Should Tony Blair Be Charged With War Crimes?

Should Tony Be Charged With War Crimes?

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oisin says
Originally Posted by ViRedd
Don't blame the West for the plight of those living in the Middle East. Westerners have spend TRILLIONS of dollars buying their oil. Their governments have wasted, squandered and stolen it. It was the Muslims who made the choice on their leaders. At one time, the Middle East was the center of civilazation. It was THEY who have chosen to retreat back into the Dark Ages.

What a puerile display of contempt and arrogance....and this from a kid who just makes things up.....*Newflash* why is the US paying for any oil if we can just simply take it? display an abject ignorance of world history and geopolitics....and besides that, I have concluded that you are unable to support your hateful vitriolic rants with even one shred of evidence. The only reason for this is your obvious mental are just dumb!

Oh, and check out what a paradise Germany could not possibly be more woefully mistaken if you tried! Read a book, dummy!

There has been a steady exodus over the years, but it has recently become Topic A in a land already saddled with one of the most rapidly aging and shrinking populations of any Western nation. With evidence that more professionals are leaving now than in past years, politicians and business executives warn about the loss of their country’s best and brightest.
Germany Agonizes Over a Brain Drain - New York Times

Wow. I only had to read your first three sentences to understand your pathetic stance....The motive for invading Iraq was undeniably oil. America didn't simply just "take" oil before because it used to be a reasonably reasonable country, under democratic power. Stop talking back to me, your false impression of intelligence sickens me. Your country has the potential for the best system of democracy any country has to offer. It simply does not take advantage of this. Submitting individual perspectives makes no difference and provides little background evidence. Oh and its Germany's education system which has provided the greatest minds the world has known. Stop with your patriarchal bullshit, its exceptionally tiring.


Active Member
Oisin, Oisin, Oisin. Showing your true colours with this post, and to think you actually termed me as being harsh about the fucking ferret.

You too are confusing Saddam with Islam. Saddam was an intelligent man that was quite happy to live without a god until the first gulf war. He famously turned muslim in an effort to gain support from other Arab nations. He also tried the tactic of firing scud missiles into Israel, also in an attempt to gain support. We had to shoot the missiles out of the sky because if any had landed Israel had vowed to retaliate. This could have escalated into an all out war with the entire muslim world. I remember that 1 or 2 did land but caused minimal damage. Our enemies were saddam's enemies, and we gave them the sword to end his life.

These enemies are the muslims. They are the enemy of all Mankind, they seek to destroy OUR society and replace it with their own. This is fascist. Do you not see this Oisin, or is your head so far up your politically correct, bullshit-full arse? It's muppets like you that hold this country back from doing what needs to be done. I'm not a racist as I expect the full support from all none muslim people. I'm sure the sikhs and hindus will be the first to join this very worthy cause. The muslims are the biggest threat to our society since the 3rd reich (I'm not forgetting the cold war, it's just that communism has never really been a threat). Did we not EXECUTE the leaders of this movement (3rd reich)? The same must be done to every muslim. I do not like being threatened, and that is how I feel. I fear for my family, fear that some muslim dickhead will decide to blow himself up. If I ever caught a suicide bomber I'd tear him apart, with my teeth.
And yet we have successfully detroyed their's. Think before you type.

Your stereotyping is pathetic. I am friends with quite a few muslims in the UK and none of them are malicious.

Every Christian should die.


We do not say all women are corrupt and out to harm men because a few of them are. We do not say all Christians believe gays should not be allowed privilages. You're as sectarian as Vi. Your blind to the truth. The truth is we are all DIFFERENT PEOPLE who absorb influences from MANY different bodys in our life. A religion can hold part of one's stance, but in most cases not all. It's people like you who put innocent "dark skinned" people under house arrest. You're scum.


Active Member
what the hell was that shit oisin? keep your head clear and show us where Vi was in err.
Fine, it was slightly harsh. But the man (boy?) is ridiculous. He's racist and intolerably ignorant. Does he not realise MUSELIMS also live in other countries? Like America? Like AUSTRALIA? Like fucking IRELAND? They are as oblivious to the motives of the middle eastern spite towards the west as we are. All this shows is his sick ignorance. Also he seems to not understand the implications OPEC has on the oil industry.


