Shut it the fuck down

I live near Portland. You have no idea. Not funny.
I don't imagine it is particularly pleasant mate. I wouldn't fancy being in America at the best of times, never mind now.
No offence but this all looks fucking insane from the outside looking in.
Let's arm everyone and encourage them to riot. Then we'll manipulate the media so that anyone who opposes the rioting is automatically classed as a racist.
It looks like the puppet master is planning a civil war and a race war and absolutely everyone at every angle seems to be more than up for it.
Even those who claim to be against it will more than happily "defend " themselves so it's like everyone's just voluntarily walking into a massive mine field.
It won't end well for anyone but everyone seems to be actively supporting everything that's causing the divides.
Like I actually can't get my head round it.
Every way you look at, all sides look like they want to go to war.
What for? What's the point?
Y'all wanna die just to be a martyr?
What am I missing that makes a nationwide race war and a nationwide civil war a great idea?
Everyone's armed to the tits but your military is even more so. Why provoke them to come and roll over you?
Not you personally but like that's how this looks to me. It's mind blowing.
I don't imagine it is particularly pleasant mate. I wouldn't fancy being in America at the best of times, never mind now.
No offence but this all looks fucking insane from the outside looking in.
Let's arm everyone and encourage them to riot. Then we'll manipulate the media so that anyone who opposes the rioting is automatically classed as a racist.
It looks like the puppet master is planning a civil war and a race war and absolutely everyone at every angle seems to be more than up for it.
Even those who claim to be against it will more than happily "defend " themselves so it's like everyone's just voluntarily walking into a massive mine field.
It won't end well for anyone but everyone seems to be actively supporting everything that's causing the divides.
Like I actually can't get my head round it.
Every way you look at, all sides look like they want to go to war.
What for? What's the point?
Y'all wanna die just to be a martyr?
What am I missing that makes a nationwide race war and a nationwide civil war a great idea?
Everyone's armed to the tits but your military is even more so. Why provoke them to come and roll over you?
Not you personally but like that's how this looks to me. It's mind blowing.
Yeah, things are pretty fucked up right now.
Trump treated the epidemic as a political event. Remember when he refused to allow stricken cruise ships to dock because it would have "hurt his numbers"? What did Democrats do? I will say right now that Clinton would have been all over it long before the first person died of it in the US. Obama left the US in a top tier level of preparedness for an epidemic like this.

If you think that's politicizing the virus, suggest think again.

I think you misunderstood my intention. I surely remember, 4 of those ships were docked one of the places I live, and they forced them to leave at shutdown. Both parties are campaigning coronavirus instead of policy. I could give many examples.. Maybe I used the wrong word but that is what I meant when I said destructive politicizing on both sides. Attention grabbing tactics are not what's best for this country and continue to further divide us. Republicans more disgraceful yes, but both sides are doing it. We live in a country where most of our children behave better than our supposed leaders.

As far as preparedness goes, if you look back I wrote about that on first comment on this thread. I voted for Clinton, and Obama twice. He did leave us prepared, and trump disregarded, because he's an arrogant fool. My entire adult life I've voted for Democratic Presidents. That doesn't stop me from seeing the hypocrisy in all sides of politics.
I think you misunderstood my intention. I surely remember, 4 of those ships were docked one of the places I live, and they forced them to leave at shutdown. Both parties are campaigning coronavirus instead of policy. I could give many examples.. Maybe I used the wrong word but that is what I meant when I said destructive politicizing on both sides. Attention grabbing tactics are not what's best for this country and continue to further divide us. Republicans more disgraceful yes, but both sides are doing it. We live in a country where most of our children behave better than our supposed leaders.

As far as preparedness goes, if you look back I wrote about that on first comment on this thread. I voted for Clinton, and Obama twice. He did leave us prepared, and trump disregarded, because he's an arrogant fool. My entire adult life I've voted for Democratic Presidents. That doesn't stop me from seeing the hypocrisy in all sides of politics.
Sorry but I can't agree that Democrats are trying to take advantage of the coronavirus.
what you said: Republicans more disgraceful yes, but both sides are doing it.

Sorry but I don't think Democrats are doing anything disgraceful. What are you trying to say that both sides are doing?

My words are being taken out of context. Or maybe it's me, sometimes my thoughts get jumbled. I have short term memory issues so I have to go back and forth reading the posts. I look up words to make sure they mean what I think they do, and I actually looked that one up to make sure I was using it in the right context lol. I was replying to several different comments from earlier posts.

