Show off your blz-bud!!!plz "blz" only!

On a scale of 1-10 (10) being tops What do you think of (BLZ) ?

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Well-Known Member
got any new pics?

the bud looked really good. i can handle one or two seeds. i hate to have to, but if the bud is good it's sometimes worth it.
Hey hows it going FDD i was just thinking about dropping in on your seed thread i dont know if i did but thanks for all the info again your a good and honest man even if your news is like a message from the grim reeper,lmao just kiddin but yeah the damage is not so bad i dont know if there are degree's to herminations but im just glad that mine dont seem to be as bad as some of the others ive seen, here are a couple of pic's i took from i think saturday or friday not sure...




Well-Known Member
sometimes you get one or two male pods, sometimes you get 1000's. there are different degrees of hermyism. :wink


Well-Known Member
sometimes you get one or two male pods, sometimes you get 1000's. there are different degrees of hermyism. :wink
Thanks for the info sometimes you try to ask a question and it just never come out right thats what ive been trying to ask for this whole time because i seen some jacked up plants that hermied and i was devistated lol..I bet you never been compared to the grim reaper before lol..


Well-Known Member
ok so the damm sight mixed my pic's up again so here we go.....1-2) random bud shot,pic 3) total second harvest pic..4) first harvest pic's BLZ finished early i gues do to seeds/hermie etc but all hairs started to go dark so i chopped it this is the one i'll give smoke report on in a minute!5) total second harvest...6)BLZ BUD the good looking one..7) WW harvest:cool:random bud shot..9) BLZ BUD's....10)random bud shot..

Now that we have that out the way lets start with the unoffical smoke report,since i have not let it cure yet, this smoke report will be baically about potency and smell...First of all let me say dispite the trouble with this grow, if you are thinking of growing this BLZ strain do it soon, in my opinion it is going to live up to every bit of hype that comes with it. This smoke is very very strong indeed,im sure as it is now, it is not at it's best until final cure but it is to me and my peeps, definately couch lock stone type of high powerful..The only issue my wife had with it, is that the smoke is very heavy and not all tuity fruity like she likes her smoke, i dont mind the lack of fruitiness but be warned it has that raw NYD taste to it not much like an indica, yet you can definately taste the strong Haze influence in it along with the G13. So if you are looking for beautiful taste above all you may want to go another route, but if it's a true stone your after then you are in the right place my friend. I like a good social smoke at times myself and this is not one of them, after a couple of grams we turned into cynder blocks we did'nt even realize our cd had stopped playing and was skipping..The last one i cut down was really sticky and resin filled, unlike the one i smoked so i cant wait for the dry and cure to finish up and i'll give another report on that and see if the tase is any different .Oh yes by the way it does'nt smell like anything ive smelled before when cutting it down it reeked sort of like sour diesel, as you see the theme i keep coming back to the diesel strain for some reason but thats what it reminds me of just much more potent and heavy hitting....Hey thanks for listening and to all of you that want to try i say go for it you'lll be glad you did if done right..Peace

I'll post some better pic's after they dry..


Well-Known Member
dont pay any attention to the first part of this header all the pic's were not added to this journal yet they are on my other journal of the grow itself..all these pics are the BLX BUD though..Peace


New Member
ive been all over the net now looking for somone to agree with me that the blz bud when finished looks so bad, ive done 3 seperate growsnow all with dense but the ugliest darkest green ive ever seen n a bud, even after cure there was no loss of the dark dark green, and the smell is so shit !

i have to agree with most and say i enjoy the high ! but alot of people are blowing this out of porprtion, and all ive seen is ppl putting BLZ on the tallest peddlestool ive ever seen in my life ?

thats why im on the look out for anyone else claiming blz is simply just not as good as all these so called bloggers are saying, im actually starting to think all these posts pro BLZ bud were written by the man who created the strain or seedism, but i know seedism is reputable mostly !!!