Shut it the fuck down

I suppose we’re just making different points. I’m not commenting on the legitimacy of the reasons for the protest. My point is that if we want people to take warnings about COVID seriously, then they can’t be seen as politicized.

I live in a rural area and know that folks widely pointed to the support for police protests as hypocritical. It undercuts the argument for covid restrictions when people are told they must shut down their businesses and stop visiting friends and family to slow the pandemic — but then mass gatherings are OK, as long as they’re protesting the right thing.
who said you couldnt see your family in late may/early june?

goddamn, just stop this phony bullshit.
socially distanced, in a mask, outdoors is fine. there is no evidence of protest related covid spikes, no matter how much you cry.

My point isn’t even that there is a protest-related spike in covid cases. My point is that public shaming for mass gatherings was commonplace until the protests came along — and since the protests were deemed worthy, suddenly the risk of infection wasn’t considered so great.

Of course, none of these points stand a chance against your unassailable argument of “trumptard” — if ever there was a master of political discourse, it is you.
I understand the difference. I also understand that people are being told they must lose their livelihoods because covid must be stopped, but then covid suddenly isn’t so important as long as the protest is against the police.

In other words, a select group of people gets to decide that the George Floyd protests are important enough to justify ignoring restrictions on mass gatherings. If you don’t buy their argument, you stand to be accused of racism.

Either protests of any type are too dangerous, or they are not. As soon as you pick winners and losers based on your political views, that undermines the credibility of the need for restrictions.
getting drunk indoors, maskless, is much different than being outdoors, in a mask, and socially distanced.

just stop already trumptard.
you are no good at this. there is never evidence for anything you say, it is all just baseless innuendo.
Baseless innuendo? Are those some new words you picked up and are eager to use? Good job! Just for future reference, though, I was making statements. Innuendo is when you imply something without actually stating it. It’s ok, just keep trying — I’m sure you’ll learn to use all the big words someday.
and since the protests were deemed worthy, suddenly the risk of infection wasn’t considered so great.
Worthy? Have you read the constitution or are familiar with constitutional amendments? Try searching the first one. It’s so easy they called it the 1st amendment.

If they were taking guns away during this pandemic people would be up in arms (pun intended). So why are you taking away their first amendment right?

Everyone who doesn’t like the protests can take your guns and turn them in. Cause I don’t like them and I’m not involved in them. Doesn’t make sense when I put it like that huh.
Innuendo is when you imply something without actually stating it.
like, say, protests against racial injustice caused a spike in covid? you have been doing that

or, say, protests against racial injustice are getting "special treatment" somehow? you've been doing that too

or, say, that the left wants to abolish the police? youve been doing that too

or, say, you will be deemed a racist soon if you dont want to literally abolish the police? you've done that too

it's all baseless but a very clear pattern.

and you dont like trump but. LOL

get the fuck out of here
How do you stop people from seeing it as being political when you have the POTUS coming out and flat out lying to us all everyday about everything going on forcing the subject into being a political one?

As for abolishing police and prisons being leftist ideas, I think that’s pretty self-explanatory. Are you saying the demands for abolishing police and prisons are coming from the right? Because that’s hard to believe.

How do you know they are 'the left'?
The fact that Trump is an idiot who makes everything political doesn’t mean it’s a good idea for everyone else to politicize everything as well. In fact, Trump’s stupidity is a pretty decent argument against politicizing everything.
The fact that Trump is an idiot who makes everything political doesn’t mean it’s a good idea for everyone else to politicize everything as well. In fact, Trump’s stupidity is a pretty decent argument against politicizing everything.
Trump is not the first or the last to politicize things. Cmon now you’re falling apart here. You’re a gun toting republican that doesn’t like trump? Is that the message you want to send out?
we voted for biden. what's his stance?

how about any single elected official?

thanks, trumptard.
I support Biden, so calling me a “trumptard” is very hurtful. Your verbal jousting skills are just too much for me.

The fact that elected officials don’t yet support abolishing the police and prisons does not mean they won’t change their tune over fears of being called racist and getting primaried in a few years.
I disagree with your premise that I’ve made a slippery slope argument. That would be saying something like, “well, if you want to reform police, next thing you know people will want to abolish it.”

I don’t need to rely on a slippery slope argument, since there are people literally calling for the police and prisons to be abolished. The fact that you don’t give their opinion much weight does not mean it’s not gaining traction.

In fact, the people on the left who support abolishing police and prisons would likely think it’s “racist” that you dismiss their idea so casually. I am not a leftist or a supporter of such abolishment, so I am not calling you a racist. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if in a few years, people who oppose abolishing police and prisons will routinely be characterized as racist.
In case yer religious..
I support Biden, so calling me a “trumptard” is very hurtful. Your verbal jousting skills are just too much for me.

The fact that elected officials don’t yet support abolishing the police and prisons does not mean they won’t change their tune over fears of being called racist and getting primaried in a few years.
yes, we get it. you are very worried people are going to call you a racist.

most "i don't like trump but" people are.
I understand the difference. I also understand that people are being told they must lose their livelihoods because covid must be stopped, but then covid suddenly isn’t so important as long as the protest is against the police.
You mean like restaurants and bars kind of places? They are super spreader events waiting to happen, how can they safety open? Yes we need to help these people/business owners out no question.

