Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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earnest voice says that my family died in the holocaust as part of a ruse to garner sympathy in order to commit war crimes.

that's textbook holocaust denial.

not sure why anyone would want to defend that, but here you are.

Fair warning - those listed as signatories may be holocaust deniers in your book.

The Holocaust survivors expressed gratitude for the opportunity to express their dismay over Israel’s assault and misrepresentation of their shared history. Liliana Kaczerginski, daughter of a Vilna ghetto resistance fighter, said “What Israel is doing goes against everything that my father fought for; it is a violation of my family’s memory and I am proud to honor them with my signature.”

The letter was penned in response to an inflammatory ad campaign in which Elie Wiesel compares the murder of children during the Holocaust to Hamas’ actions in Gaza. Wiesel’s ad—which ran in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and the Guardian among others—was so distasteful that the Times of London declined to run it and the Guardian published this response for free. In the letter, the survivors write, “we are disgusted and outraged by Elie Wiesel’s abuse of our history to justify the unjustifiable: Israel’s wholesale effort to destroy Gaza and the murder of more than 2,000 Palestinians, including many hundreds of children.”

Fair warning - those listed as signatories may be holocaust deniers in your book.

The Holocaust survivors expressed gratitude for the opportunity to express their dismay over Israel’s assault and misrepresentation of their shared history. Liliana Kaczerginski, daughter of a Vilna ghetto resistance fighter, said “What Israel is doing goes against everything that my father fought for; it is a violation of my family’s memory and I am proud to honor them with my signature.”

The letter was penned in response to an inflammatory ad campaign in which Elie Wiesel compares the murder of children during the Holocaust to Hamas’ actions in Gaza. Wiesel’s ad—which ran in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and the Guardian among others—was so distasteful that the Times of London declined to run it and the Guardian published this response for free. In the letter, the survivors write, “we are disgusted and outraged by Elie Wiesel’s abuse of our history to justify the unjustifiable: Israel’s wholesale effort to destroy Gaza and the murder of more than 2,000 Palestinians, including many hundreds of children.”

i don't see anyone saying, as you said, that jews "conflate" [SIC] their numbers to garner sympathy for war crimes.

only you said that.

well, you and a whole bunch of other holocaust deniers.
WOW... So drunk and defiant... If only your family were as feisty as you!

so you're echelon1k1 hiding behind a new IP. we've established that.

what we have not yet established are your reasons for being a holocaust denier and one of the founding members of RIU's 'white nationalists and white separatists' group.

care to explain why you were so eager to join those groups again, echelon?
so you're echelon1k1 hiding behind a new IP. we've established that.

what we have not yet established are your reasons for being a holocaust denier and one of the founding members of RIU's 'white nationalists and white separatists' group.

care to explain why you were so eager to join those groups again, echelon?
so you're echelon1k1 hiding behind a new IP. we've established that.

what we have not yet established are your reasons for being a holocaust denier and one of the founding members of RIU's 'white nationalists and white separatists' group.

care to explain why you were so eager to join those groups again, echelon?
Stop being such an e-stalker.

It's getting a bit sad.
He often writes in a style that requires a few reads.

Sometimes his intended point is overlooked because of his style.

Sandwich short? No.

At times difficult to understand, certainly.

Are all of them 'hellish civilians?'

Isn't this the Doer who has dealt with Vietnam era riots and activism? The one who in the past preferred no conflict to conflict.

You gotta bring me up to speed on why you stand by a group of people who knowingly kill large numbers of non combatants.

I have been around a bit shorter then some but I have never seen Buck threaten anyone with such a thing.

Others have done some threatening, I have never seen Bucky do it.

I challenge someone to actually find his supposed threat, good luck on that.

You missed it, I was not a Bomber. We didn't hide behind war slaves. I did not launch rockets or dig under peoples homes for kidnapping. I didn't bomb buses. I didn't teach any children the US govt was a bunch of baby blood drinker, sub-humans. I am a Citizen. I don't think my home turf was occupied. I didn't subscribe to the death of the USA as a violent outsider. I carried signs and marched around. If it got ugly I fought back at bit, as a Citizen.

