Shrooms or Acid?


for your first definatly shroooms there just so natural is sososo beautiful. but they are twoo totally different feelings, but when you go on to try lsd you'll feel its magic. most mind enhansing drug.. trips that blow all logic out the window.
enjoy your shrooms and enjoy lucy they will treat you well...

rollin in grass

Well-Known Member
sweeet does anybody wanna mail me either/both of the two I promise to make a trip report :) shmow stop holding out I know you got tons


Well-Known Member
to be honest acid is actually pretty dam easy to get, atleast where im at. Shrooms for some reason are a lot harder to find

rollin in grass

Well-Known Member
I mean i got TONS of weed connects where im at but thats it, never no hallucinogens of any kind lol thats why im tryna get a mail connect so I can at least try shrooms (i know nobodys gonna give up the lucy or dmt) at least once until I find a connect. I would even pay but you guys grow shrooms, like shitloads of em.


Well-Known Member
I mean i got TONS of weed connects where im at but thats it, never no hallucinogens of any kind lol thats why im tryna get a mail connect so I can at least try shrooms (i know nobodys gonna give up the lucy or dmt) at least once until I find a connect. I would even pay but you guys grow shrooms, like shitloads of em.
You have lots of options, you can buy Peruvian Torch Cacti powder off the net and trip on that, you can buy an ayahuasca kit and try that, buy Magic Truffles (form of legal fungi, same as mushies from what I heard, google Magic Truffles/Sclerotia), make your own DMT, grow your own mushies.

What I`m trying to say is; When there is will, there is a way my friend :D

rollin in grass

Well-Known Member
never thought stoners were that stingy lol but yeah since alot of people are sketched out on the.whole mailing thing bunch of paranoid stoners. I was looking into growing shrooms so fk it. those magic truffles do look delicious :) definately looking at getting some of those


Well-Known Member
haha i dont think anyone here is going to be shipping anything to anyone.. you can just never trust anyone. But if i was you i would make that ayahuasca, i have been very interested in it an the spiritual ways of the shamans


Well-Known Member
never thought stoners were that stingy lol but yeah since alot of people are sketched out on the.whole mailing thing bunch of paranoid stoners. I was looking into growing shrooms so fk it. those magic truffles do look delicious :) definately looking at getting some of those
For starters, I`m not a stoner. Lets say I have my periods :) I don`t think I`m paranoid, well paranoid to support my habits so to speak.

I did hook you up with information to get you going, and for reassurance purposes, thats all I know. I could use what I posted and do some research to help you better, but I feel you can do that for yourself...

So just order your truffles and trip bro! Go easy on your first time will ya :)

rollin in grass

Well-Known Member
its very easy to grow mushies, no one should be completely with out ;)
what would be the BEST tutorial for learning to grow mushi, all this stuff about teks and colonization and brf got me confused! way different than growing weed, more difficult to setup too

oh and Tenner magic truffles arent legal in the US they contain psilocybe which is illegal here:wall:, unless you know of a place like attitude that has VERY discreet shipping...


Well-Known Member
all the teks are simple, once understood, it will take some reading, some personal prefrence, to decide which is best for you. the sticky at the top of hs section may give you a push in the right direction few teks, fewlinks to teks on other sites, some of which to see you'll have to be a member of to see but well worth it when you pick those mushies you grew for first time..

rollin in grass

Well-Known Member
Thanks Darth and tenner you guys helped a lot, looking at some vids on youtube now and reading the sticky lol it shouldnt take long before I get the hang of it like mary jane growing but anyways happy tripping dudes :)


Well-Known Member
what would be the BEST tutorial for learning to grow mushi, all this stuff about teks and colonization and brf got me confused! way different than growing weed, more difficult to setup too

oh and Tenner magic truffles arent legal in the US they contain psilocybe which is illegal here:wall:, unless you know of a place like attitude that has VERY discreet shipping...
Bro my friends ordering some Cacti off the net as we speak! Comes up $14 as a trip ;)

For you to concider anyway, can always grow the mushies :)

I don`t think mushies are too hard either, just be different for you at the moment. Good luck though!


