Shut it the fuck down

Yep, if there is no mandatory compliance they stop wearing them and those who do, feel stupid after a certain point, but thanks to local pressure ;)

Hope is on the way and I never even had to call anybody a stupid cocksucker either, everybody with a brain agreed, we Liberals have them.

How are Dougie and the Tories doing? Still on the phone with Donald for advice?;)

Masks to be mandatory in most indoor public spaces in Nova Scotia
This is how we can protect each other and support our local businesses,' says Premier Stephen McNeil

Starting at the end of the month, Nova Scotians will be expected to wear non-medical masks in most indoor public spaces.

"This is how we can protect each other and support our local businesses as we learn to live with COVID-19," Premier Stephen McNeil said at a news conference Friday.

The policy will take effect Friday, July 31.

Indoor public places include:

  • Retail businesses.
  • Shopping centres.
  • Personal services businesses, such as hair and nail salons, spas, body art facilities, except during services that require removing a mask.
  • Restaurants and bars, except while people are eating or drinking.
  • Places of worship or faith gatherings.
  • Places for cultural or entertainment services or activities, such as movie theatres, concerts and other performances.
  • Places for sports and recreational activities, such as a gym, pool or indoor tennis facility, except while doing an activity where a mask cannot be worn.
  • Places for events, such as conferences and receptions.
  • Municipal or provincial government locations offering services to the public.
  • Common areas of tourist accommodations, such as lobbies, elevators and hallways.
  • Common areas of office buildings, such as lobbies, elevators and hallways, but not private offices.
  • Public areas of a university or college campus, such as library or student union building, but not classrooms, labs, offices or residences.
  • Train or bus stations, ferry terminals and airports.
Non-medical masks are already required for passengers and drivers using public transit, as well as private taxis and shuttles. That measure took effect today.
But it will not be enforced correct? There are no penalties if I heard correctly?
But it will not be enforced correct? There are no penalties if I heard correctly?
Shiss, I'm gonna use it to scare the shit out of ignoramus with thousand dollar fines! Most of these morons know nothing and if they are gonna put my life at risk, I'm gonna scare the living shit out of them! No respect for me, I'll lie right to their face! :D :D :D

I am but a small voice and my views about public lashing are not popular among my fellow liberals!;)

Managers of venues and owners of businesses will enforce it, it will come down to other charges for the real assholes...
Mind sharing some of the Democratic examples.

I am starting to regret using the word politicized even thought I used it in its literal verb form referring to a specific situation (not overall politics) and my reply to that specific conversation is being taken out of context.

I was replying to comments being made about protestors allowed permits but events being cancelled and how both situations are crowds of people. I was agreeing that that coronavirus has been politicized in that way on both sides, and yes assumptions are being made by both parties about "what side you are on" due to individual views about THOSE specific events happening and her perspective vs my perspective. I was also saying that both parties are guilty of this and the constant bickering between parties is not helpful. Covid doesn't care whether we're Democrat or Republican. Ya'll are kinda proving my point by taking my reply to her so far out of it's original context.

Somehow this got turned into replies of how terrible Republicans are. Again, I know exactly how terrible they are, and I agree. The only thing I said about Democrats is that they are guilty too, concerning politicizing coronavirus in that way. Yes, Democrats are fighting to protect this country from the evil Russians and trumps attack on America and I am on their side! My eyes are wide open. I am on YOUR side.

Below are the initial posts that led to conversation on that subject and why I was inspired to reply. While I can see her perspective, I don't agree with her view point, due to my belief that human rights as important of an issue as coronavirus - even more important as its past time for change! I believe it's ok to allow protests safely and at the same time expect the country to lockdown. The protests against systemic racism and police brutality are just as important as people staying home due to covoid. Both situations she was speaking of are of equal importance and should not be used as examples by either side. Both are a threat to our way of life.

I was also saying both Democrats and Republicans are quick to judge people and assume party affiliation based on individual viewpoints (politicizing covid.) That standard is not fair, and exactly why I don't fit on either side because I seriously have a wide open mind. I am able to see the bigger picture and be understanding of many perspectives.

That's it. No hidden meaning. I'm worn out trying to explain what can be looked back and read. I usually don't get involved in these posts because I'm not smart enough to keep up. 3x chemo has frazzled my brain. Have a blessed day all :leaf:

I’m not a fan of Trump’s or a coronavirus denier, but I have to admit that the “free pass” given to protesters reeks of political favoritism and double standards.

Public gatherings are unsafe unless you have the “correct” political leanings. And you can’t even complain about the double standard because the twitter mob will call you racist and make your life a living hell for having the “incorrect” point of view.
LOL, for what, my opinion?
Anyway, they had an open letter from health professionals basically saying the protests are OK — if that’s what you need a citation for.

