whore wants a kid, as long as she takes care of it, who are you to say she can't have one. Aren't you supposed to be playing in traffic?
y don't u do a poll for this one fdd2blk?
i'm sure mcfried would love to vote in it
i know my answer
(put an option for eliminating whores that don't use crack either)
(and an option for mail order rpg's while u're at it)
(no rpg does not stand for 'role play game' stoney)


Well-Known Member
It's role PLAYING game
no its :


and if a whore wants a kid, as long as she takes care of it
thats a contradiction in terms

and WHEN she does not take care of it are you going to look after a 12 year old
still wearing its nappies?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Poseidon, are you retarded? Because the arguments you come up with...I mean, did you get dropped on your head as a baby?Plenty of prostitutes are good's the oldest profession in the world.Now, a crack head who can't take care of her children should not have them. But as for someone selling sex...that doesnt make them a bad person.And if theres a 12 year old still wearing diapers, the kid probably has more problems than who its mother is.
no its :


thats a contradiction in terms

and WHEN she does not take care of it are you going to look after a 12 year old
still wearing its nappies?


Active Member
I think anyone who can get through the process of adoption is more qualified to look after a kid than just any old straight guy, in fact i think everyone should have to apply to be a parent. It seems any shithead is allowed to bring life into this world whether they're going to be a good parent or not. Maybe if everyone had to apply for a licence to breed there wouldn't be so many unwanted children or incidents of child abuse. You need a licence to do a lot less important stuff.. and pot is illegal!


Well-Known Member
There are almost zero homophobes in this forum. This makes me extremely happy.
I <3 RIU

Of COURSE gays should be allowed to have kids. Goodness, aside from being a lesbian myself, I had two dads the majority of my life. Granted they lived in separate houses and one was married to my mom.

Do you know how many people asked me about it in my entire life? Zero.
Do I have any damage associated with being bumped around, spending custody time with my bio-dad (Daddy Rick), and then switching to mom and step-dad (Daddy Tom) during school time? Absolutely not. I loved all of my parents, and they all loved me. Really, that knowledge was all I needed to feel safe and supported. My early childhood was awesome.

If the current system of divorce while kids are involved (that's over 50%) doesn't fuck kids up. Then I don't see why any peaceful and loving partnership between two adults would.


Well-Known Member
I voted yes.

Pretty soon, homosexuality is going to be accepted in society, so the kids will accept it as well.
don't bait you, yet you insist on using the word "queers"? nice try. :mrgreen::peace:
Who's baiting who?

Poseidon, you are the most sexist, racist, homophobic person I've ever had the displeasure of speaking to. I find this post offensive.I find most of your posts offensive.
yeah you suck
why should sexual orientation determine your rights?
These fine upstanding, heterosexual, citizens did this to their own son.
Massachusetts Couple Faces Charges After Nearly Starving Toddler to Death, Police Say
If there was ever anyone aching for same sex relations,its Poseidon.
There is a theme here....I normally only say this to crack heads...Dumb-ass:wall:


Well-Known Member
i say NO, a child shouldnt be brought up thinking that homosexuality is right, the plain fact is it isnt. you can try to argue it with me but ill just win. A child needs both a mother and father figure growing up. also take into consideration the child being harrased at school. so many factors make this so wrong. I dissagree with being gay but at the same time i dont care to much because hell it just means more ladys for me.


Well-Known Member
i say NO, a child shouldnt be brought up thinking that homosexuality is right, the plain fact is it isnt. you can try to argue it with me but ill just win. A child needs both a mother and father figure growing up. also take into consideration the child being harrased at school. so many factors make this so wrong. I dissagree with being gay but at the same time i dont care to much because hell it just means more ladys for me.
Thank you for your peace, Mr Bush. :roll:


Well-Known Member
i say NO, a child shouldnt be brought up thinking that homosexuality is right, the plain fact is it isnt. you can try to argue it with me but ill just win. A child needs both a mother and father figure growing up. also take into consideration the child being harrased at school. so many factors make this so wrong. I dissagree with being gay but at the same time i dont care to much because hell it just means more ladys for me.

wow, so how do you explain single parent families?


Well-Known Member
i say NO, a child shouldnt be brought up thinking that homosexuality is right, the plain fact is it isnt. you can try to argue it with me but ill just win. A child needs both a mother and father figure growing up. also take into consideration the child being harrased at school. so many factors make this so wrong. I dissagree with being gay but at the same time i dont care to much because hell it just means more ladys for me.
Kids get teased at school regardless... we all got it. What the child is being teased for isnt nearly as important as teaching the child how to handle it. Not teaching your children how to accept criticizm leads to... well, you've seen Columbine.

There are thousands of children with NO PARENTS AT ALL. Im sure any one of them would jump at the chance to have TWO DADDIES or TWO MOMMIES. There is a surplus of children, and you want to keep more people from adopting?

I'd even argue that children are MORE likely to be neglected, mistreated, or otherwise negatively impacted by biological parents than adopted parents. (truely adopted... Im not talking about foster homes).