In the message you first quoted.. I stated covid has been politicised in a destructive way on both sides - in response to another's theory that covid has became political via protestors being allowed permits but businesses and events shutting down. For context I said politics shouldn't have relevance on people doing what's best for all. Meaning just because protestors are exercising their rights doesn't mean people should feel their rights are infringed on because fireworks were cancelled, it's not in the same realm of necessity.

I'm using politicised as a verb: "to cause an activity or event to become political in character." I'm saying covid is not political but both parties are treating it as such when it comes to the internal party war and as a result the entire country will suffer. Therefore both sides have politicised covid.

I did not say Democrats are "taking advantage of covid." I pointed out both parties campaigning on covid rather than policy. I do accounting for small businesses and politics have been a hot topic. I'm pretty well educated on how all sides feel. It's become politicized for sure, on all sides, in destructive ways for this country as a whole. That's all I meant.
My words are being taken out of context. Or maybe it's me, sometimes my thoughts get jumbled. I have short term memory issues so I have to go back and forth reading the posts. I look up words to make sure they mean what I think they do, and I actually looked that one up to make sure I was using it in the right context lol. I was replying to several different comments from earlier posts.

In the message you first quoted.. I stated covid has been politicised in a destructive way on both sides - in response to another's theory that covid has became political via protestors being allowed permits but businesses and events shutting down. For context I said politics shouldn't have relevance on people doing what's best for all. Meaning just because protestors are exercising their rights doesn't mean people should feel their rights are infringed on because fireworks were cancelled, it's not in the same realm of necessity.

I'm using politicised as a verb: "to cause an activity or event to become political in character." I'm saying covid is not political but both parties are treating it as such when it comes to the internal party war and as a result the entire country will suffer. Therefore both sides have politicised covid.

I did not say Democrats are "taking advantage of covid." I pointed out both parties campaigning on covid rather than policy. I do accounting for small businesses and politics have been a hot topic. I'm pretty well educated on how all sides feel. It's become politicized for sure, on all sides, in destructive ways for this country as a whole. That's all I meant.
A lot to unpack here.

As you say, the demonstrations are a protest against police brutality and racism, a first amendment right and a completely separate issue from the covid epidemic. The demonstrations were necessary because of the murder of George Floyd. I don't know what else could be done. Just stay at home and do nothing? Also, the movement against police brutality isn't a Democratic Party initiative. Black Lives Matters movement is leading the way and Democratic party leaders are following them. Republicans are on the back foot because they are backing white supremacist and fascist cops. So, I still don't see where Democrats are same as Republicans here or "disgraceful but not as bad as Republicans" or something like that. The way I see it, Democrats are backing BLM because its the right thing to do. Or, shall we say, Democrats are doing the right thing by backing BLM and Republicans are not. So, yeah, hell yeah, there is a difference between the two parties and one can choose which side to back.

Trump and Republican leadership has totally botched handling the covid crisis. Biden has aired some speeches that contrast his leadership style on this issue. That's not disgraceful politicizing covid, it's simply the difference between him and Trump.

I can't agree that "both sides have done wrong" or whatever it is you are trying to say. There is a clear difference between Democratic leaders and Republican ones. Republicans are always saying that small government is best but every time the get the upper hand, they not only don't shrink government, they botch their job. Obama did a great job leading the US out of a Republican caused recession and I think Biden will do a good job leading us out of Trump's. I just don't see any equivalence here. Republicans vote for people who say that government can't solve problems and that's the kind of people they put in charge. Democrats say and do the opposite. Just look at Trump, Obama, Bill Clinton and Bush Sr and Jr then tell me what I've gotten wrong in this conclusion.
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A lot to unpack here.

As you say, the demonstrations are a protest against police brutality and racism, a first amendment right and a completely separate issue from the covid epidemic. The demonstrations were necessary because of the murder of George Floyd. I don't know what else could be done. Just stay at home and do nothing? Also, the movement against police brutality isn't a Democratic Party initiative. Black Lives Matters movement is leading the way and Democratic party leaders are following them. Republicans are on the back foot because they are backing white supremacist and fascist cops. So, I still don't see where Democrats are same as Republicans here or "disgraceful but not as bad as Republicans" or something like that. The way I see it, Democrats are backing BLM because its the right thing to do. Or, shall we say, Democrats are doing the right thing by backing BLM and Republicans are not. So, yeah, hell yeah, there is a difference between the two parties and one can choose which side to back.

Trump and Republican leadership has totally botched handling the covid crisis. Biden has aired some speeches that contrast his leadership style on this issue. That's not disgraceful politicizing covid, it's simply the difference between him and Trump.

