Should Women be drafted into military service?

I have no problem with compulsory service to our country. If you live in this country, you are reaping the rewards of those that sacrificed for your freedoms, there is no free ride. If the nation needs you, you should go. We have an election process for electing our leaders & we empower them to take action as necessary. If the Pres says we need to call up the draft to fill our military, so be it, men & women should report for duty, or don't let the door hit you in the ass.....
My opinion comes after having served in the military, during wartime, and am disabled. You still shouldn't have to go fight for any type of bullshit whether "for your country" or not. I would still do my part in the military if it was for a worthy cause, say, defending our country and the privileges we stand for.

But fuck to support any type of corporate interests. Screw the straits of Hormuz; build dependency from oil. Keep the Visa systems open so we tap the genius brains of every other country in the first place and avoid the pre-knowledge age idea and philosophy known as "war" altogether.

At some point we have to grow up and become the next "type of civilization" as defined by Dr. Michio Kaku and Niel DeGrasse Tyson and other intelligent beings who know how to "conscript" people into more useful tools than that of killing machines.

Then again, that is Utopia and a dream. Worth working toward and supporting, unlike any type of "draft." Compulsory constructive civil service would be so much more... constructive? I would still hold every one of you by the nape of your shirt before you went barreling off into hapless tragedy of war and say to you, "Are you sure, friend?"
My opinion comes after having served in the military, during wartime, and am disabled. You still shouldn't have to go fight for any type of bullshit whether "for your country" or not. I would still do my part in the military if it was for a worthy cause, say, defending our country and the privileges we stand for.

But fuck to support any type of corporate interests. Screw the straits of Hormuz; build dependency from oil. Keep the Visa systems open so we tap the genius brains of every other country in the first place and avoid the pre-knowledge age idea and philosophy known as "war" altogether.

At some point we have to grow up and become the next "type of civilization" as defined by Dr. Michio Kaku and Niel DeGrasse Tyson and other intelligent beings who know how to "conscript" people into more useful tools than that of killing machines.

Then again, that is Utopia and a dream. Worth working toward and supporting, unlike any type of "draft." Compulsory constructive civil service would be so much more... constructive? I would still hold every one of you by the nape of your shirt before you went barreling off into hapless tragedy of war and say to you, "Are you sure, friend?"

Sorry that you became disabled during a war. I don't agree though that any person has superior rights to another, thus the act of conscripting somebody against their will, BECOMES the harm.

Consider the is part of the process and of the end.
in that case those men aren't men.

given the choice, i'd prefer not to be in the military being used as a puppet to do the dirty work for people higher up. However if it was mandatory, I'd grit my teeth and bare it and serve my time.

So other people are a higher authority in your life than you ? You will obey something that your conscience KNOWS is wrong?

At the end of the day, you WILL LOAD THE JEWS ON A TRAIN, "but only if it is mandatory" .

The Milgram Experiment called and told you to shock obeyed. Shameful.
So other people are a higher authority in your life than you ? You will obey something that your conscience KNOWS is wrong?

At the end of the day, you WILL LOAD THE JEWS ON A TRAIN, "but only if it is mandatory" .

The Milgram Experiment called and told you to shock obeyed. Shameful.

But you would spend the rest of your life as an outlaw because you didn't follow orders. You would be imprisoned either way. You would be locked up, or shot.
My opinion comes after having served in the military, during wartime, and am disabled. You still shouldn't have to go fight for any type of bullshit whether "for your country" or not. I would still do my part in the military if it was for a worthy cause, say, defending our country and the privileges we stand for.

But fuck to support any type of corporate interests. Screw the straits of Hormuz; build dependency from oil. Keep the Visa systems open so we tap the genius brains of every other country in the first place and avoid the pre-knowledge age idea and philosophy known as "war" altogether.

At some point we have to grow up and become the next "type of civilization" as defined by Dr. Michio Kaku and Niel DeGrasse Tyson and other intelligent beings who know how to "conscript" people into more useful tools than that of killing machines.

Then again, that is Utopia and a dream. Worth working toward and supporting, unlike any type of "draft." Compulsory constructive civil service would be so much more... constructive? I would still hold every one of you by the nape of your shirt before you went barreling off into hapless tragedy of war and say to you, "Are you sure, friend?"
Edit: Welcome home brother, thank you for serving.
Well until "Utopia" is realized, we need a strong military........don't let the door hit you in the ass...
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Well until "Utopia" is realized, we need a strong military........don't let the door hit you in the ass...

That's kind of a messed up thing to say to a disabled vet. :-?

I would think you before anyone would have a little more respect.
That's kind of a messed up thing to say to a disabled vet. :-?

I would think you before anyone would have a little more respect.
Your right, thank you for your service, welcome home. I'm proud of what he did & feel these other "citizens" should serve the same way....
This is an excerpt from an article posted at the Lew Rockwell website today. I bolded the part that makes sense to me.

Should women be forced to register for military servitude and be drafted is the topic of the discussion.

Have at it....


Although the draft ended in 1973, the apparatus of enslavement was never abolished. Within each of the more than 3,100 counties in the United States lurks a Selective Service Soviet composed of five people who would presume to make decisions regarding life or death, freedom or servitude, for every male 26 or younger residing within that jurisdiction.