But, all these "Palestinians" were offered Citizenship in Israel but turned it down. Furthermore, 20% of Israel citizens are Arab. They can and do exercise their right to protest peacefully, about this....or not. Most, the vast majority do not protest or support HAMAS.

You are just a little light on the history. The only ones targeting Gaza civilians on purpose is HAMAS.
You missed it, I was not a Bomber. We didn't hide behind war slaves. I did not launch rockets or dig under peoples homes for kidnapping. I didn't bomb buses. I didn't teach any children the US govt was a bunch of baby blood drinker, sub-humans. I am a Citizen. I don't think my home turf was occupied. I didn't subscribe to the death of the USA as a violent outsider. I carried signs and marched around. If it got ugly I fought back at bit, as a Citizen.

But, all these "Palestinians" were offered Citizenship in Israel but turned it down. Furthermore, 20% of Israel citizens are Arab. They can and do exercise their right to protest peacefully, about this....or not. Most, the vast majority do not protest or support HAMAS.

You are just a little light on the history. The only ones targeting Gaza civilians on purpose is HAMAS.
Are Israeli Arabs full citizens?
Are Israeli Arabs full citizens?

Are Gazans any more than war slaves?

Representation in political, judicial and military positions

Arab Israeli Captain Amos Yarkoni, born Abd el-Majid Hidr.

Raleb Majadele, the first non-Druze Arab minister in Israel's history
Cabinet: Nawaf Massalha, an Arab Muslim, has served in various junior ministerial roles, including Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, since 1999.

Knesset: Arab citizens of Israel have been elected to every Knesset, and currently hold 12 of its 120 seats. The first female Arab MP was Hussniya Jabara, a Muslim Arab from central Israel, who was elected in 1999.[132]

Abdel Rahman Zuabi, a Muslim from northern Israel, was the first Arab on the Israeli Supreme Court, serving a 9-month term in 1999. In 2004, Salim Joubran, a Christian Arab from Haifa descended from Lebanese Maronites, became the first Arab to hold a permanent appointment on the Court. Joubran's expertise lies in the field of criminal law.[133] George Karra, a Christian Arab from Jaffa has served as a Tel Aviv District Court judge since 2000. He was the presiding judge in the trial of Moshe Katsav. In 2011, he was nominated as a candidate for the Israeli Supreme Court.[134]
Of course they are full citizens but face the problem of all minorities. Much better off than war slaves.

There is a population in the North, next to Lebanon, that are above even Puerto Rico's, Territory Status; They have a standing offer to be Citizens, but will not.

They take the civil protections and guarantees, however.
Stop being such an e-stalker.

It's getting a bit sad.
It is exceptionally entertaining t
You missed it, I was not a Bomber. We didn't hide behind war slaves. I did not launch rockets or dig under peoples homes for kidnapping. I didn't bomb buses. I didn't teach any children the US govt was a bunch of baby blood drinker, sub-humans. I am a Citizen. I don't think my home turf was occupied. I didn't subscribe to the death of the USA as a violent outsider. I carried signs and marched around. If it got ugly I fought back at bit, as a Citizen.

But, all these "Palestinians" were offered Citizenship in Israel but turned it down. Furthermore, 20% of Israel citizens are Arab. They can and do exercise their right to protest peacefully, about this....or not. Most, the vast majority do not protest or support HAMAS.

You are just a little light on the history. The only ones targeting Gaza civilians on purpose is HAMAS.
Thanks for expanding my understanding of your thoughts.

I always appreciate your input, opinions, and perspective.

Thank ya' Doer.
Doer is just mad cuzz he hasnt had an erectionn since his forties... old limp dick basterd. type of dude who will call a hooker just to eat her out and cry about his erectile dysfunction..
You missed it, I was not a Bomber. We didn't hide behind war slaves. I did not launch rockets or dig under peoples homes for kidnapping. I didn't bomb buses. I didn't teach any children the US govt was a bunch of baby blood drinker, sub-humans. I am a Citizen. I don't think my home turf was occupied. I didn't subscribe to the death of the USA as a violent outsider. I carried signs and marched around. If it got ugly I fought back at bit, as a Citizen.

