Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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the Abrahamics' attitude towards children, alone, is enough to pit me against their ethos. (singular)

I like to ride in with some Yaquis, and Apache, and teach them not to abuse children; Maka Ina's gift to us.
we'll nuke you all :)
justice for Sephards. if there isn't a Delaware-sized state for us.......its on. we didn't get there in boats from Germany.

nope.......its Eretz Yisrael or WWIII :)

death to Jihadis and Crusaders. we have nukes and lasers now! HOORAY!!

don't get your asses Amalekited :)
So your argument is that palestinians shouldnt have a state because they didn't have a state. So you have to right to take their land and kill and smoke their weed and and and. Ofcourse your 1000 years old grandpa lived there. Did you ever think that those people throw fire works at you because you have thousands of them tortured in prison (ofcourse they threw stones at you too) their homes destroyed (israel destroyes every active militant's home leaving their families homeless) their olive trees and crops destroyed (in order for the military to have a clear vision of any movement) the gaza strip surrounded and locked up (to forbid weapons from entering, also food and medecine) confiscated the palestinan authority budget (so that this money is not used to buy weapons, or food and medecine), destroys any palestinian infrastructure (the strip has almost no electricity nor potable water. I still remember when they stayed many weeks with no electricity due to the absence of fuel).

Ah no that surely isn't the reason. They don't really complain about all that.

I really wish the apes can declare war on humanity to reclaim their planet.
We have become so dumb and we carry dangerous weapons.
So your argument is that palestinians shouldnt have a state because they didn't have a state. So you have to right to take their land and kill and smoke their weed and and and. Ofcourse your 1000 years old grandpa lived there. Did you ever think that those people throw fire works at you because you have thousands of them tortured in prison (ofcourse they threw stones at you too) their homes destroyed (israel destroyes every active militant's home leaving their families homeless) their olive trees and crops destroyed (in order for the military to have a clear vision of any movement) the gaza strip surrounded and locked up (to forbid weapons from entering, also food and medecine) confiscated the palestinan authority budget (so that this money is not used to buy weapons, or food and medecine), destroys any palestinian infrastructure (the strip has almost no electricity nor potable water. I still remember when they stayed many weeks with no electricity due to the absence of fuel).

Ah no that surely isn't the reason. They don't really complain about all that.

I really wish the apes can declare war on humanity to reclaim their planet.
We have become so dumb and we carry dangerous weapons.

the Harib....... have 22 states
Yo Thump Easy,

Pro-tip, if you've to post 100 times more than the person you're "trolling", you're probably being trolled...

I personally think you're just retarded, so I said I'd give you the D.L., my knee-grow.

Not retarded Lolz just e literate their is a difference I didnt even read the the first page just came on to talk shit Lolz I'm pretty good at it!! The d.l knee grow ill come back later for that one Lolz just be ready
Israel must stop building illegal settlements on palestinian land (the raping of palestine) for any kind of peace

God Bless Latin America , they are standing with the palestinian people and pulling out their ambasadors , If this doesn't stop there will be a world wide boycott of all Israeli products not just products from the occupied territories, this will bring Israel to her Knees

Henry Kissenger was right if Israel does not change its policies it will ceast to exist as a Jewish State and morph into something altogether differrent

Latin America for Palestine lots of respect
South Korea is going to be the next one to announce there support for Palestine and remove ambasador

Israel and United states better take notice
So Palestinians machine gunned a school? Nope. Wrong country.

"The suspect, an Algerian-born French citizen, reportedly told the police that he committed the killings “to avenge Palestinian children”

So Palestinians put bombs in retarded kids' backpacks? Nope. Wrong conflict.

so where is Nablus in again?

So all Muslims are jihadists? Nope. Only in your backward, bigoted mind.
where did i ever assert that all moslems are involved in terrorism?

three claims three failures to support your bullshit narrative.

if being wrong was a sport you could go pro
Don't have to go across the street, i can go next door and ask my Muslim neighbour while we smoke a couple of bowls, which always comes with the offer of a jack 'n' coke. I even trust him to come into my house and feed the dogs when i'm away for work

some sects of islam believe that weed is "Haram" (forbidden) while all others agree it is NOT "Halal" (permitted)

all do agree that alcohol in all it's forms is "Haram", and that dogs are "Ritually Unclean"

for a moslem, feeding your dog is like feeding your pigs, REPUGNANT.

if your imaginary moslem neighbor smokes dope, drinks jack daniels, and will feed your dog, then he is not a moslem, he is an apostate, and apostates are not representative of the religion they have rejected.
I suggest you read the Qur'an 2:190-193 My guess is you don't read Arabic, so a translation should help

are you arguing THIS bullshit makes the case that islaml is peaceful?

of course the key to the entire passage is the meaning of "fitna"

"fitna" is essentially, the distracting disruptive and "seditious" existence of ANYTHING which is not moslem in a society.

you might wanna read the koran yourself.
since you dont speak arabic either, heres a translation.
some sects of islam believe that weed is "Haram" (forbidden) while all others agree it is NOT "Halal" (permitted)

all do agree that alcohol in all it's forms is "Haram", and that dogs are "Ritually Unclean"

for a moslem, feeding your dog is like feeding your pigs, REPUGNANT.

if your imaginary moslem neighbor smokes dope, drinks jack daniels, and will feed your dog, then he is not a moslem, he is an apostate, and apostates are not representative of the religion they have rejected.

I purposely aim the bottom of my shoe at them on the bus, and let my dog jump on them. :)
Israel must stop building illegal settlements on palestinian land (the raping of palestine) for any kind of peace

God Bless Latin America , they are standing with the palestinian people and pulling out their ambasadors , If this doesn't stop there will be a world wide boycott of all Israeli products not just products from the occupied territories, this will bring Israel to her Knees

Henry Kissenger was right if Israel does not change its policies it will ceast to exist as a Jewish State and morph into something altogether differrent

Latin America for Palestine lots of respect

Israel controls .6 of 1% of land compared with the Arabs. I dont see a real issue here...
"The suspect, an Algerian-born French citizen, reportedly told the police that he committed the killings “to avenge Palestinian children”

so where is Nablus in again?

where did i ever assert that all moslems are involved in terrorism?

three claims three failures to support your bullshit narrative.

if being wrong was a sport you could go pro

I believe Ben Laden said something similar big reason for 911 attack, thats a big price for the US to pay for supporting Zionist Occupation of palestine

we gotta get rid of the Israel firsters to save America

America should dump Israel
I believe Ben Laden said something similar big reason for 911 attack, thats a big price for the US to pay for supporting Zionist Occupation of palestine

we gotta get rid of the Israel firsters to save America

America should dump Israel
if the arab and moslem world really gave a squirt of piss about the pallies they would let them leave the occupied territories and come to their countries.

but they dont so they wont.

pallies are a tool of the moslems.
since they cant beat israel in war they plan to win with spies saboteurs, atrocities, murder and bombs in retarded kids' backpacks
I'm aiming nukes at the oil fields, the ice caps, London, Paris, Cairo, hell.......let's give Amsterdam one; fucking quaint, pasty Dutch :)

LOL....Come an' get it, World!