shout out to sunni

or what?? he gonna send a hit squad? LOL..

yes he is
lol foreal. and i really only need to bond with a female in one way. as soon as i drain it, i'm not interested in picking her mind or talking about second dates. the very beginning of the refractory period is a male's most honest moment
If there was even the remotest chance that Sunni took a shine to you just sank under that pile of shit.
lol foreal. and i really only need to bond with a female in one way. as soon as i drain it, i'm not interested in picking her mind or talking about second dates. the very beginning of the refractory period is a male's most honest moment
I dunno but it sounds like your looking for a hooker to me.
i really just dont give a fuck right now, what my outcome is with any girl that i dont know online. a dating site led to some texts and phone calls, but id rather hit up a girl ive got brief history with, like the one im taking snowboarding.
kuroi fucking said it. you start to question YOURSELF when you haven't had a girl in a while. not long hours, lifestyle or anything else. you look within and go....well fuck, i might just be ugly with nothing going on