Shrooms... are they bad for you?


My boyfriend is going to give me shrooms this weekend... I really want to try them, but... Is it like poisoning yourself? Am I in danger of permanant damage? I would look it up, but I try to keep my illegal substance searches to a minimum... Anyway, thanx...:peace:


Active Member
Psilocybin is the active alkaloid in mushrooms... it is considered by some to be a type of food poisoning, but thats just because it makes you trip out... There is no real health dangers in eating small amounts... they have been used religiously and recreationally for a VERY LONG TIME... Make sure your not taking any MAOIs when you eat them, this could greatly intensify the experience and lead to a very unpleasent time... Make a tea or eat them with something crunchy like chips if you cant handle the taste... Some people take ginger also for help with possible nausea... Make sure your night is free of obligations and already planned out... Dont take them and then go looking for something to do... you might get lost, haha. Its best to just turn your phone off and just be in nature where you wont be bothered... Always start small, you can always take more if you need it... BE SAFE and HAVE FUN! Mushrooms are a beautiful thing...


Well-Known Member
Taste one, if you don't mind the taste then you might as well do the same to the rest, haha.

If you don't like the taste, make a thick soup you can gulp down at once. Grind shrooms, put in pan of simmering (not boiling) water and allow the water to evaporate off. It'll reduce down to a paste so it's easier to consume. Have fun, that's what shrooms are for :-P


you'll be fine sweety my friends grow em and chopem up and put them in chocolate molds
they are awsome i ate four of em an then my buddy told me their was an eighth in each one
needless to say that was a fun night at the wannee festival lol


Well-Known Member
you'll b alright chica.. just go into the experience wit a positive and open mind .. and you'll love it


Well-Known Member
They are fun, I would highly recomend isolating you and whoever is doing it with you from people who are not doing excluding maybe a babysitter.

Me, my lady and a buddy were tripping for my birthday and my step mom and sister showed up... ugh.


Well-Known Member
psilocybin is poisonous to the human body. that is why you trip.
mushrooms are enlightening, but they will turn on you after a while. i can't eat them without ending up in the fetal position on the floor with tears streaming down my face. usually i end up calling my mom and crying to her about how my life is in shambles and how much i miss her.
this stemmed from a lot of use though. i was growing them and had way too many for my own good. after a minute you have to upgrade to acid and then on to dmt.

more power to you.

Dr Widebody

You'll be fine. If you are really nervous about them, then dont do them. It will make you have a bad time. If you are just gonna be chillin out somewhere you'll be ok. Last time i ate mushrooms i played Call of Duty 4 and listened to the new Radiohead album at the same time. Seemed like such chaos going on in call of duty (War game) but then the most beautiful music ive ever heard with Radiohead at the same time.. Really cool man. I totally recommend listening to some mellow music like that when your trippin out...


thanks so much for all the responses...
they definately sound like something you need to be in the right frame of mind for. Maybe I'll go find a secluded field or something... :)


Well-Known Member
being outside on a nice day with some good friends is my favorite, go for a hike and toss some disc.


Active Member
My I would look it up, but I try to keep my illegal substance searches to a minimum... Anyway, thanx...:peace:
This is the problem. Educate yourself. Read some trip reports on Erowid. You're better off doing that.

Shrooms can be a wonderful thing. I found insight into many things. Have fun.


Active Member
mushies are all-natural, hence growing out of the ground.
your main concern is 'are they the right type', there is a very small percentage of edible shrooms (psychoactive included).
secondly 'how potent?' if too potent, too much can be ingested, possibly leading to a bad trip, the breaking down of the ego, or a mental break down. (reported more with large doses and continual use in LSD, but possible in shrooms)
i havent read on the long term effects of musihes, but after a week long binge, i am totally permafried. seeing unusual patterns is things that dont even have patterns. and my pot highs are waaayyy more psychedelic now too.
i do know for a fact that they relieve cluster headaches.
dont let this post detur you from the experience, mushrooms are absolutly amazing, and everyone should experience them once.


Well-Known Member
mushies are all-natural, hence growing out of the ground.
your main concern is 'are they the right type', there is a very small percentage of edible shrooms (psychoactive included).
secondly 'how potent?' if too potent, too much can be ingested, possibly leading to a bad trip, the breaking down of the ego, or a mental break down. (reported more with large doses and continual use in LSD, but possible in shrooms)
i havent read on the long term effects of musihes, but after a week long binge, i am totally permafried. seeing unusual patterns is things that dont even have patterns. and my pot highs are waaayyy more psychedelic now too.
i do know for a fact that they relieve cluster headaches.
dont let this post detur you from the experience, mushrooms are absolutly amazing, and everyone should experience them once.
Do you suffer from cluster headaches, and have you used mushrooms to stop them? I get cluster headaches approximately every 3 years. They last about 2 to 3 weeks. I've never gotten anything from a Doc that helped. However, there's stuff out there that I haven't been prescribed yet. I understand inhaling straight oxygen can stop a bout.

It's been about 3 years since my last attack and I think another episode may be coming on.

I would do anything to prevent/stop them, regardless of the legality. I found this site about them:

Thanks so much.


Well-Known Member
To use mushies for cluster headaches you would take a small non-active dosage daily, i.e. not enough to be able to feel them, about the mushrooms are poisonous shit, well so is oxygen.


Well-Known Member
To use mushies for cluster headaches you would take a small non-active dosage daily, i.e. not enough to be able to fell them, about the mushrooms are poisonous shit, well so is oxygen.
Thanks for the input ANC. I've read all of the info and anecdotal stories about using shrooms for cluster headaches. It seemed like the other poster might have had personal experience, which is why I asked.

I've no interest in tripping on shrooms, but I would trip on anything if it would stop these headaches. Thanks again.