You want a fan on them.
anyway, heres what to do-get you some fox farm ocean forest or happy frog soil,or if you cant find or afford that get an organic soil of some sort, get a cheap bag of pearlite, Mix it so its 75% soil 25% pearlite. Go and get a pack of styrafoam dixie cups(its what i always use), and a pack of 3-5 gallon grow bags or pots. Start your plant in the cup, just stick the seed in the soil water a bit, cover the now wet more compact soil with dry soil and water it a little bit so that soil is wet too. Put it under your lights for 24/0 for approx 3-5 weeks(you can veg longer if you want, im saying wait at least till its mature) till it starts showing preflowers and alternating nodes, a sign of maturity.During that time- Water when the soil is dry, tell when that is by the lift method. After about a week and a half-2 weeks into the grow transplant to your larger container. you wont need to add nutes for a while still since you just moved it into all that fresh soil. at 4-5 weeks into the grow you can start feeding, fox farm and advanced nutrients both have good lineups. start slowly with veg nutes and......i'll get to the rest later, lol, im feeling tired now.