Well-Known Member
I would say go with shrooms first, but try Both can be very visual and fun, full of laughter, fun times and great memories but it all depends on the quality of what you are taking. I've taken very little amounts of shrooms, (like a half 1/8) and tripped fairly well with good visuals and taken larger amounts at times and felt less. My very first time I shroomed in college, I took 1/4 of some liberty caps and was goin strong for 16 hours... very unbelievable visuals, cartoon like effects to the world, but no bad experienced...
Acid is fun, however, it can be a bit intense at times because it seems to grasp hold of reality vs your percieved reality and makes you kind of unsure at times what is real. Acid has some fucking awesome visuals if you take good amounts of pure shiz but even someone who has done it a number of times can get overwhelmed and freak out if a bad situation were to arise. I would recommend getting gel tabs if you are going to do acid...very fun, 1 should be enough for your first trip, but have an extra cause 4 hours into it you may want to take a good friend with you when your doing acid, someone who you are very comfortable with, cause if you have a bad moment, it helps calm ya down..
Acid is definitly more of a mind fuck where shrooms you are a little more grounded....think of acid like an intense dream you see, where as shrooms your watching cartoons...


Well-Known Member
haha i dont think anyone here is going to be shipping anything to anyone.. you can just never trust anyone. But if i was you i would make that ayahuasca, i have been very interested in it an the spiritual ways of the shamans
bro wtf is that and how do i get it? anything shamans do for some odd reason I wanna do, even though salvia made me fuckin trip NUTZ and i was like "how the fuck could these motherfuckers take this shiiit! i bet 4 shamans carry one person while they trip so that they can dump his body into a river but keep his head up so he doesnt drown and I could see that getting rid of the gross feeling the trip comes with, also maybe chewing on some mint leaves to stop the gross taste, aw fuck now i just remembered they chewed on salvia.. not smoked it:]

REGARDLESS (im fukin crazy I know i apologize guys)

where can one obtain what you are talking about?

where can I get salvia? haha and I hear people talking about magic truffles.. wtf is that?!?!? and where can I get it lmfao


Well-Known Member
I would say go with shrooms first, but try Both can be very visual and fun, full of laughter, fun times and great memories but it all depends on the quality of what you are taking. I've taken very little amounts of shrooms, (like a half 1/8) and tripped fairly well with good visuals and taken larger amounts at times and felt less. My very first time I shroomed in college, I took 1/4 of some liberty caps and was goin strong for 16 hours... very unbelievable visuals, cartoon like effects to the world, but no bad experienced...
Acid is fun, however, it can be a bit intense at times because it seems to grasp hold of reality vs your percieved reality and makes you kind of unsure at times what is real. Acid has some fucking awesome visuals if you take good amounts of pure shiz but even someone who has done it a number of times can get overwhelmed and freak out if a bad situation were to arise. I would recommend getting gel tabs if you are going to do acid...very fun, 1 should be enough for your first trip, but have an extra cause 4 hours into it you may want to take a good friend with you when your doing acid, someone who you are very comfortable with, cause if you have a bad moment, it helps calm ya down..
Acid is definitly more of a mind fuck where shrooms you are a little more grounded....think of acid like an intense dream you see, where as shrooms your watching cartoons...

Bro I chewed some shrooms and watched toy story 3.. I kept thinking the way everything looked fucked up was how the film was made.. than shit got hella depressing when they started to talk slower with wierd tones as if they were saying "why are we still talking? lifes pointless"

oo0o man that was one fuckin depressing trip hahaa blast some REBELUTION and things got fuckin waaay better.


Well-Known Member
bro wtf is that and how do i get it? anything shamans do for some odd reason I wanna do, even though salvia made me fuckin trip NUTZ and i was like "how the fuck could these motherfuckers take this shiiit! i bet 4 shamans carry one person while they trip so that they can dump his body into a river but keep his head up so he doesnt drown and I could see that getting rid of the gross feeling the trip comes with, also maybe chewing on some mint leaves to stop the gross taste, aw fuck now i just remembered they chewed on salvia.. not smoked it:]

REGARDLESS (im fukin crazy I know i apologize guys)

where can one obtain what you are talking about?

where can I get salvia? haha and I hear people talking about magic truffles.. wtf is that?!?!? and where can I get it lmfao
Its called Ayahuasca it and read up on it its a drink they make in south America i beleive it is used by many tribes for religious cermonies. I know you can go down there and trip with a shaman an he is supposed to guide you on your trip. Its made from tree bark, some root off a tree and i beleive that all bolied in a pot. It makes you throw up at first but then your fine. It is illegal so you cant just buy it but you can buy all the components to it............