Should Trump be impeached?

Should the Dems move to impeach?

  • No, it will divide the country.

    Votes: 6 15.4%
  • Yes, so what if it divides the country, it already is.

    Votes: 33 84.6%

  • Total voters
Trump has a history of “senior moments” where he aimlessly wanders off during his overseas trips, but this is the first that he has been caught nodding and incapable of fulfilling even the simplest presidential function.”

He fell asleep while Queen Elizabeth was speaking at a state banquet FOR HIS FAT USELESS ASS! You would think the beautiful First Ho would pinch him or something. But he’d wake up fussy and wanting a bottle.

I’ll be 70 this year and take a nap any afternoon where I’m expected to stay awake past midnight. I work my ass off physically. From cutting and hauling firewood year round because it is my only heat to tilling the soil as soon as it thaws enough and more. This useless fat fuck has never justified his continued presence on this earth. His fans are as low IQ and low energy as he is.
It an interesting exercise to imagine a news cycle in which the Trumps just decide to not get back on Air Force 1 and pull a Snowden.
I can't keep track of all the pedos and closet queens that are in the GOP, it must be a large percentage.

speaking of all the fucking pedophiles in the GOP, george nader was just arrested for child pornography. before that, he was setting up secret meetings with contract killer erik prince and animal murderer don junior. and posing for photos with this other pedophile

Yeah, I heard they caught him with child bestiality material, how sick is that.
gotta start wondering if all the secret meetings nader had with contract killer erik prince and animal murderer don junior were to exhange child pornography as well as treason against the united states
You know the saying "everything tRUmp touches dies", well more proof that it's true is the oak tree that Macron gave tRUmp and the two planted on the white house grounds last year is dead lol.
Huh, it seemed to have died in quarantine. If only that were true of the first generation of Trumps to come to the new world.

It is very fitting though for a lot of reasons.