Well-Known Member
guys guys... how fast this degenerated into name calling... simply put not all muslims are bad that is fact... however the good muslims do nothing about the bad... truly the good muslims are the only one with a chance in hell of changing the minds of the radical muslims... HOWEVER considering the quran in more a less a book that says the world will be muslims or it is the duty of true muslims to convert or exterminate all infidels and make it that way that might be a hard bill to foot... Unfortunatly all religious books were written by man and therefore fallible... the quran is a religious book that teaches discipline all be it extremely harsh discipline and hate... so maybe the good muslims around the world are the true extremists because they don't follow their religion to a T... regardless the radicals are a problem that should be dealt with and with all of the US's and any other free countries might... they should be destroyed or they will destroy us they have promised this... turn on the news every day you see these people in the street promising violence... oh and by the way Osion get your facts straight the terrorists/insurgents kill way more innoncet civilians then the Coalition forces could even think about... every day in the news you hear of at least a dozen bombings and most of the people killed by these suicide bombings... YOU GUESSED IT innocent civilians... i'm sorry that the coalition may have to kill some innocent civilians and i'm empathetic but... if we don't treat this as a war and go in balls to the wall way more innocents will die and you can hold me to my word on that... nuff said


New Member
Oisin sez ...


And yet, when one is critical of extremists in the Muslim religion, those who want to blow Israel and all of Western society off the freakin' map, Oisin accuses that person of being a "racist." Thick is as thick does.



New Member
Your stereotyping is pathetic. I am friends with quite a few muslims in the UK and none of them are malicious.

You obviously haven't met them on the level that I have. They'll lie to you.

Every Christian should die.

Yes, this is what they believe, not just christians either.


You say they are not a race (which I know), then call me a racist. Who's the idiot? THINK BEFORE YOU TYPE!

We do not say all women are corrupt and out to harm men because a few of them are. We do not say all Christians believe gays should not be allowed privilages. You're as sectarian as Vi. Your blind to the truth. The truth is we are all DIFFERENT PEOPLE who absorb influences from MANY different bodys in our life. A religion can hold part of one's stance, but in most cases not all. It's people like you who put innocent "dark skinned" people under house arrest. You're scum.
DICKHEAD. That's the only word I can think of for you. Trying to turn this into a race thing when the only people it has to do with are the muslims. As I said, I fully expect the support from all none muslims. The sikhs hate the muslims more than we do, so do the blacks. In fact, the black british are responsible for the petrol bombing of mosques in my city. There is war on the streets of my city. You are probably so far removed from reality that all you see is what you watch on the news, maybe while enjoying a curry with your muslim buddies. I put it to you, that you don't really KNOW any muslims. You may talk to the muslim in your local shop, but this doesn't mean you KNOW him. He may smile and say hello, this doesn't mean he is your friend.


Well-Known Member
did anyone else see the interview with the Arab woman on Hannity and Colmes last night?

she said everything that SKH has been saying, the concept of a moderate muslim is a western invention. you are for islam or you are not for it.

if you hang out with muslims all the time and you think they are your friends oisin you are a fool. they don't think you deserve to breath the same air as them. their own book tells them that the ONLY, do you get that??? ONLY way to be assured a place in heaven is through martrydom.


New Member
did anyone else see the interview with the Arab woman on Hannity and Colmes last night?

she said everything that SKH has been saying, the concept of a moderate muslim is a western invention. you are for islam or you are not for it.

if you hang out with muslims all the time and you think they are your friends oisin you are a fool. they don't think you deserve to breath the same air as them. their own book tells them that the ONLY, do you get that??? ONLY way to be assured a place in heaven is through martrydom.
I don't believe he knows any muslims. It's a crock of shit written in an attempt to enforce the bullshit pouring from his mouth.


New Member
Originally Posted by 7xstall
"did anyone else see the interview with the Arab woman on Hannity and Colmes last night?"

I didn't see that particular interview, but I have seen a Muslim woman interviewed a couple of times on Glenn Beck's program. She's a moderate Muslim who is speaking out against the radicals who insist that the Quran calls for the killing of any nonbelievers. She points out that the quran was written in the eighth century and that its time for all Muslims to come into the 21st century. She continues to speak out, even though her life is on the line constantly.




Active Member
DICKHEAD. That's the only word I can think of for you. Trying to turn this into a race thing when the only people it has to do with are the muslims. As I said, I fully expect the support from all none muslims. The sikhs hate the muslims more than we do, so do the blacks. In fact, the black british are responsible for the petrol bombing of mosques in my city. There is war on the streets of my city. You are probably so far removed from reality that all you see is what you watch on the news, maybe while enjoying a curry with your muslim buddies. I put it to you, that you don't really KNOW any muslims. You may talk to the muslim in your local shop, but this doesn't mean you KNOW him. He may smile and say hello, this doesn't mean he is your friend.
The bible states gays should not be married? Do you think this is ok? The Catholic church virtually completely undermines contraception, is that ok? Why should they be tollerant of our culture if we can't be tolerant of their's? Your argument is based on what you see on the news. What the news shows is the muslim community trying to fight back at a nation invading it. You think because "blacks" and sikhs hate muslims we should? Is that even an argument? And for your information I rent with a muslim student and her boyfriend. Not all muslims are as extreme as the next, one does not have to believe everything a book tells them, but can believe some of it. That's why so many people believe in the christian God, but don't abide by every single rule there is to abide by. Its insane to think of the muslim community as barbaric because the people you see on TV are cursing against you. Very few people in Europe like any Americans at all, for example. In fact most find it very difficult to accept American culture, but Europeans are tolerated because we have the same standard of living and a combined army to be scared of. Not to mention our economy is a vital part of yours, and vice versa. You have no evidence to support your argument, neither do I; but at least I am aware there is a possibility that not everyone is the same, regardless of their religion. You're the epitome of ignorance as far as I'm concerned.


