showing of my girls Proud mother lol ;)


the girls 006.jpgthe girls 037.jpgthe girls 025.jpgthe girls 018.jpg Hiya Guys ... Still abit worried about the finally outrcome but so far my 2 girls are looking fantastic and making me very proud im new to growing infact this is my first ! and im only using natural sun light ... tell me what u think please ,,,,, eager for ur growing knowludge .......... ????


Well-Known Member
Ur plants are looking good, for natural light they look small but very healthy which is more important, did you use nutes if so flush soon.


Ive just bin using a cap full ov babyboi when they look and fill dry befor i put them to bed lol ..... i think there in there 5th week when do u sugest flushing ???


well depending on the weather 'being in the uk what can u expect' lol i try to give them the full 12/12 they come out at 8 in the morning and go in at 8 at nyt . ....