Well-Known Member
i say NO, a child shouldnt be brought up thinking that homosexuality is right, the plain fact is it isnt. you can try to argue it with me but ill just win. A child needs both a mother and father figure growing up. also take into consideration the child being harrased at school. so many factors make this so wrong. I dissagree with being gay but at the same time i dont care to much because hell it just means more ladys for me.
Ya know 40 years ago i thought much the same way,real men bashed fags,man was my thinking all fuked up,im glad i learned to tolerate & respect other people for the person they are instead of what sexual preference they have.

You do bring up a valid point though about how a dual same sex parent situation could lead to a hard life for the child,this is an easy fix though,every family has it's own dirty little secrets that others need not be aware of,if my kids friends knew half the shit i did in my life they'd be scared to death to come around our home when the kids still lived at home,this is just a common sense issue & nothing more,if you know there is something in your life that will embarass your children, or something that could lead to them being ostrascized from the group of children/friends then you make damm sure you keep that part of your life private & away from others who would cause trouble for family members.

Im not saying that the dual same sex parents need to hide in the closet forever but common sense would dictate that they keep things private until the children are old enough where their friends understand how to treat people properly.

I'd rather see a loving couple of 2 men who really wanted to help a child in need be able to adopt over a man & wife team who are all fucked up,the value system of yesterday....year is useless nowdays,people have grown beyond the old belief system,other peoples tolerance & perspective needs to adapt as well,thats how people learn to get along & become a better human being.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah.Poseidon is full of pent up man love.
There is a theme here....I normally only say this to crack heads...Dumb-ass:wall:
But that's just forcing your own set of morals onto someone else.Homosexuality is found in nature.Hell, I had two gay tomcats who loved each other very much.As long as it hurts noone, then what they do in their own bedroom is their business.Homosexuality has been around as long as humans have been around, at the very least.It's always been accepted until recently.Samurais practiced it, the greeks, the romans,the egyptians, etc, etc.Of course you think you'll win this argument;your mind isn't open to other possibilities.As for the mother and father figure,see Johnny organic's post about that wonderful example of a mother and father figure abusing their child.Welcome to the 21st century.:peace:
i say NO, a child shouldnt be brought up thinking that homosexuality is right, the plain fact is it isnt. you can try to argue it with me but ill just win. A child needs both a mother and father figure growing up. also take into consideration the child being harrased at school. so many factors make this so wrong. I dissagree with being gay but at the same time i dont care to much because hell it just means more ladys for me.


Active Member
As far as I am concerned a gay couple will raise a kid better than the streets or shitty real parents.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, their names were Felix and Tu.Tu was very fluffy and pretty, real sweet cat, stoner,would chase you around if you smoked until he could sit by you.Felix was a large, extremely smart black male.Probably the smartest cat I've seen.I thought at first Felix was just dominating Tu, but after a while I began to see that Tu was quite willing.He and Felix were always together, and Felix WOULD mate with a female on occasion, but he was excessively mean with them.He was very loving with Tu.Tu would not mate with females.He never mounted Felix, either, it was always Felix topping, so I don't know if he got enjoyment out of that or not.It's not like I stood around and watched the act to completion, once I figured out it was a mutual thing, I didn't stop Felix anymore because he wasn't hurting Tu.Eventually, I had to give Tu away because he would not stop crapping on the floor.He was a good cat otherwise, but refused to be litter trained.Felix became depressed when Tu left, and when we moved, he left me and never came back.I let him outside one night after we kept him in for a couple of weeks to make sure he didn't find his way to the old place,and he looked back over his shoulder at me once and walked away, and that's the last I saw of him.I assume he went to find Tu.
Allright stoney,you've peaked the shit out of my interest, now i gotta hear more about the gay tomcats you had.

Spill it please :bigjoint:.


Active Member
Well, their names were Felix and Tu.Tu was very fluffy and pretty, real sweet cat, stoner,would chase you around if you smoked until he could sit by you.Felix was a large, extremely smart black male.Probably the smartest cat I've seen.I thought at first Felix was just dominating Tu, but after a while I began to see that Tu was quite willing.He and Felix were always together, and Felix WOULD mate with a female on occasion, but he was excessively mean with them.He was very loving with Tu.Tu would not mate with females.He never mounted Felix, either, it was always Felix topping, so I don't know if he got enjoyment out of that or not.It's not like I stood around and watched the act to completion, once I figured out it was a mutual thing, I didn't stop Felix anymore because he wasn't hurting Tu.Eventually, I had to give Tu away because he would not stop crapping on the floor.He was a good cat otherwise, but refused to be litter trained.Felix became depressed when Tu left, and when we moved, he left me and never came back.I let him outside one night after we kept him in for a couple of weeks to make sure he didn't find his way to the old place,and he looked back over his shoulder at me once and walked away, and that's the last I saw of him.I assume he went to find Tu.

Thats the saddest story I've ever heard about gay cats with bowel control issues

I can see it now...

Brokeback Mountain 2: Pussy only (pun intended)
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