Looks to me like political motivations are determining which public gatherings are OK. If you agree with the doctors about defunding the police, then you’re all clear to hold mass gatherings, apparently.

This totally undermines their credibility. Either we should social distance and “stay home, stay safe,” or we should not. Political beliefs should not come into play when advising people on
Anybody advocating for large public gatherings at this point is a dumb-dumb, whether they’re on the left or the right.

With how politicized the response to coronavirus has become, I have to wonder how Americans would behave if 9/11 happened today and not two decades ago.

I have a sickening feeling that we wouldn’t unite the same way we did back then. With Trump so opposed to foreign military intervention, I also have to wonder whether we would have just taken it lying down and not retaliated.

The liberals would probably have rushed to condone the attack as a justifiable reaction to colonialism, while many on the right would probably also rejoice at East Coast elite globalists “getting what they deserved.”

I can’t say what caused this change in our national unity over the past two decades — most likely, it was an accumulation of factors.

diseases. This type of letter just fuels the fire of people who think it’s a hoax.

By the way, if they do abolish prisons and the police, we’re just going to have people take the law into their own hands. Why wouldn’t they, if there would be no repercussions?
Uhh.... their is domestic terrorism happening right now in every city by black and white snot nosed liberal children that think its their right to destroy other people's property while throwing spears made out of sharpened PVC at police.....actual terrorists

Maybe you would like if they instead of throwing stuff at cops, they should put their knees in the necks of Cops till they stop breathing, Sound better to you, Because you don't address that at all.

Is it okay to Kill anyone because you wear a Badge and have some authority ?
But it will not be enforced correct? There are no penalties if I heard correctly?
We have almost no cases and any that show are contact traced, testing could be broadened and more of it done, no need to be too heavy handed.

Where is that fucking spartan cube gizmo? Might be time for a parliamentary hot seat session. Inquiring minds want to know and I'm one of them.
But it will not be enforced correct? There are no penalties if I heard correctly?
Here are some answers about the spartan cube, I've looked from time to time.
Don't engineers get tech from the lab to the consumer? Maybe they need one?

The big wait: an entrepreneur's agony at Spartan Bioscience

There’s a vast difference these days between what is and what should have been for Paul Lem, the founder of Spartan Bioscience of Ottawa.

Three months ago, his company secured Health Canada’s emergency use approval for the Spartan Cube — a portable lab-in-a-box that tests for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. The Cube produces results in less than an hour, compared to days for tests done through laboratories.

Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and the federal government promptly ordered nearly two million test cartridges and the Cube devices that process them — approaching $200 million worth of potential business with more to follow, all of it contingent on the performance of the initial samples.

Lem reckoned Spartan would be shipping hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 test cartridges every week by mid-July.

Instead, he finds himself deep in limbo. On May 1, Health Canada advised him Spartan’s proprietary swab wasn’t picking up sufficient quantities of the virus DNA to ensure accurate readings, a not uncommon problem with testing technologies that rely on relatively non-invasive swabs, as is the case with the Cube.
Lem promptly shut down the firm’s production line and, ever since, Spartan’s scientists have been experimenting with different sampling methods. A decision from Health Canada on whether the revised methods work is expected any day. Of course, a ruling has been expected imminently for the past few weeks.

This is an entrepreneur’s nightmare.

It’s not just that Lem has to keep a rather complicated supply chain on standby. Wistron Corp. of Taiwan is to manufacture the Cubes and L-D Tool & Die of Stittsville makes the swabs and cartridge. Lem had also lined up a Toronto-based contract manufacturer, believed to be Sanmina, to handle the higher expected volumes of swabs and cartridges.

As long as these firms believe there’s a reasonable chance Spartan Bioscience can solve the technical issues, they’ll hang in.

What’s keeping Lem and his investors awake at night is the potential lost opportunity here. When Health Canada warned Lem about his test swabs two-and-a-half months ago, the country’s laboratories had conducted about 800,000 tests for the coronavirus. Since then, an additional 2.3 million tests have been performed, 56 per cent of them in Ontario.