New Member
The bible states gays should not be married? Do you think this is ok?

I don't believe in marriage, i am against all religion.

The Catholic church virtually completely undermines contraception, is that ok? Why should they be tollerant of our culture if we can't be tolerant of their's?

And where is this tolerance you speak of?

Your argument is based on what you see on the news. What the news shows is the muslim community trying to fight back at a nation invading it. You think because "blacks" and sikhs hate muslims we should?

I hate muslims, I'm merely pointing out that blacks and sikhs do too to defend myself against your racism comment. My knowledge isn't from the news. I used to live in Handsworth, went to school there, and even ran with a muslim gang. That was about 16-17 years ago, and the muslim kids were being taught hate back then. i remember being told that they actually have a word, or a prayer they MUST say before they kill anyone. I didn't really understand what they were talking about back then, maybe they didn't either. I also went to a junior school in small heath that was predominantly muslim, also a school in sheldon (I was a very disruptive pupil). My experiences are from life. I don't agree with taking much stock in the news, and I also think the war on Iraq was wrong. Saddam would have been a great ally.

Is that even an argument? And for your information I rent with a muslim student and her boyfriend. Not all muslims are as extreme as the next, one does not have to believe everything a book tells them, but can believe some of it.

A true muslim must believe the words of the koran, must adhere to them. You're right, maybe one muslim is not as extreme as the next, but they are extreme all the same. They will protect their muslim brothers. It's like agreeing with the war on Iraq but not actually fighting.

That's why so many people believe in the christian God, but don't abide by every single rule there is to abide by. Its insane to think of the muslim community as barbaric because the people you see on TV are cursing against you. Very few people in Europe like any Americans at all, for example. In fact most find it very difficult to accept American culture, but Europeans are tolerated because we have the same standard of living and a combined army to be scared of. Not to mention our economy is a vital part of yours, and vice versa. You have no evidence to support your argument, neither do I; but at least I am aware there is a possibility that not everyone is the same, regardless of their religion. You're the epitome of ignorance as far as I'm concerned.
Ignorance? This from a guy who thinks I'm an American. I remember YOU Oisin, aren't you from Leicester?


Well-Known Member
if your friend doesn't believe everything in the quran he is not a muslim... true muslims follow the quran and the quran is a book of hate... PERIOD... there is no getting around that no changing that it is fact... the muslim religion needs to be wiped off the face of the earth or changed dramatically... if they keep the quran as their holy book and continue to be so dedicated to their religion and we just let them have their way they will be the ones to destroy the world... maybe you don't understand that Oisin but I do and i'm not willing to die because you are an idiot!!!


New Member
There is only one koran, so a true muslim must have faith in every word written within it. If there is to be such a thing as a moderate muslim they must follow a revised koran, a new testament. If this is to happen the religion of Islam would follow along the lines of the christian faith, it would lose credibility. i honestly believe (from my personal experience with muslims) that any muslim would much rather die than see anything like this happen.


Well-Known Member
ok, let me in on this big secret, how did the fulfilling of several prophesies cause Christianity to lose credibility?

nevermind, it doesn't matter...

anyway, yeah, just pulling the koran out of his ass and then saying it is perfect and can't ever be changed did kind of rain on the "hope for islam to snap out of it" parade...


New Member
anyway, yeah, just pulling the koran out of his ass and then saying it is perfect and can't ever be changed did kind of rain on the "hope for islam to snap out of it" parade...
lol. It is too late now, we need to finish them before they grow further. Pakistan would be the best place to start, maybe we could get India to do it... they're always threatening nuclear war on each other anyway.


New Member
lol. It is too late now, we need to finish them before they grow further. Pakistan would be the best place to start, maybe we could get India to do it... they're always threatening nuclear war on each other anyway.
So Skunk, you see no peaceful solution to the muslim thing, Just annialate them before they annialate us, all muslims are asshole killers, kill them first, And this must include women and kids bacause women can have kids and kids can grow up to be muslims. So, lets start building the Gas Chambers, I am still liking the big grinding room decked out like a disney ride, you go in and the floor drops out and into the grinder they go,(maybe soylent green), at the bottom a metal belt takes them through a blast furnace and then we grind the bones into fertilizer to put on our pot gardens. We could also include dissedents like me, ones that hate the current government, free disney rides for all poor people also, we could boil it down to the Elites and the Christians, But wait, that would mean the atheists would have to go also, Bye-Bye Skunky!


