Shrooming in Florida


Active Member
I've been doing some research lately and have decided I'd like to take shrooms, but I don't know precisely where to look. I'm in the Melbourne area, so where in the Space Coast area do you think I could go without being shot/arrested? Does anyone even live near the area? If not, does anyone know if Davenport is still a good place to look? I used to live over there and my mom said ten years ago there were shrooms everywhere.


Active Member
Im down in sw florida and all you really have to do is find a pasture with cows on it. Try to find one thats not too close to a road. Then all you got to do is look around for cow shit lol.


Active Member
That's what I thought, but it's hard to find land that isn't owned around my area. Sucks, cause my friends dad used to hunt on some property that would be perfect, but it's private and he sold the key.


Active Member
Just look around man. In my experience of shrooming for some reason i always found them in cow shit thats surrounded by woods. I just check the worst place the two mass producing feilds i know of by me, 1. is in a the woods and the whole thing is a goddamn spider den 2. is in a cops back yard but not so much woods or spiders.

just be careful and if you do go in a woodsy spot with shit, go in the morning where its just getting day light that way you dont get fucked by spiders=P


Active Member
Ugh...spiders? I wish I knew some cow pastures or better yet, knew someone who owned one.


Well-Known Member
go one hour after the sun rises on a humid morning - the morning after some rain.

remember - flick it before you pick it!

Oh, and dont bring a bag or anything, just hold them in your hand or in your hat or something...