Shroom Warrior

Just smoked a joint of Sweet Dreams and I'm about to leave and scoop an eighth of shrooms :D First time taking them and I figured I'd fill Roll It Up on the trip I'm about to experience :) If anyone has any advice or words of wisdom, by all means, please inform me! I want this to be an amazing artsy experience, so I'm open to suggestions.

So stoked! :-o
I'd be more than happy to share, man :( Hahah

3 grams down the hatch via peanutbutter and shroom sammich. Off we go...
About to play some Super Smash Bros. Brawl, hahahah


Well-Known Member
I'd be more than happy to share, man :( Hahah

3 grams down the hatch via peanutbutter and shroom sammich. Off we go...
About to play some Super Smash Bros. Brawl, hahahah
omg! yesssssss
I love playing old school games on shrooms!
Keep us updated ;)
Woah. Played Brawl for the first hour and thought I was tripping. We stop playing and start talking, and are in the middle of an amazing conversation and I'm just being overswept with tripping.

Woahhhh. I can't describe what this is like hahahah. It's great :D And yeah. It's only been like an hour and a half and I'm stoked for the sun to come up hahah.

By the way, the strain was Penis Envy, so uhm. Yeah, anyone ever tried it? hahah


Well-Known Member
Glad you had a good time, the first trip is always the best btw...
I have only tripped on shrooms twice first was amazing the second was the most horrible trip i have ever had on a substance.

The shrooms hit me when i was taking a bath with my fiance, we both did a few grams before and where feeling fine until i felt the water rush around me :(
i like lsd more because its more smooth and takes you into another dimension, Shrooms feel more like an epic journey, sometimes the story line goes horribly wrong though xD


Well-Known Member

im surprised you are handling 3 grams of penis envys for your first time!

im an super glad you are enjoying your trip so far.
cant wait to hear the rest of your trip
I'm really horrible at keeping up to date with this, haha. But better late than never!

So I'll try and replay what happened the night I ate those mindblowing mushrooms...

From the moment I first started to feel the shrooms to the last post I had made, the trip was amazing. I was overwhelmed with just this amazing and sensational feeling. I was laughing from just about anything and felt higher than I had ever been before. I was assuming at this point in time that this is what shrooms were like. I was satisfied with how I was feeling. Little did I know that the peak had yet to arrive.

After about an hour and thirty minutes of me ingesting the shrooms, my friends and I decided to put in the movie Monkey Bones. I remember laughing so hard at some of the really trippy parts in the beginning, if anyone has seen it. We were about thirty minutes into the movie when I just started getting really freaked out. I started to panic for no reason really and continually said, "We should turn off this movie... We should really turn off this movie.." until they turned it off. I began to feel overwhelming and realized just how fucked up I really was. It was like I suddenly became aware of all of the effects and feelings I was going through. For about ten minutes I broke out into a heavy sweat. My friends grabbed a towel and an ice pack (wtf? lol) It was so crazy going through this all hahah, I kept asking them if I was actually sweating. My body felt as if it were melting away and the more I tried to think rationally, the more I fell into whatever hole it was I fell into.

After the intense sweat, I would like to think that I had some out of body experiences.. Mainly because I don't recall a single thing for a little bit. My mind, or soul if you will, felt seperated from my bodies physical existence. I would snap back to reality out of nowhere and just look around at the room. Proportions would be completely out of whack. My friend would look incredibly large in comparison to the "small" wall behind him. The ceiling looked like it was right in front of my face. Things would feel and seem incredible for a while and suddenly transition into something so unreal. My friends would keep asking me how I felt or what I was feeling. For a good thirty minutes I couldn't say a thing, haha. I would just look at them and become aggrivated at the fact that we couldn't just talk telepathically.

I tried biting into a pizza roll and instantly spit it out, haha. I couldn't eat anything, it just didn't feel right. Anytime I would rub my eyes or drink something I would start to feel a rippling effect. There would be points where time seemed to not even exist. My friend said I made the reference, "It's like Mario ate a really crazy mushroom." whenever we were talking. We started to play Brawl again and I was so horrible. I would look at my character and wonder why it was jumping off of the stage. Everything had a crazy looking multicolored afterimage on the tv screen. My friends leg looked like it was constantly being moved. Whenever I looked into my own eyes in the mirror, I just became lost in my own eyes. The pupil thing was amazing to me. But near the end of my trip, I managed to pack a bowl, head out to the balcony, and smoke while watching the sun rise. It was one of the most serene times in my life.

It feels like so much happened whenever I took shrooms, hah. I wish I could somehow get it all out, but I'm sure you all understand :) I just wanted to at least follow up because I really appreciated you guys posting haha. Life felt beautiful after the trip had ended. I haven't tried them again since then, but I'm really excited to give them a second go. The first was such an experience in both ends of the spectrum of good and bad trips, haha.


Active Member
How was your come down while you were watching the sun? My friend who didn't smoke on shrooms just said it stopped. I smoked and my come down was packed with emotion.


i had a couple shroom candies a week ago, 1.5 grams each. it was a super intense trip, took maybe 20 minutes before i started tripping and once i peaked i had some awesome visuals. while i was coming down it took me 20 minutes to roll a blunt, me and my buddies smoked, and my come down was super emotional man. sorta having some relationship probs at the time and man i almost broke out into tears thinking about things. it was crazy, but best trip ever.


Well-Known Member
i had a couple shroom candies a week ago, 1.5 grams each. it was a super intense trip, took maybe 20 minutes before i started tripping and once i peaked i had some awesome visuals. while i was coming down it took me 20 minutes to roll a blunt, me and my buddies smoked, and my come down was super emotional man. sorta having some relationship probs at the time and man i almost broke out into tears thinking about things. it was crazy, but best trip ever.
Mushrooms tend to ravish humans emotions like no other psychedelic out there... although, I suppose thats why mushrooms are rendered as true entheogens. But I do wonder why the first 2 hours of a mushroom trip is highly visual as the other 2 hrs consist of a highly analytical, emotional rollercoaster ride?


Active Member
Mushrooms tend to ravish humans emotions like no other psychedelic out there... although, I suppose thats why mushrooms are rendered as true entheogens. But I do wonder why the first 2 hours of a mushroom trip is highly visual as the other 2 hrs consist of a highly analytical, emotional rollercoaster ride?
We should do studies and get paid by the government =P


Well-Known Member
these are my favorite parts...

For a good thirty minutes I couldn't say a thing, haha. I would just look at them and become aggrivated at the fact that we couldn't just talk telepathically.
But near the end of my trip, I managed to pack a bowl, head out to the balcony, and smoke while watching the sun rise. It was one of the most serene times in my life.
your report has made me happy.

I am GLAD you had such an experience.
intense trips are the most memorable ones.

maybe next time take a little bit lighter dose?

welcome to the beautiful journey...