Show me that AXE!!!


Active Member

Thats my baby,
Michael Kelly Patriot Premium
Swapped out the EMG 81/85 Active's for seymour Duncan Pearly gate(bridge)
and a Seymour duncan JB in the neck.

This is just a pic from the website, ill get mine up soon.


Well-Known Member
Here's my main guitar

It's a Squier Affinity Strat. I also have a Fender MIM (Mexican made) Telecaster.

And here's an older pic of both my guitars. This is before my Strat had the Salt Lake sticker.



Active Member
that rickenbacker on page one is gorgeous. i have a few guitars will post some pictures later once i get my digi cam back. i got a 79 strat, highway one strat with fender noiseless pickups, a highway one tele with some special tone pots or something in it, and a fender deluxe active jazz bass.


Well-Known Member
I bought a new Squier Strat in 1989, it had Made in America on the peghead. It was black black and white like Tdots. Played it for 12 years then a guy made me an offer I couldn't refuse, still wondering if I let something go I should have kept, but oh well.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I do, but I like to think the dude just took a chance on it being something more than it was. Either way it was a great player with a fast maple board so he got a decent box.


Active Member

Dont get me wrong, I like duncans, But EMG's are the shit.

Most definitely, i still love EMG's they have the best palm mute's and pinch harmonics, but the sound is just so sterile compared to Duncans, no personality. Plus i find duncans have a more treble-y screaming sound, and EMG's are more 'brootal', heavy thick sound. I play lead in most of my bands, so i just prefer that treble, y a digg? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Most definitely, i still love EMG's they have the best palm mute's and pinch harmonics, but the sound is just so sterile compared to Duncans, no personality. Plus i find duncans have a more treble-y screaming sound, and EMG's are more 'brootal', heavy thick sound. I play lead in most of my bands, so i just prefer that treble, y a digg? :blsmoke:
yeah I get were your coming from, I mean, My neck thru Fender has Duncans, but then again i hard
My stage guitar, has Rio Grande's ;)

but my jamming guitar has emg's

And im not sure, because its underneath my roommates bed, but I think my reverse headstock has Duncans.


I honestly have to many guitars :mrgreen:


stays relevant.
I have some pics somewhere of all of my guitars together in one shot from when I was moving in... i'll post it in a little bit... but what I think is most important is to show off what my next guitar purchase will be... mmmmmmmm lordy lordy! check it...

ibanez e-gen...


Hawaiian kind

Well-Known Member
I dig that base!!! I played a ibanez fret less for years. this sucks i dont have any pics of what i have but here's the short list

Nalo Brand Tiple Ukulele
3 other ukulele
new york pro acoustic
hollow body sea gull
fender jazz base 72 looks cool star dust
acoustic base from takamine or some thing like that

well i think thats it but i have a room for music and growing its cool great tunes and great bud.

any one got a good bud song i got a few?


Active Member
I just got done playing a gig...We played a solid show...Man I love giggin...
Best feeling in the world brotha,

my last gig we filled the club, over 170 people. Pretty nice for only being out 5th show. I loved it. Are 'roady' (best friend) broke his nose in the mosh pit,
so he won't be forgetting it anytime soon either, lmao. :grin:


Well-Known Member

  • Neck: Wizard II
  • Neck Material: 3-piece maple
  • Body: Basswood
  • Frets: 24 Jumbo
  • Fingerboard: Bound Rosewood
  • Bridge: Edge III tremolo
  • Neck Pickup: IBZ INF3 (Humbucker)
  • Middle Pickup: IBZ INFS3 (Single Coil)
  • Bridge Pickup: IBZ INF4 (Humbucker)
  • Inlay: Sharktooth
  • Hardware Color: Black

Very nice. I have to put a block of wood underneath some of my Tremolo's when I'm Jamming, because even a little pressure and it sounds like a raised pitch. I couldn't tell but is the neck painted?


if i could give it to you lol


Well-Known Member

  • Neck: Wizard II
  • Neck Material: 3-piece maple
  • Body: Basswood
  • Frets: 24 Jumbo
  • Fingerboard: Bound Rosewood
  • Bridge: Edge III tremolo
  • Neck Pickup: IBZ INF3 (Humbucker)
  • Middle Pickup: IBZ INFS3 (Single Coil)
  • Bridge Pickup: IBZ INF4 (Humbucker)
  • Inlay: Sharktooth
  • Hardware Color: Black

Very nice. I have to put a block of wood underneath some of my Tremolo's when I'm Jamming, because even a little pressure and it sounds like a raised pitch. I couldn't tell but is the neck painted?

no, not painted. :bigjoint: