Showing u my new baby so u can give me tips

newb weed grower

Active Member
DSCF0104.jpgwell this is my baby and its about a 5 days in and it looks great very green and its stem started out very strong it is in a room of 83 degrees and it gets waters daily


Well-Known Member
First don't water daily, about every 3-4 days. Next what food are you using and if you are using food I would use it at half strength for about the first two to three weeks. What type of light are you using?

newb weed grower

Active Member
well its jst a fleaurecent bulb 40 watt but im not feeding it at all yet i dont wanna do what i did last time with a baby gave it mg and it died
but i play on buying somegood fox farms soil when its older not yet tho i want it to have a bit of time i was way too impatient last time i wanna get this one right

newb weed grower

Active Member
im srry for this tragic update but this morning i got up and it was destroyed throots were even burned by such a small amout of mg it was less then 10 percent and its roots were white
and its stem was amazingly weak
it was a huge dissapointment but i have more seeds and will have one on soon an this time ill use no food and ill be watering every 2 to 3 days
this is quite sad and the only reason i dont hav a pic is because its too fuzzy my camera bites plz wish me luck on my third attempt at growing this wonderfully difficult plant


Well-Known Member
im srry for this tragic update but this morning i got up and it was destroyed throots were even burned by such a small amout of mg it was less then 10 percent and its roots were white
and its stem was amazingly weak
it was a huge dissapointment but i have more seeds and will have one on soon an this time ill use no food and ill be watering every 2 to 3 days
this is quite sad and the only reason i dont hav a pic is because its too fuzzy my camera bites plz wish me luck on my third attempt at growing this wonderfully difficult plant
you fed it way way way too early again bro. you shouldnt start feeding till about the 3rd week. you are overwatering too btw. how far from the plant had u been keeping the light? You also never answered my question of if you have a fan on them or not.

newb weed grower

Active Member
umm i have no fan on them no but i can put one on them its just kinda small
and yah i think feeding them is killing them like u saidf and ive been topld that
i cant say that im happy that i messed up in the first place but having u guys too right me is awsome
i really wish that this was as easy as growing a normal plant
but its definitely not
when my next batch happens can u walk me through it i think u can help me get my first complete grow down then ill be ok u know


Well-Known Member
..It really is as easy, if not easier to grow a cannabis plant than a house plant..You dont need any food at all period

Water, Air, Light is all you need

Nutes will certainly improve everything but can easily be grown without


Well-Known Member
You want a fan on them.
anyway, heres what to do-get you some fox farm ocean forest or happy frog soil,or if you cant find or afford that get an organic soil of some sort, get a cheap bag of pearlite, Mix it so its 75% soil 25% pearlite. Go and get a pack of styrafoam dixie cups(its what i always use), and a pack of 3-5 gallon grow bags or pots. Start your plant in the cup, just stick the seed in the soil water a bit, cover the now wet more compact soil with dry soil and water it a little bit so that soil is wet too. Put it under your lights for 24/0 for approx 3-5 weeks(you can veg longer if you want, im saying wait at least till its mature) till it starts showing preflowers and alternating nodes, a sign of maturity.During that time- Water when the soil is dry, tell when that is by the lift method. After about a week and a half-2 weeks into the grow transplant to your larger container. you wont need to add nutes for a while still since you just moved it into all that fresh soil. at 4-5 weeks into the grow you can start feeding, fox farm and advanced nutrients both have good lineups. start slowly with veg nutes and......i'll get to the rest later, lol, im feeling tired now.

newb weed grower

Active Member
i apprecate ur help u rock im preparing my seeds right now theyve been in fo maybe 2 days there not done germinatting but i exspect they will be soon
and then ill start in a styofoam cup im so happy soon ill have grown my very first plant
with the help of super kitty u rock


Well-Known Member
part 2- when you switch to flowering after the first 2 weeks or so when they go through the stretch phase of flowering where they double to triple in size uses alot of nitrogen so you'll want to use a veg fert till then, or do every other feeding with flower nutes. Once you are past that phase give flowering nutes only for a while, at about week 4-5 I'll give another veg dose of nutes to prevent all the big fan leaves that are critical for the plants energy making from getting nitrogen def. and dying off way to early. you want to keep them as healthy as possible so they stick around making energy for as long as possible. Do not freak out later on when they do die though, its inevitable, the plant will take the energy and that from all the leaves and put it into the buds the last few weeks of flowering, thats why your buds gain most of their mass during the last 2 weeks. When your about a week or two from your harvest you want to stop using nutrients and switch to just unsulphured blackstrap mollasses only. I think i forgot to mention to use it in addition to your nutes early on. It helps the microbacteria in the soil that through its digestion process takes things the plant cant easily(or at all with some of the things) absorb into easy to absorb. It also contains trace nutrients and a very tiny bit of other organic nutrients. When you determine when to harvest you want to look for 2 things, what color the trichomes are and does it have the *done* look to it. I'll post an example pic from fdds harvest tutorial so you can see what i mean by the done look. Thc is destroyed by light, so I like to give it 24 hrs of dark before harvest so it has plenty of time to replenish its thc levels and has no light to degrade it yet so its at its peak.

newb weed grower

Active Member
Wow period thats alot of info im copying it now
also i love the tip about not giving it light for 24 hours at the end before hearvest
if u dont mind how long have u been growing canabis and if possible can u show me a pic of a plant of urs
even if its just a baby i would love to see it
and follow it on its way to maturity
also i knew about the bottom leaves falling off close too the end
but wow u know alot about this plant i mean u know its chemical make up and everything im impressed
i dont think ive seen anyone with this much knowledge about it
thank u for taking the time to tell me all this usefull knowledge i appreciate it'