shrooms the easy way, started popping up


Well-Known Member they were running a special (until today) where they double your syringes.... so i paid 20 for 2 and got 4... with a pack of "blue afghani" poppy seeds thrown in... the double syringe deal is supposed to be finished today (31st), but they send a free pack of either the poppy or peruvian torch (cactus) seeds....
Thanks man I just ordered from another site . . . they were recommended but I can't remember the name . . . I was kinda high when i placed the order:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
WTF happened with this? I doubt it would take this long to write a guide about this. So disappointed....


Well-Known Member
There actually is a way, but the only thing i can even think about what the original poster is talking about is...

fractional endospore hatching...
it goes by several names depending on what genius you talk to but same old method and theory

basically this theory says you can soak grain and keep it warm over the course of several days, boil and hatch it again until theortically you allow all the germs and bacteria and other little nasites hatch out and wash them off, boiling will also kill some kinds but not all, this is why a PC is required for sterility, many endospores can survive a boiling...

So instead of a 1 hour cook in a PC the method takes about 3-4 days and is only from what i heard succesful maybe 50% of the time and thats being generous...

Ive never tried it because its lame, some have and made it work supposedly.
a pc is easier and not to expensive instead and other than this method there is no other way of doing anything similar to what this guy is talking about...
if you did this method id inocculate it with liquid mycelium which has a head start on hatching over the other left in nasties youll never be able to get rid of...even if there is a few left new baby spores are stil susceptable...just get a PC
but im dubious, now i want to know what the guys trying to say too...


Well-Known Member
I use the rez-effect...which is just wild bird seed and verm. From start to finish it takes a month. Also, if you want to have possitive results...use a PC!! Or if you have cows or horses....feed them apples with spores on them because thier digestive system doesnt break them down. Basicly the cow or horse germinates the spores, and when they shit em out....there is your substrate and all the nutes they need!


Well-Known Member
So I got my spores. I cooked some brown rice in mason jars with the lids inverted, leaving two small holes to inject the spores. I baked them at 400 for about an hour and a half. I also covered the tops with tin foil, to minimize the risk of contamination. I injected the spores at 11pm last night when will I start to see mycelium?


Well-Known Member
If you just used brown rice, and not BRF it will get contams! Rice itsself holds way too much water, and I guarantee you there will be some pink fungus growing in a few days. Go to a health food store and get brown rice flour, and then pick up some vermiculite and you will be good to go. Here is the recipe I use........................

For a 250ml jar 3/4 cup verm...1/4cup BRF...1/4cup water and mix well then PC
For 12 jars its 9cups verm..3cups BRF..3cups water...(Note) when you fill the jars up, leave about an inch from the you can fill it the rest of the way with straight DRY verm. Basically this is a contamination barrier for when the myc is colonizing. Put in your FC and keep the temps between 80 and 84 degrees. You should see myc within 3 days, sometimes it takes up to a week depending on the strain.


Well-Known Member
If you just used brown rice, and not BRF it will get contams! Rice itsself holds way too much water, and I guarantee you there will be some pink fungus growing in a few days. Go to a health food store and get brown rice flour, and then pick up some vermiculite and you will be good to go. Here is the recipe I use........................

For a 250ml jar 3/4 cup verm...1/4cup BRF...1/4cup water and mix well then PC
For 12 jars its 9cups verm..3cups BRF..3cups water...(Note) when you fill the jars up, leave about an inch from the you can fill it the rest of the way with straight DRY verm. Basically this is a contamination barrier for when the myc is colonizing. Put in your FC and keep the temps between 80 and 84 degrees. You should see myc within 3 days, sometimes it takes up to a week depending on the strain.
Yeah I thought I out too much water but some of the rice is still a bit dry. I was just using rice because DrPot did that and got decent results. Lower cost then the PF TEK method . . .


Active Member
Im very interested because i was wanting to grow out of bags and mass produce i live where not many people have them and well they are about 80 for 3dry grams and i dont feel like paying that anymorekiss-assplease help mekiss-assoh great one


New Member
Don't grow out of bags, use rubbermaid clear stackable containers. saves space.
80 for 3g dried?? holy shit! its 80-100 an ounce here. I mean a freakn' elbow isnt any more than 1k.


Well-Known Member
Youtube has tons of mushroom cultivation videos. Most used a pressure cooker to sterilize the medium. Ordered some syringes..... they better come


Well-Known Member
I'm callin' BS until I see a method that pans out scientifically (or any method at all). We've only seen a couple pictures or 3 mushrooms growing, and then some plates with mushrooms on them. The thread starter might have a good method, but I'm one of those people that say, "OK. Show me."

Even if you grow in a sterile bag, how do you have sterile growth medium without pc'ing or autoclaving?

Pressure cookers are pretty cheap, and ubiquitous. They are also low-key since you can use one in your kitchen...for cooking even!

If you access to an autoclave, then you can skip the PC. :mrgreen:


New Member
If you dont keep things sterile you will loose money buddy so sometimes it is best to not go the cheep route, because in the end it could cost a lot more money.


Well-Known Member
my first attempt only produced molds, but it wasn't a failure-- a lot was learned. it was facinating identifying the molds and shit too..

i've have nuff of that though, now i think i'm on my way to growing shrooms. but that last batch was 12 jars out of 12 jars that were contaminated.

now i know the most important rule. sterility is godly, and there are no short cuts. i'll be using a pressure cooker for now,but my autoclave is suppose to be on the way. i figure i got nothing but time to get this down and big deal if i fuck up that's how i learn anyway...


Well-Known Member
Its not as hard as alot of ppl think, I tried a few yrs ago and gave up. Early this year I decided I was going to try first try I only started 3 jars and 2 ended up gettin contams. After that, I havnt had any problems. Learn from your mistakes, and read read read! Shroomtalk is where I got ALOT of help, check em out sometime!