These tests are all being performed by technology built outside Canada. Twenty-six devices have been authorized by Health Canada to perform COVID-19 tests since last March — including 21 aimed at detecting the infection caused by the virus, and five devices that can spot antibodies that signal the body’s response to an infection.
Check out Ireland, one of the few countries left around that still likes Americans.
A relatively dynamic economy, multicultural now, temperate weather, very welcoming people & has decent food & great drink.
Herb might be in short supply but that shouldn't be a problem for a grower. (I get my seeds from Ireland :) )
So yea, get the fuck out now while your young & still have a chance.
It's a big, beautiful World out there with lot's of opportunities.
I acknowledge now that when I didn't leave when I was considering it when I was 21, that was a mistake, but I was young then & full of hope that the US would get it's shit together but that never happened & never will happen in my opinion.
Life's too fucking short for this shit.
Get an education (if you can afford it in this fucked up country), learn another language or two and get the fuck out & see what the rest of the World has too offer.
There's only one trip allowed on this Planet, so use it wisely.
Oh, I've heard New Zealand is lovely also
Peace out & stay safe :)

ummmmm, does this mean you're moving, Jim?
I suppose we’re just making different points. I’m not commenting on the legitimacy of the reasons for the protest. My point is that if we want people to take warnings about COVID seriously, then they can’t be seen as politicized.

I live in a rural area and know that folks widely pointed to the support for police protests as hypocritical. It undercuts the argument for covid restrictions when people are told they must shut down their businesses and stop visiting friends and family to slow the pandemic — but then mass gatherings are OK, as long as they’re protesting the right thing.

Understood and agree that it certainly does undercut the argument - in the minds of people who do not feel or understand the dire need for change. I'm from same and all my family still lives there, so I get it. I think it's sad to think that way though.

Most people in rural areas do not see the world or have life experiences that will allow them to understand or open their minds to issues outside their community. I understand the "small town" mentality all too well and it drives me mad lol. Too simple minded. The world is complex. Let me be clear - I'm not knocking small towns. There is an amazing sense of community in most, and I cherish my visits home. Problem is, people who have lived their whole life in rural areas are considerably more closed minded and mostly uneducated as far as to all the different cultures and the reasoning behind the current unrest in America. They haven't been exposed to it, and simply don't understand the importance.
Here are some answers about the spartan cube, I've looked from time to time.
Don't engineers get tech from the lab to the consumer? Maybe they need one?

The big wait: an entrepreneur's agony at Spartan Bioscience

There’s a vast difference these days between what is and what should have been for Paul Lem, the founder of Spartan Bioscience of Ottawa.

Three months ago, his company secured Health Canada’s emergency use approval for the Spartan Cube — a portable lab-in-a-box that tests for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. The Cube produces results in less than an hour, compared to days for tests done through laboratories.

Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and the federal government promptly ordered nearly two million test cartridges and the Cube devices that process them — approaching $200 million worth of potential business with more to follow, all of it contingent on the performance of the initial samples.

Lem reckoned Spartan would be shipping hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 test cartridges every week by mid-July.

Instead, he finds himself deep in limbo. On May 1, Health Canada advised him Spartan’s proprietary swab wasn’t picking up sufficient quantities of the virus DNA to ensure accurate readings, a not uncommon problem with testing technologies that rely on relatively non-invasive swabs, as is the case with the Cube.
Lem promptly shut down the firm’s production line and, ever since, Spartan’s scientists have been experimenting with different sampling methods. A decision from Health Canada on whether the revised methods work is expected any day. Of course, a ruling has been expected imminently for the past few weeks.

This is an entrepreneur’s nightmare.

It’s not just that Lem has to keep a rather complicated supply chain on standby. Wistron Corp. of Taiwan is to manufacture the Cubes and L-D Tool & Die of Stittsville makes the swabs and cartridge. Lem had also lined up a Toronto-based contract manufacturer, believed to be Sanmina, to handle the higher expected volumes of swabs and cartridges.

As long as these firms believe there’s a reasonable chance Spartan Bioscience can solve the technical issues, they’ll hang in.

What’s keeping Lem and his investors awake at night is the potential lost opportunity here. When Health Canada warned Lem about his test swabs two-and-a-half months ago, the country’s laboratories had conducted about 800,000 tests for the coronavirus. Since then, an additional 2.3 million tests have been performed, 56 per cent of them in Ontario.

These tests are all being performed by technology built outside Canada. Twenty-six devices have been authorized by Health Canada to perform COVID-19 tests since last March — including 21 aimed at detecting the infection caused by the virus, and five devices that can spot antibodies that signal the body’s response to an infection.
I think Health Canada can be much more helpful here, as in roll up your fucking sleeves, put resources towards it, partner with them in a fucking national effort, like in a Goddamn war and get the ball rolling. The technology has been proven, the government(s) have signed on and these are technical issues that can be resolved with focus and effort in a timely manner. Lives if not the economy are on the fucking line, it's basically a war and needs to be treated as such, until resolved by whatever means.
That can be remedied by several methods, a VAT (value added tax could help pay for health care)you do not need as big a military, the real threats come from other directions, as we have seen. Joe will inherit a bankrupt graveyard, but he will have a lot of willing hands. Make no mistake, you will pay for these pigs wallowing in hatred for so long and distorting government and policy by electing a succession of con men from both parties.

