showing sex beefore 12/12


Active Member
Hi :peace:

Have any of you fellow growers, experienced your plant

showing their sex before 12/12.

I'm on 17/7 and they are going into 12/12 tonight

They are 5 weeks old 18 inches. The last week I noticed hairs , and now they are really noticable.

I have 3 plants like that ( n/l x shiva ) all female.

Thanks everyone :blsmoke:


yes, they are pre-flowers...pistillate or staminate primordium, you saw hairs so pistillate.This is totally normal and a sign of maturity....congrats on the females


Well-Known Member
I was always told to put them through 24hours of darkness before turning on 12/12.

Mind you, this was a group of local growers I know. It may just be something that they do.


Well-Known Member
Yes they show sex via preflowers. Use a maginfying glass to get a real good look at these. For some awesome pics go to FAQ and then click on sexing. I believe that preflowers are one of the catagories that comes up. There should actually be several to choose from and they include some great pics to help you tell the difference. I mean these pics are close ups and in great detail. This is a difficult subject but once you get it down it becomes easier.


Active Member
I got 9 outta 9 females from bag seed, GOO ME, 4 of the 9 showed sex 2 weeks before i induced flowering, good genes? I THINK SO!