Long story, but pretty much comes down to where and when was the first time anything about the silk road was ever posted online anywhere?

It was on the shroomery. Dred had just created the silk road, but what does someone do when they've created this marketplace and no one knows about it?

He went on the shroomery posing as a prospective buyer posting something like" hey guys, I just heard about this darkweb marketplace called the silk road. It lets you buy and sell drugs anonymously with bitcoin, ever heard of it"

When the feds were looking to bust him, one thing they did is go in reverse chronological order to see who first posted anything about the silk road. It was obviously by him, on the shroomery.

When he made that post he did so without using tor/a vpn, so they had his real ip.

The feds used his handle on shroomery "altoid" to see someone with an identical name also posted elsewhere looking to hire an IT specialists, although not illegal, it was linked to his gmail.

The first and only time he mentioned the silk road or drugs, when not anonymous was on the shroomery.
GTFO w/ that bullshit
I recently got interested in shrooms and registered there. Any other good shroom sites? I went to myco-tek and it looks pretty dead. A couple others I went to looked like ghost towns. Was the Shroomery the flagship site for shrooms, or what?

Shroomery is back up
It’s definitely not what it used to be..
I remember them having the chat room, that was great.. you would get a very fast response to a question.. lots of joking around too. They look it down though due to needling additional funding for that though..
Shroomery was the place where I learned everything.. way back before the 20 teens.. i dont even know if readit was around back then.. maybe so. I know its not what it used to be and yes i know that readit has some good mycology info especially with a lot of the new teks but back in the day shroomery was the place to go to if you were looking into producing a shroom or two...
One things for sure though.. shroomery isnt what it once was... so no bashing on my part but if your old enough you gotta hand it to shroomery for having such good info.
The 5 dollar lets grow mushrooms videos are priceless...sgows you a lot for 5 bucks plus you get to download and share them..;5
Couldn't be bothered to post, I registered, read the dumpster fire that it is, and went to reddit like anyone who's serious about Mycology. But I suppose since you're all butt hurt about my opinion I assume you're a shroomery fuck boy and my comment hurt ur feel bads... that place blows man , find a real place to learn and share.

O you u got me now ...u sure did.... you feel better now ?
It’s bit about “feeling better”. It’s about teaching you don’t throw stones in a glass house. I’m an asshole idiot and don’t pretend to be anything but that.
Couldn't be bothered to post, I registered, read the dumpster fire that it is, and went to reddit like anyone who's serious about Mycology
Thanks - this is the funniest thing I’ve read in days!
Especially the part where you didn’t read the site until after you registered...oh, and the Reddit part (you *serious* mycologist, you!)
Thanks - this is the funniest thing I’ve read in days!
Especially the part where you didn’t read the site until after you registered...oh, and the Reddit part (you *serious* mycologist, you!)
Show me a pic of ur mushrooms ..... shroomery is 99% psychedelics, and thus limited to people who only grow with them.. find a real sub on reddit and you could really learn something. Shroomery is antiquated and the majority of people there are know it all assholes with smart ass remarks . Do you really wonder why it's fallen off so much in the past so years with that type of user being the majority.

I stand by my statement, if you really wanna learn about Mycology go to reddit & shroomery fucking blows
Shroomery was the place where I learned everything.. way back before the 20 teens.. i dont even know if readit was around back then.. maybe so. I know its not what it used to be and yes i know that readit has some good mycology info especially with a lot of the new teks but back in the day shroomery was the place to go to if you were looking into producing a shroom or two...
One things for sure though.. shroomery isnt what it once was... so no bashing on my part but if your old enough you gotta hand it to shroomery for having such good info.
I will tip my hat to this comment , they WERE where it was at way back in the day.
LOL, talk about going off the handle. Do you even know what Mycology is, moron? You are probably some hack cultivator with a small dick and a massive ego. Is that you Willy Myco? Ma se Poes!
You're account is less than a month old , You have 17 messages here and every one is some smart assed comment towards someone. You're opinion is less than nothing and your not even worth a retort lol
I read that dude made a mistake in the beginning when coding everything him self and somehow left his real gmail account linked never heard about shroomery doxing anyone. Not saying it didn't happen

Be cool son
That's the creator of AlphaBay, not Silk Road, that you're thinking of.
If you can’t grow/aren’t willing to learn, the Tribe will quickly outcast you. But wealth if information on the shroomery. Can’t beat it.