Show me what you got LST contest.


Well-Known Member
Please do not post in this thread if you have not posted in My show me what you got thread before today. This contest is for the followers of the thread and the voters will also be only from that thread this way i dont have hundreds of entries and votes making it difficult.

So here is the rules.

Plant has to be LST. I do consider scrog,ccob,supper cropping and topping a form of LST.

you MUST be from the LST thread.

Only 1 plant per contestant, you can have more then one pic of the plant though to show a few different angles.

the plant can be from a current or past grow.

no drama or arguing please.

after the first post of a plant the timer starts and you have 24 hours to have you entry in, after the first 24 hours i will choose the top ten and then put them on a poll and then we can all vote for the best we will also have a 24 hour voting period this way it gives time to other who are not alway on at the same time.

if i forgot something in here you think might benefit the contest just pm so we dont clutter the thread, i want the thread mainly pics. you can pot strain,age,lights ect..... with your post of you LST plant.

here is the pic of the pipe. It is a very nice pipe one of my favorites in a long time, it is yellow,very dark blue that is is almost black, and red. it is blown locally here in southern oregon. no cracks,chips or scratches on it. sorry for shitty pics but it was a camera phone as usual.

LETS BEGIN:-P:-P:-P:-P:leaf::leaf::leaf:

i forgot to mention plants will be judged on how even the canopy is, over all health of the plant and how well over all the plant is LST'D


Well-Known Member
Please no posts beside the contestants from the thread. i dont want this thread cluttered, you can browse but please no posting if not from the lst thread.
thank you


Active Member
Here's my entry, my current grow, her name is Mutanta. Bagseed. Grown under a 600hps. She is 9 days into 12/12. I posted about her in the other lst thread a couple days ago :)


she is actually 3 plants in one, a re-veg with 3 main trunks growing from the old one. A real hard one to tame, she might win in the end lol.

Her top and a close up of one side, and a better shot of the canopy. damn shes hungry!


Still got some cleanup to do :)


Well-Known Member
Here's my entry , Medibud from clone. She is a current grow these pics are at Wk 6 and 7 . All LST'd from as soon as she was big enough .Peace:leaf:



Well-Known Member
I will come back and throw up some pics of my Wembley a bit later. She is the easiest one to be able to see the CCOB training done. She just hit day 20 of 12/12 so she is about done stretching. I will just edit them into this post, so I can be in on the first page. ;)


Pyramid: Wembley
48 days veg, 20 days 12/12


las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hey guys i know i'm more of a lurker but ive got an entry :)

My previous round, grow number 4 :) Finished December 2010 ------------ 76 days 12.12 ---------- 7 week veg

Lemon Haze clone gifted so not 100% on genetics but fairly sure its the Super Lemon Haze from GHS :)

thanks ladies and gents, the picture was just before harvest :)

edit -

just before 12.12 :)


Well-Known Member
tommarow at 11.53 am is the end of being able to post pics, if your late i understand in all and will still allow yours if you dont have a pc

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Thanx man!but pc or no pc, ill play by same rules bro. 11:53 cutoff time. I think im post bout 1030. Should make it.ur a helva person mcburp, i mean mcpurp! Honest mistake! Made me laugh,so i left it!!! No offense brutha!