Showing sex


Well-Known Member
Too small as of right now to produce any pollen as well, so don't worry about females in the room.
I'll try to explain this in a manner in which you would explain something...
Cannabis plants, just like polar bears, need to mature their genitalia for others of the opposite sex to show any interest.
So maybe you can have some luck by cutting off those tiny neeners there and see if they change sex afterwards!
IDK, with all the hairs too, it might be a hermie.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh his little coinnnpurrsse *stewey griffin voice* Funny shit. Bmeat your fucked, microwave that gram harvest and get'er done with. If you want instructions on how to go from live plant to smoking a dry bowl I can help you, I'm serious. If you do this I will give 3 magic tips on growing that will blow your mind dude.


im gone 5 minutes trying to find a cricut machine i can afford and all this insues :)
meat, shift the convo back to the subject at hand, which is why we in a forum on a site like this, k?


Well-Known Member
What did he write bakatare? An yeah he's probably corner jerkin it but thats his buisness lol
I don't remember, but when I saw it, I clicked it to save for a quote, and the system was busy with him deleting it.......
Something about the 'immature nutsac' from a few pages back.


Well-Known Member
These damn forums never stay on topic...a stoners mind wanders to much to stay on pauly perette, but thats worth lookin at lol and you do look a bit like her jinx...take a pic like she did for 100% confirmation haha


thirsty as hell!! ^^

alright im turning in guys! jynx, make a thread so we can post in there. you made a journal, but we cant really communicate and help much in there. either make one in newbie central, or
why do you care if i make a thread to communicare or help, is because you are here being a jerkoff, what makes you think i want you up in my own thread? I dont care about anything you have to say, because you have nothing to say. decipate will ya?


Well-Known Member
OK, enough screwing around.
Tomorrow, you're gonna be serious and no B.S. again, right?;-)
Don't count on it man, just cut the leash and add those quotes back! Maybe add this one in:
i was told in biology today that humans and bananas
share 80% of the same genes, probably becuase of how much of them we ate
as primates
And definitely this one:

if youre fit your soft tissues get
memory of it, and pass it down to your next generation. peoples whos
ansestors swam a lot have skinner noses, and more webbing in their hands.
blacks peoples skin doesnt age as fast and is stronger becuase it had to
develop more collagen for the sun.
their hair is tougher too, but the sun crisped it up so that trait
gets passed down. their eyes are darker to protect from the sun better,
a darker color absorbed more like..(which i dont understand but w.e.)
polar bears were normal colored bears till a few migrated and changed
their color to the color of ice, and their air capacity changed.

you get it. if our past humans trained holding their breath,
we have the potentional to hold our breath longer.
all these traits are a form of training or adapting to the enviornment.
evolution in progress. if you add more hermans to the gene pool,
then more will become that. birds are de evolved dinosuars,
that escaped the destruction becuase they could fly away and find some
food every week
Wait so bmeat... You mean to tell me that if I get super buff, my kids will be born with six packs and chests bigger than their head?!


Well-Known Member
why do you care if i make a thread to communicare or help, is because you are here being a jerkoff, what makes you think i want you up in my own thread? I dont care about anything you have to say, because you have nothing to say. decipate will ya?
Jinx, there is no sense in reasoning with this kid. You wouldn't give advice to a brick wall would you? He's a lost hope, let's just leave him be with his hermed out neeners