Seeking to accelerate our descent into unalloyed tyranny, the Pentagon has endorsed the idea that females should be numbered within the human inventory from which the Regime will draw in its next useless, stupid, pointless war. This naturally appeals to the sort of people who believe that any assault on liberty is justified to the extent that it is indiscriminate.

“It may be unpalatable to many to think of their daughters, wives or partners being mobilized,” writes collectivist technocrat Ruth Ben-Ghiat in a sentence that casually assumes that individual human lives are the property of the state to be used as the ruling class sees fit. “In all areas of society, women have embraced the principle that equal rights brings [sic] with it equal duties. In the workplace and beyond, we share responsibilities with men. Selective Service registration should be no different.”

That argument makes perfect sense, once it is rotated one hundred and eighty degrees: Since men, as human beings, are owners of their lives and should not be forced to submit to draft registration, neither should women. That principle is unintelligible to collectivists, who define society as an appendage of the state. This is true not only of left-collectivists but of conservative militarists, as well.

Four decades ago, one of the most insistent arguments offered by opponents of the Equal Rights Amendment was that it would create the legal basis for making women subject to the draft. That prospect inspired horror and outrage during the age of Reagan. When the subject was addressed to Reagan’s would-be heirs at the most recent presidential pander-pageant (events of that kind are usually called “debates”), only Senator Ted Cruz expressed disapproval. This was because he considers it to be “immoral” to “draft our daughters to forcibly bring them into the military and put them in close combat” – not because he objects to the practice of military enslavement on principle. Having expressed an intention to conduct carpet-bombing – or perhaps even nuking — various Middle Eastern countries, Cruz clearly harbors ambitions the fulfillment of which would require an expansion of the military that current recruitment rates would not yield.Left-collectivists love social engineering; right-collectivists adore the military. Conscripting women would be the natural synthesis of this depraved dialectic.
The should be drafted in the Fellatio Platoon
But you would spend the rest of your life as an outlaw because you didn't follow orders. You would be imprisoned either way. You would be locked up, or shot.

As a modern day abolitionist, I recognize that some slaves will continue to hold onto their chains....more people should consider breaking them, it's the right thing to do.

The discussion doesn't have to devolve just because of peoples opinions. There will always be two sides to this coin, as it has been throughout history.

I don't want to make it seem like I was upset or inflamed either, by @doublejj or not. That's the way it is. And in all honesty not one of our true servicemember brothers and sisters wants a thank you for doing our job, protecting our country, and doing what is right. That's why we joined in the first place. To do our part without having to be asked, out of selflessness, not having to be put onto a card and determined by someone who has never been in the military whether or not WE have to go to fight FOR them. Those showboater, gloater, look-what-I-did servicemembers are pieces of shit in the military and out as Veterans. They don't deserve any kind of Kudos. But I don't deserve Kudos either -- because I joined for the cause, not me, not you. For US. For that I can definitely stand behind and get out in front of.

And thank you anyway for those of you who do thank servicemembers because I understand what you are attempting to convey.

Back to the draft issue; the best data can be gathered by those who were in WW1 - wait they are dead. WW2 - wait... they are dead too except for a few. Korea - most of them gone too, and Vietnam... yeah, talk to a few of those old guys and gain some insight. Hell, talk to some Vietnam ground pounder Marines.

Of course, some evil bad people just need killin'. That's precisely why we have Marines.

And doublejj when it comes down to it and we have to hop on the field, I am right there with you -- just 3 steps back and 2 to the right. =) Watch your casings.
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So other people are a higher authority in your life than you ? You will obey something that your conscience KNOWS is wrong?

At the end of the day, you WILL LOAD THE JEWS ON A TRAIN, "but only if it is mandatory" .

The Milgram Experiment called and told you to shock obeyed. Shameful.

AH the Milgram Experiment! I had the opportunity to be a part of this experiment at the University I attended. I did not know about it prior to my psychology lab. When I was told to shock the person the first few times it was fun and funny, but then when they acted like they were being actually painfully shocked, my legit, 100% response when told the third time (Demanded) to shock the person or I would not receive a grade and I told them to: "Go fuck yourselves, what are you Nazis? You're OJT seniors. Better give me my damn grade. I'm not going to shock them again." I am pretty sure everyone else just shocked the hell out of that guy. (Even though you eventually find the guy being shocked was only acting.)

Then again I was a NON TRADITIONAL student who had already served under jackbooted thugs who only cared for their own personal military careers at the expense of their enlisted servicemembers. I got to go to college as a disabled military veteran with alllllll the knowledge, skills, and abilities gained during service. I also got removed from another psychology lab because I determined within the lab what the research was and continually screwed up their experiments.

I am the wrench. I made 100 A for my psychology course and eventually went on to do 300 level courses. Choose to take the path less taken. Choose to ask questions, especially WHY? Don't listen to a person only because of their station or position in life. You wouldn't listen to Kim Jong-Un, just because he is Supreme Leader would you?

...unless you are in NK. =( Different situation, Different story. Nothing to do with Draft.