Should some guns be confiscated and banned?

Take some guns away?

  • Yes

  • No

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Can’t you just wait in the back yard for them to come after you and the kids? $1500 seems a tad steep to shoot a pig. Now the plucking them off out of a helicopter, I gotta say, would be kinda cool.
Around me farmers have signed up with hunting clubs. Guys from the city pay cash to hunt. Crazy world.
Hogs are considered an destructive invasive species in California the season is 365 days a year.
No hogs around here. Even domestic. The Mennonites up the road raise a few to eat. They have a big beef operation. The guy in Arkansas had the whole experience. They would butcher it etc. He brought a roast in to work once and I cooked it. Nasty. Got to castrate them things!