I can't agree that "both sides have done wrong" or whatever it is you are trying to say. There is a clear difference between Democratic leaders and Republican ones. Republicans are always saying that small government is best but every time the get the upper hand, they not only don't shrink government, they botch their job. Obama did a great job leading the US out of a Republican caused recession and I think Biden will do a good job leading us out of Trump's. I just don't see any equivalence here. Republicans vote for people who say that government can't solve problems and that's the kind of people they put in charge. Democrats say and do the opposite. Just look at Trump, Obama, Bill Clinton and Bush Sr and Jr then tell me what I've gotten wrong in this conclusion.

Lol, we have the same mindframe here. You are just taking my comment out of context. The same word but seperate meanings. You're referring to a different type of politicizing. You're referring to Republicans deliberately distorting information to favor a preferred line of thinking and numerous other infractions they are surely guilty of. I'm referring to politicizing covid as a whole. As she was implying that wearing masks is political and referencing protests allowed but 4th of July being cancelled for social distancing as an example.

Shes right about a few things - this country is split based on our party divides and covid has been politicized in that way. If you wear masks and agree with social distance your auto viewed liberal or Democrat. If you think everything should stay open and you're safe without a mask you must be a Republican. People literally out and about bullying others for their choices and making uneducated assumptions.

Let me tell you how far from the truth that is. Theres plenty of Republicans screaming for masks and human rights just as there is plenty of Democrats protesting to keep their businesses open and not wear a mask. I cancelled 3 accounts for Democrats pissed about the shutdowns, today. Their whole life is falling apart. Everything they said was based in politics, instead of science.

It is ridiculously politicized and both parties make assumptions about the other due to these judgemental views. End result America is currently getting no where (as far as covid ) and that is destructive. Self destructive. That's what I was responding too, not the context turn this conversation has taken. I'm a bit reminded of my family here, who insists you must take a side. I disagree. I think that's partially why we are in this mess. Everyone wants to take sides and fight instead of coming together and being a little more open minded.

I agree with all of the above about the govt, hence why I've always voted democratic. Obviously I've "chosen which side to back" if that's what you call it. I claim independent & back human rights and decency. Plus a ton of other issues I'm passionate about.

Again, you misunderstand me. I support BLM 100% since start of movement 2013. I support the true protestors out there risking covid and battling for systemic change, and defunding police. I've been in the heart of racism for 20+ years raising mixed children. Trump is a douche and too many Republicans are not good humans. Regardless of the my views of the GOP, I see major flaws in both parties. I think it's more patriotic to notice the flaws in our country and want better for it, than to disregard major problems that need fixing.
I don't imagine it is particularly pleasant mate. I wouldn't fancy being in America at the best of times, never mind now.
No offence but this all looks fucking insane from the outside looking in.
Let's arm everyone and encourage them to riot. Then we'll manipulate the media so that anyone who opposes the rioting is automatically classed as a racist.
It looks like the puppet master is planning a civil war and a race war and absolutely everyone at every angle seems to be more than up for it.
Even those who claim to be against it will more than happily "defend " themselves so it's like everyone's just voluntarily walking into a massive mine field.
It won't end well for anyone but everyone seems to be actively supporting everything that's causing the divides.
Like I actually can't get my head round it.
Every way you look at, all sides look like they want to go to war.
What for? What's the point?
Y'all wanna die just to be a martyr?
What am I missing that makes a nationwide race war and a nationwide civil war a great idea?
Everyone's armed to the tits but your military is even more so. Why provoke them to come and roll over you?
Not you personally but like that's how this looks to me. It's mind blowing.

no ones willing to fight for haggis.
12% are bhudist which isn't really a religion so ill take them out

How come religious people don't celebrate death like that?
Buddhism is a practice but some consider it a religion. The reason some don’t is because you can be Christian and Buddhist. You can be catholic and Buddhist. Hell you can even be atheist and Buddhist.

Buddhism’s main philosophy is “be kind to all living beings”. They don’t single out humans as the center of the universe. Buddhism is too simple for some people as they need the church group and friends to also follow like sheep. Buddhist don’t ask for your money when you go to their monastery. They don’t want your email to remind you to come back. Buddhism is something you can practice at home by yourself. Just you and your higher being. (Whatever you believe it to be, they don’t even have a guideline for that)

If you are into meditation they have a great one where you picture yourself dead and you step outside your body and watch your funeral etc. it’s kinda of dark. But a wake up call to the fact that we are a small blip on the radar.
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