now that i have experience with shrooms i personally like to do them solo...usually when doing them with other people someone has a bad trip or acts a fool, and that shit puts me off. Just doing something as simple as going outside can be like walking on the moon, Its just always an adventure. and i dont need some cornhole telling me what he's feeling every 5 seconds.
I've experimented will a shitload of drugs and I've always done them the first few times at home by myself.
Too many people out there that don't respect drugs for what they are, and they like to get a laugh when someone tries something for the first time. Which can just lead to a bad high/trip and ruin it, or worst case it will turn people off drugs completely and give them the wrong idea of what they are really all about.
The only way to enjoy more intense drugs with other people, is if the people you're doing them with know how to treat them properly.
None of them are here just so people can get fucked up and act like idiots, you have to open up your mind to it.
Respect the drug and the drug will respect you.