Should you cut off fan leaves during flower( a simple poll just yea or no please)

Your aim should be to keep every leaf happy from seedling to harvest.

If you remove them the ones that are left doing the most work encounter problems then you lose much more photosynthesis than if a lower shaded leaf begins to yellow or spotting etc.

For especially people new to growing don’t remove any leaves until brown and all crispy. The leaf will be sucking the nutrients out while your media can’t deliver them.

This gives you vital time to correct the issue that is taking place without losing photosynthesis.
I have read long threads on why. And they all make sense. With so many opinions on the subject would just like to see who do and who don’t. Trim fan leaves Also add how long you been growing and if you trim in flower or veg
Leave them on unless damaged by pests, or dead. Been growing for many years and still learning, but firmly believe the leaves are the life source of the plant.
I thinks it’s all personal preference I train plants to provide top buds and shed the rest. My plants will look naked as all get out for a bit first in flower but I do it cause it’s mine and my woman’s smoke (hints the personal preference) I don’t like trimming. Old pic but it’s what I do to em. Since 04-05 been growing indoor

I thinks it’s all personal preference I train plants to provide top buds and shed the rest. My plants will look naked as all get out for a bit first in flower but I do it cause it’s mine and my woman’s smoke (hints the personal preference) I don’t like trimming. Old pic but it’s what I do to em. Since 04-05 been growing indoor

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Whats in the Tupperware
Remove leaves? Of course not! I've been growing cannabis for 48 years.

Like several members have said, if you remove leaves you will stunt the plants growth. Don't remove them until they lose the green color.

Moving leaves "out of the way" is nonsense too. The plant put that leaf there to collect light. You don't put solar panels on your roof, and then cover them with shade cloth! :lol:

This was in the Gardening section of my newspaper today, quoting part of an article by Nan Sterman, a host of PBS A Growing Passion:

"To prune or not to prune? The idea that removing leaves or cutting back branches encourages plants to "put energy into making fruits" is a myth. It takes huge amounts of energy for plants to make flowers and fruits. That energy comes from photosynthesis, which is done by leaves. When you remove leaves, you remove the engine that powers plants to flower and fruit."

Yeah. Once again. This is a grower to grower preference atm. The argument is endless.
I don’t remove leaves. I tuck them under itself.
And if I can’t do anything I wait it out. But I tend not remove anything other than the lower portion of the plant because of watering and sometime my lower shoots tend to wanna be more dominate. But training has pretty much everything to do with how ones plant grows.(leaving environmental and growers factors out)