shud i give up???


B][/B]TSprouted 7 phat &fruity 2 month ago 3 arw about 7" tall, BUT the other 4 are between 4-5" tall with about 6 SMALL leaves on they are not growing at all!!! This is my first grow and I over did the nutes in there first few weeks of life!! What is the way forward? Any help wud be highly welcomed, thanks peace!


Well-Known Member
Im sorry i dont understand your question.

Plant new seeds and try again or hang it up and try another hobby.


Well-Known Member

Do you have any pics Yorkie? That's very short for several months. What kind of soil, nutes, any leaf burn?



Yes on all first sets of fan leaves on all plants, pix are on my thread about "yello leaves", on cellphone so can't post new 1s, but situation is same.


Active Member
This whole growing thing is like a big game. You start out and your green you have little understanding of how to do other then the advice people give. You will fail sometimes and other your will be the winner. Give up no.

I would suggest flushing the plants with water only for the next few feedings. And when using Nuts start off small and build up. Remeber its like cooking you can always add more salt but you can never take away too much salt. And from what I have personaly experanced is you get what you pay for with soil and nuts. You wana spend 2-3$ on a 25 pounds of soil expect it to be 2-3$ soil. You spend 20-30$ on some top line soil like fox farms ocean forest your going to get what you payed for.

A shit soil can look nuts and take a giant shit on your root system. Honestly go to the indoor section find someone on there 3+ grows using the kinda light and space you have and do what they did.

Thats what i did and this was my first crop.



Nice pix and weed gamma, will take yr advice! Thanx, did pay $80 us for 10 seeds thou, oh well more research 4 me!!! Can I flower the 3 biggest at that size?

Bueno Time

Well-Known Member
Dont give up dude mostly likely everyone sucked at growing at the start. I know I didnt have a clue at first and I just continue to get better every grow now! Stick with it. Read shitloads of threads and especially FAQS!!! Read through some FAQS and that will give you a ton of great information and guidelines to follow when growing. Just keep at it and dnt give up it will be worth it when you figure it out trust me. Best of luck to you and have fun!


Active Member
Sure you can but what I have seen is the more you veg and the stronger your plant the better it will flower for you. I would flush then think about flowering. SO maybe another 2weeks in veg.