But, all these "Palestinians" were offered Citizenship in Israel but turned it down. Furthermore, 20% of Israel citizens are Arab. They can and do exercise their right to protest peacefully, about this....or not. Most, the vast majority do not protest or support HAMAS.

You are just a little light on the history. The only ones targeting Gaza civilians on purpose is HAMAS.

LOL... You have so much faith in your own government and media it's scary. You're all for war now you are not of age, but you danced in the streets like a typical pussy when it was your time to deploy...
Are Gazans any more than war slaves?

Representation in political, judicial and military positions

Arab Israeli Captain Amos Yarkoni, born Abd el-Majid Hidr.

Raleb Majadele, the first non-Druze Arab minister in Israel's history
Cabinet: Nawaf Massalha, an Arab Muslim, has served in various junior ministerial roles, including Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, since 1999.

Knesset: Arab citizens of Israel have been elected to every Knesset, and currently hold 12 of its 120 seats. The first female Arab MP was Hussniya Jabara, a Muslim Arab from central Israel, who was elected in 1999.[132]

Abdel Rahman Zuabi, a Muslim from northern Israel, was the first Arab on the Israeli Supreme Court, serving a 9-month term in 1999. In 2004, Salim Joubran, a Christian Arab from Haifa descended from Lebanese Maronites, became the first Arab to hold a permanent appointment on the Court. Joubran's expertise lies in the field of criminal law.[133] George Karra, a Christian Arab from Jaffa has served as a Tel Aviv District Court judge since 2000. He was the presiding judge in the trial of Moshe Katsav. In 2011, he was nominated as a candidate for the Israeli Supreme Court.[134]
Of course they are full citizens but face the problem of all minorities. Much better off than war slaves.

There is a population in the North, next to Lebanon, that are above even Puerto Rico's, Territory Status; They have a standing offer to be Citizens, but will not.

They take the civil protections and guarantees, however.
You are a Zionist
You missed it, I was not a Bomber. We didn't hide behind war slaves. I did not launch rockets or dig under peoples homes for kidnapping. I didn't bomb buses. I didn't teach any children the US govt was a bunch of baby blood drinker, sub-humans. I am a Citizen. I don't think my home turf was occupied. I didn't subscribe to the death of the USA as a violent outsider. I carried signs and marched around. If it got ugly I fought back at bit, as a Citizen.

But, all these "Palestinians" were offered Citizenship in Israel but turned it down. Furthermore, 20% of Israel citizens are Arab. They can and do exercise their right to protest peacefully, about this....or not. Most, the vast majority do not protest or support HAMAS.

You are just a little light on the history. The only ones targeting Gaza civilians on purpose is HAMAS.
You admitted that you are a Zionist, so you speak as a Zionist. That makes sense. You fail to mention though the core reason for the violence is the continued refusal of Israel to give back the land taken in the Six Day war, in direct violation of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva convention, of which Israel is a signatory. Instead, they continue to STEAL land. Even during the latest so called peace negotiations they continued to STEAL land, and then they walk out of them using the excuse there was dialogue between the PLO and Hamas. So, after killing over 2000 people in Gaza, 1/3 of which were fucking children, what does Israel do? Steal another 1000 acres, again saying fuck you to the world. Then you have the audacity to say to ChesusRice learn history. Who's history, the Zionists? Well, history is shining a bright light on Israel at the moment, and the majority of the world, thinks they are scum bags. The only supporters that Israel has in the world are the whores in the House and Senate, Zionist Jews, and some morons in the US, such the Fundamentalist/Evangelical Christians waiting for the Rapture. Look at the numbers in the poll on the 1st page. That should give you a good idea of what the world thinks of Israel.
I'm a US citizen sovereign with a much sharper grasp on history.

You sir, are a name caller. IAC, the Fist of Zion is something I do support, along with most all thinking Americans.