New Member
So Skunk, you see no peaceful solution to the muslim thing, Just annialate them before they annialate us, all muslims are asshole killers, kill them first, And this must include women and kids bacause women can have kids and kids can grow up to be muslims. So, lets start building the Gas Chambers, I am still liking the big grinding room decked out like a disney ride, you go in and the floor drops out and into the grinder they go,(maybe soylent green), at the bottom a metal belt takes them through a blast furnace and then we grind the bones into fertilizer to put on our pot gardens. We could also include dissedents like me, ones that hate the current government, free disney rides for all poor people also, we could boil it down to the Elites and the Christians, But wait, that would mean the atheists would have to go also, Bye-Bye Skunky!
Let's just keep to the muslims. They are a threat. Anyone of us could get blown up, hijacked or kidnapped by these lunatics. Surely the next step in terror is to kidnap a normal citizen in his own country and behead them before putting it on the web. They believe they are winning, and I believe they are too. Differences are fine, healthy even, yet these people will not accept that. We make them sick to the stomach, they hate us with a passion we could never feel, bar of course the murder of a family member for the muslim cause. I don't mind you pc guys, a bit much sometimes but I suppose a bit of whinging is needed to keep the world in order, to help it question it's actions. It is needed in this situation too, only the time for talk has long since passed. They are growing in strength and number with every passing second, their doors are open for anyone that feels segregated from this society in some way. People disillusioned and in search of new answers, people that feel this society has deserted them. This is not about colour or creed, but belief. They believe they have the rights to this earth, their god declares it. They fight with their god as champion... we cannot defeat something like this with words.


New Member
Let's just keep to the muslims. They are a threat. Anyone of us could get blown up, hijacked or kidnapped by these lunatics. Surely the next step in terror is to kidnap a normal citizen in his own country and behead them before putting it on the web. They believe they are winning, and I believe they are too. Differences are fine, healthy even, yet these people will not accept that. We make them sick to the stomach, they hate us with a passion we could never feel, bar of course the murder of a family member for the muslim cause. I don't mind you pc guys, a bit much sometimes but I suppose a bit of whinging is needed to keep the world in order, to help it question it's actions. It is needed in this situation too, only the time for talk has long since passed. They are growing in strength and number with every passing second, their doors are open for anyone that feels segregated from this society in some way. People disillusioned and in search of new answers, people that feel this society has deserted them. This is not about colour or creed, but belief. They believe they have the rights to this earth, their god declares it. They fight with their god as champion... we cannot defeat something like this with words.
As the old saying goes, " you may be too close to the forest to see the trees". I've of course never lived around Muslims, so don't have your first hand interaction. Seeing the situation from afar, I'm sure allows for more of a wide view. If I could empathise with anything it might be the explosion of illegal Mexicans taking over our southwest (and my neighborhood in particular), although they don't advocate the killing of gringos, they are driving down wages and driving up criminal enterprise. I don't see the Mexicans as a world threat, just the threat of overpopulation and the lowering of living standards, everyone of them are related to one another. Their religion (Catholic) prevents the use of contraceptives and their culture promotes large familias, But I feel reasonably safe in the hood. They haven't started with the gang signs yet, I'm sure it's coming.


Well-Known Member
if the UN would have done their job then we wouldn't be in this situation now... but the countries can't come together on what the best intrests for the world are just for their own countries... so those few countries that still feel freedom and democracy are important have to do what needs to be done... as i've said i sympathize for the innocents but we need to get rid of the radicals no matter what... they will destroy us and no government or morals will stop them... if they get the WMD's that they want they will use them!!! there is no argument here they need to be crushed... and as for the illegal immigrants that needs to be stopped also... there was a time when the UK and the US used to stand for something... that time is gone and needs to come back or our countries and civilizations are doomed.... the people are to busy arguing and being led like sheep to see what the real issues are... well i'm not one of those people and i see clearly what is going on with this world... talking and everything is good but only if you are feared only if the threat of imminent violence is there to hold the crazies of the world in check and i agree with skunk we have let this go on to long and these people have no fear in their hearts they don't care about their lives because they feel that by giving their lives they get to move on to a better resting place... as far as i'm concerned those that would kill innocents and themselves for something in another world can rot in hell for all i care!!! if the other muslims and peoples of the middle east truly want change then they need to stand up and fight but by standing to the side and letting other people deal with their problems they are just as bad as the radicals... if we quit now and just think the terroists will stop and calm down and start living peaceful lives then we are all fools and we will die!!! i can't make that any clearer... i don't believe in wiping muslim's off the face of the Earth unless thats what it takes... but if that is what it takes well??? Sorry