showing sex?


Active Member
just a update:
my plants started to all go over 1ft around 15" so today they start there 12/12. i was trying to keep them small in hight. lets hope for some ladies :)
lost a fan leaf moving this 1 but she looks fine and i dont see a problem from it yet


Active Member
Now seeing im in roots organic 707 and didnt feed at all but 1 dose of mollassis in veg when should i start adding some bloom organics?i never fed them cause i didnt see a need to and didnt want to burn any. they stayed green showed decent growth so i let them grow.


Active Member
going to watch this for a few days and try and get a better pic. looking lady like to me so far


Active Member
here is a group shot just to update.
Its to bad i had to flip them so soon but for my first real grow they are doing ok. What do you guys think so far. 4wks 18/6 veg and just flipped to 12/12