I think you are more being told that someone is telling you that 'suddenly Covid isn't so important', than any Democratic official actually saying that is the case. This is why I was trying to explain how the attack on us is being conducted by Russia. It is a very long term attack on people to get them to think that one thing must mean the other. It doesn't.
Apply enough pressure repeatedly for long enough and it is amazing what the human brain is capable of convincing itself is true.

In other words, a select group of people gets to decide that the George Floyd protests are important enough to justify ignoring restrictions on mass gatherings. If you don’t buy their argument, you stand to be accused of racism.
I would consider how it is different if businesses trying to profit off people they are able to attract into a highly dangerous environment might not be the same as a protest.

Either protests of any type are too dangerous, or they are not. As soon as you pick winners and losers based on your political views, that undermines the credibility of the need for restrictions.
Nobody stopped the Trump supporters that protested the capital here in Lansing, nor anywhere else that I saw. Are you saying they did?
Check out Ireland, one of the few countries left around that still likes Americans.
A relatively dynamic economy, multicultural now, temperate weather, very welcoming people & has decent food & great drink.
Herb might be in short supply but that shouldn't be a problem for a grower. (I get my seeds from Ireland :) )
So yea, get the fuck out now while your young & still have a chance.
It's a big, beautiful World out there with lot's of opportunities.
I acknowledge now that when I didn't leave when I was considering it when I was 21, that was a mistake, but I was young then & full of hope that the US would get it's shit together but that never happened & never will happen in my opinion.
Life's too fucking short for this shit.
Get an education (if you can afford it in this fucked up country), learn another language or two and get the fuck out & see what the rest of the World has too offer.
There's only one trip allowed on this Planet, so use it wisely.
Oh, I've heard New Zealand is lovely also
Peace out & stay safe :)
The only place a person can be happy is between their ears.

You see it everywhere. Some people have no reason to complain and yet they are unhappy. Some people have it really hard, living in an unfair system and they are happy. Most people manage to find happiness. Some people I know keep moving around and never find it. Maybe they are putting the blame on the wrong thing.

Myself, I'm pretty happy here and Republicans aren't going to get me to move. As JJ would say,

Made no sense to me when we opened up without adequate procedures and testing capacity in place to handle this. Also near universal compliance with social distancing and wearing masks. When large states started recklessly opening up in May, I knew we had just wasted all the money spent to get the virus under control. If WE knew it at the time, then our leaders must have at least been advised the same.

I will say that this time around I see a lot more people wearing masks when I'm out and about. Maybe the message is finally getting through.
Well I’m pretty sure without legislating masks here we would not have enough compliance to do anything. My workplace all of a sudden stopped wearing them in our warehouse so I went to the manager (not really) and asked her to enforce it, an hour later she was out on the floor not wearing one. One of the owners (husband of the owner) never puts his on.......Monday I’m sending an email out to insist on mask wearing ........ fuck them all, I’ve had my fill of stupid.
Worthy? Have you read the constitution or are familiar with constitutional amendments? Try searching the first one. It’s so easy they called it the 1st amendment.

If they were taking guns away during this pandemic people would be up in arms (pun intended). So why are you taking away their first amendment right?

Everyone who doesn’t like the protests can take your guns and turn them in. Cause I don’t like them and I’m not involved in them. Doesn’t make sense when I put it like that huh.
How am I taking away their first amendment right? I am not in a position to stop people from protesting. My point is that you and other folks who support the protests don’t seem overly concerned about their risk of spreading covid — because you agree with what the protesters are saying. That creates the perception among many people that covid restrictions aren’t really all that necessary.

It keeps getting repeated that protests haven’t caused a spike in coronavirus. Fine — then why did we ban county fairs and similar festivals, where groups of people are milling around outdoors? Those festivals and concerts may not be important to you, but they are to people who rely on them for a livelihood.
Trump is not the first or the last to politicize things. Cmon now you’re falling apart here. You’re a gun toting republican that doesn’t like trump? Is that the message you want to send out?
So what if I was? You’re telling me that because I own guns and tend to have conservative views, I am obligated to support Trump?
The fact that Trump is an idiot who makes everything political doesn’t mean it’s a good idea for everyone else to politicize everything as well. In fact, Trump’s stupidity is a pretty decent argument against politicizing everything.
I am not trying to fight with you on it, I wouldn't be able to keep up with responding to everyone the way you are and be able to digest who is trolling you and who is not, so no worries, we can talk another time.

Don't forget you have a ignore feature if you start getting flamed.

Welcome to the political section on RIU. If you get time I highly suggest checking out the links in my sig to understand how this attack is being conducted on us in every forum like this across the internet. The Russian military are even attacking our kids on their video games. If you have family protect them. Best of luck.
You mean like restaurants and bars kind of places? They are super spreader events waiting to happen, how can they safety open? Yes we need to help these people/business owners out no question.

I think you are more being told that someone is telling you that 'suddenly Covid isn't so important', than any Democratic official actually saying that is the case. This is why I was trying to explain how the attack on us is being conducted by Russia. It is a very long term attack on people to get them to think that one thing must mean the other. It doesn't.
Apply enough pressure repeatedly for long enough and it is amazing what the human brain is capable of convincing itself is true.

I would consider how it is different if businesses trying to profit off people they are able to attract into a highly dangerous environment might not be the same as a protest.

Nobody stopped the Trump supporters that protested the capital here in Lansing, nor anywhere else that I saw. Are you saying they did?
Nope, not saying they did. Just saying there is a double standard. If we’re going to be serious about stopping covid, we need to avoid creating exemptions based on political views — that only undermines the credibility of the restrictions.