Shrooms Vs Acid


Active Member
lol no u got the situation mixed up, my dealer is not the guy who wants me to take half a tab that's one of the guys I'm supposed to tripp with
another question how potent can blotter get?
man think bout it, the shit gets touched by a ton of people then itl probably be less potent. idk it all depends on where it from. like any other man made drug thats gone through a few dealers... no way to tell. however i would say acid is more of an active psychadelc trip. on i personally love shrooms although i dont really know if im talking or thinking or tripping or dreaming you kno? and on acid i always have the mad urge to smoke weed and like my body feels heavier and i still kinda stumble like im ripped but im normally tripping too hard for my head to notice the weed high...make sense? hope i helped and hope you have fun. oh btw fuck your friend, at the minimum do 2 hits cuz most street acid aint that strong and even if it was PURE 2 hits could NOT kill you or land you in a hospital. lemme kno wut u think of it after u did it =)


Well-Known Member
average for LSD blotter is 60-90 micrograms - 20 is the absolute minimum to feel anything - i used to enjoy taking around 100 - 300 for an intense trip..


Well-Known Member
Shroomer just do it, its a fucking riot, with some nice friends its gonna be a ball, everyone just deciode to be safe and not get into shit before the time.


Well-Known Member
yes - don't worry yourself about the intensity or possibility of having some kind of bad time - it is a known good in my book - i think i can say that it is actually hard to have a bad time on acid - it is a bit of a foible with tripping that you can be told that your dog died and that you have to spend the night under a tarp by the sewer but you just continue laughing and running around.. it takes something pretty heavy to create a frown on acid.. ;)

i have had some of the very best times of my life on LSD and shrooms.. one blotter can be good, but if you have the chance to ingest two or three i would go for it - acid seems to get weaker every year - the last blotters i had were strong, but that was a good connection back in 1999.. DEA reports show that some blotter is only 50 micrograms - then you would want at least three..

everyone who is new to psychedelics needs to go here by the way - :)


Active Member
thnx evry1 ill come back to you with a tripp report but i was thinkin i might want to take like half an 8th of mush one day with lsd has any one ever done this whats was the tripp like? how was it diffrent then just shrooms or acid?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
thnx evry1 ill come back to you with a tripp report but i was thinkin i might want to take like half an 8th of mush one day with lsd has any one ever done this whats was the tripp like? how was it diffrent then just shrooms or acid?
Some people say it intensifies the trip, some people say it cancels each other out (I think it is Competitive inhibition but I am not sure).


Well-Known Member
I used to do a LOT of acid back in the late 70's early 80's and quite a bit o' shrooms too. from what i hear now real LSD is hard to come by....OK the shrooms (moped) vs. Acid (vette) is just wrong ~ it's very possible to get just as twisted :twisted: up on shrooms as's a dosage problem .

Acid IME has metallic edge that i've never felt on shrooms. smoking weed is a great pastime but can't really feel it. Shrooms~lots of variation. i remember one batch i got seemed to create "gravity hot spots"... in other words, i got the drunk walk :eyesmoke: smoking weed on shrooms is generally more noticeable.

mescalito FTW:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah i remember tripping so hard on mushrooms that when i tried to walk i was almost falling over i was soo messed up


I take shrooms way more often than I take acid.
But that's only cuz I can rarely find acid.
I rarely find shrooms too, but at least I can find them.

Acid is a way better, and longer lasting trip in my opinion,...but ya gotta love the natural fungi!


Active Member
i love mushrooms
at first i took them cuz i was always curiouse about them.
then i startd to like the mind high (not the mind fuck or the tripp its self but kind of the alice an wonderland statis (lol nobody ever seems to really understand that)).
then i took mid low doses to get a low mind high an a big 'E' Like body high
had a bad tripp didnt understand y
took shrooms another time (low dose) just had a body high
Toook them one more time 2 weeks ago (I posted a tripp report on it).
............ Post the rest n couple hours G2G n a hurry....bbl. One Love