Shud I Harvest? chek dis.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I got dis female and its been in flowering for around a 5-6 weeks.
My mind wonders wether to harvest it now or wait for them to get bigger? and for the hairs to go orange..
Chek them out nd tell me what ya think, also chek out the pink stems is that abnormal?
P.S Any body recognize the strain of the seed?



Well-Known Member
Well i can't identify the strain nor will i every be able to but the family it falls from look like cannabis sativa long narrow shade leaves but you still have like 2-3 more weeeks and temps for ya the white spots are bugs you need neem oil or Co2 and 10,000 PPM or the cheap Ghetto way take a egg shell put it in a glass bowl and add vinegar wait like a day or so and take the now Calsuim carbonate put it on the base of the plant it will clear up in like 2 days


Active Member
Ok so I got dis female and its been in flowering for around a 5-6 weeks.​

Definitely not ready yet...

Nobody will be able to tell you the exact strain but it does look mostly sativa due to the long "fingerlike" leaves, I would guess 30/70 Indica/Sativa mix.

As far as harvesting, you would be wasting alot of time a product if you harvest now, sativa strains can take up to 12 weeks to flower properly.

To be completely honest, I would say you probably have around 5 weeks left, the bud development that you will see on that plant in the next 5 weeks will be immense. Every budsite should double if not triple in size between now and harvest. Patients is a virtue and will be rewarded.

For better estimations, please give closer pictures to some of the budsites.
Have the calyxs developed trichromes yet? (does it look sparkly near the buds?)
Better pics, with more light



Active Member
by the way... Your plant look really good, what kind of lighting are you using?
Good luck on the grow, and keep the pics comin.


Well-Known Member
Hey . . . Lookin' good.

Re:Spots . . . I'd RUN in there and make absolutely sure mites weren't present.
Lower, inside growth a good place to start. I hope you come up clean, but better now than next week, if they're there.


Well-Known Member
You wanna wait to chop them until the pistils are at least 1/3 red. That's an indoication the colas have matured and the plant is beginning to die. If you pull them b-4 than, you'll lose a lot of potenital bud. Just cut out the nutes the last week and let them stress a bit to get more sugar on the buds.


Well-Known Member
If you think you got bugs, just put a drop or two of liquid detergent in a pint of water and spray it on them making certain to get the bottom of the leaves too. BUGS HATE SOAP.


Well-Known Member
at least another week

Are you crazy?^^^

Those look mostly Sativa, which can take sometimes 12-14 weeks to finish. Just judging by the development of the buds I would say you have at least another 4 weeks, maybe longer. They look like they haven't even begun to bulk up yet.


Active Member
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh huh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh huh huh.

The Sun. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh huhuh uhhhhhhhhhh huh.

You do realize 1 - He never said it was grown by the sun
2 - Your a waste of space for displaying such flagrant douschbagery and
3 - You did nothing to answer his question, just wasted a post

Answer : It is mostly sativa and you need to wait... a while... my guess is 5-6 weeks


Active Member
You do realize 1 - He never said it was grown by the sun
2 - Your a waste of space for displaying such flagrant douschbagery and
3 - You did nothing to answer his question, just wasted a post

Answer : It is mostly sativa and you need to wait... a while... my guess is 5-6 weeks

HAHAHA i love number two!!! rep for you!:bigjoint:
also the plant looks great!!!


Well-Known Member
:weed::weed:Thanks! I ended up harvesting near the end of november and i managed to get 415 grams from the whole plant..Unfortunately i didnt get any other pictures because i forgot about this thread. Yes it was an outdoors grow. Check out my new grow tho, My first ever INDOOR grow.

Thanks for your Help every one..:joint::joint:.

Amazingly the biggest one is a month old which i have been told that it was small for a month, experiance outdoors the plants didnt grow anywhere near as fast soo..
Anywhere tell me ya thoughts.



Well-Known Member
Im using a 400w hps with 1 fan for ventilation and another for the growing tips..
And a proper grow tent that i got second hand :D.

And thanks but ive already chopped and smoked the plant.. Nice homegrown.