Showing sex


Well-Known Member
LMAO dude hes gonna clog your toliet. they work only by a cyphion with no motor..well most toliets

just throw him in trash or outside away from ur cribbo if you dont have a safe spot in a bush
SHUT THE FUCK UP. You don't have to go around telling people how things work. God you need help.

BTW, WTF is syphion?

You mean siphon?


New Member
21 and shut up shim that's an invalid statement In itself. I'm not starting in here so you can argue with me. its like you're a women attracted to arguments. see ya later


Well-Known Member
I understand wanting to help people, but if you ill-advised me about a crop and I killed it, I'd find you bmeat :)
Oh yea, nothing wrong with helping. Don't go helping someone when you yourself doesn't have a clue. That's why he's pissed off so many here and he can't comprehend that.


wow things happen fast on here, Ive only been on a short bit, I was just looking for pointers on what to look for in girls, what I knew for sure were boys..
so can a knowledgeable individual help me please, they are on 12/12 8 days in. This is a critical time for them in that regard, and I am knew to this :) Thanks alot!!


Get some pics up and lets see :)
2013-01-24 19-20-36.180.jpg2013-01-24 19-21-51.009.jpg2013-01-24 19-22-27.267.jpglike i said its on 12/12, 7 days in yesterday, the only one that looks like this, the others arent showing anything like those from what I see pods, I pulled this one out when i saw it the day before yesterday, and have it in iso, same light, didnt want to risk any pollination for the ones that dont have any signs like this, im going to say that those pods are the dreaded seeds that say boy? Am i wrong? Thanks for the quick reply


um, yes, as i stated what i thought it was in post number 14 of this thread, and you replied the same thing, then,
I am ''pretty sure'' its a boy also.


im a missy lol, and yes, they dont have anything like this so hopefully it stays that way, like i said i have this bastard far far away from them :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry "mam" lol...shoot a pic of one of your other plants, if this one showed already...your other ones probably are too.Any hairs on them?