Now the parties are polarized and one is no longer dealing with the Devil of compromise with these assholes, now it's black and white, the patriots are on one side and the losers who kept America down and fucking it's own people are on the other. The choice is now clear, the confusion has been removed, time for the donnybrook laddie! Not just your country's soul is on the line, you and that of your children's lives are too. Only Trumpers should stay home this time, if they whine about no difference between the parties by now, just punch the stupid fuck in the face as hard as you can, no point in talking, or even warning, say, "hey look over there", before ya clock him, so ya don't waste so much time on the asshole..

Rick Wilson from Lincoln Project likened the GOP and Trump as having hollowed out the party surrounded by a bubble with parasite inside..he said those sticking around will never be able to 'shower it off'..the Stain of Trump.
Im sure some KKK members could be there not because they were tricked into believing the racists lies, but because they are truly psychotic assholes, and like to be around a group that make them feel free to show it.

I agree. Some don't know they are or can't admit it, but if they are something it is not like they can also not be it.

So you are thinking that a black person in the 1960's was racist because they were scared if they sat in the front of the bus something bad would happen, since they expected to be treated differently because of their skin tone?

Seems you have a messed up definition of racism.
This isn't 1960 mate. You might wanna pull your head out your ass one day and realise that.
Untill then, there is no hope for you.
Maybe god will help you if your into that stuff.
This isn't 1960 mate. You might wanna pull your head out your ass one day and realise that.
Untill then, there is no hope for you.
Maybe god will help you if your into that stuff.
lol what you trying to say psycho's don't exist anymore?

Check out Ireland, one of the few countries left around that still likes Americans.
A relatively dynamic economy, multicultural now, temperate weather, very welcoming people & has decent food & great drink.
Herb might be in short supply but that shouldn't be a problem for a grower. (I get my seeds from Ireland :) )
So yea, get the fuck out now while your young & still have a chance.
It's a big, beautiful World out there with lot's of opportunities.
I acknowledge now that when I didn't leave when I was considering it when I was 21, that was a mistake, but I was young then & full of hope that the US would get it's shit together but that never happened & never will happen in my opinion.
Life's too fucking short for this shit.
Get an education (if you can afford it in this fucked up country), learn another language or two and get the fuck out & see what the rest of the World has too offer.
There's only one trip allowed on this Planet, so use it wisely.
Oh, I've heard New Zealand is lovely also
Peace out & stay safe :)

Thank you for the info! I have contemplated Ireland. I have a friend who spent 3 weeks there last summer, and it is beautiful! My red hair would fit right in. I hear ya on the big beautiful world - and my goal is to see it. Life is short, and I promised myself once I'm in remission I'm traveling. But then...covid came along. Currently considering learning Spanish and French so when the time comes I'm ready. Lol. Thanks, and you stay safe as well :leaf: (:
How am I taking away their first amendment right? I am not in a position to stop people from protesting. My point is that you and other folks who support the protests don’t seem overly concerned about their risk of spreading covid — because you agree with what the protesters are saying. That creates the perception among many people that covid restrictions aren’t really all that necessary.

It keeps getting repeated that protests haven’t caused a spike in coronavirus. Fine — then why did we ban county fairs and similar festivals, where groups of people are milling around outdoors? Those festivals and concerts may not be important to you, but they are to people who rely on them for a livelihood.
Do we just lay down and submit to fate or do we do something about it? Are you the kind of person who says we should just let coronavirus run rampant through the population or should we fight it? I think just letting it infect enough people to achieve herd immunity (not even sure that's possible) is a description of failure. So, hell yeah, cut the nonessential gatherings like state fairs, unsafe practices like crowding together on beaches or pools and late night debauches at bars. We can't have organized sports events and open schools when we don't do what other societies have done to control the virus. Those are for times when a plague is not running through society. Keep activities restricted to essential activities and put in place precautions to limit the spread of the disease. Many cases of covid came from unsafe practices forced upon workers by owners and I think that Republicans are doing great harm by pushing for legislation to protect negligent owners.

Police brutality, especially fascist and racist driven police brutality is a disease of our society. Just letting it run rampant through society is a description of failure too. It's not connected in any way to the novel coronavirus either (just saying you made a false argument but I'm going to run with it anyway). Its a long standing problem and the Black Lives Matters movement is fighting the disease. So, hell yeah, those who can should get out and fight it. It's an essential activity, a response to Floyd's torture-murder was necessary. The murder of Floyd was a tipping point in this movement. I don't understand why you are against fighting the disease of racism, especially when progress in the fight was finally made. Protesters in fact took precautions and in fact there is no evidence that covid spread while doing those activities.
This isn't 1960 mate. You might wanna pull your head out your ass one day and realise that.
Untill then, there is no hope for you.
Maybe god will help you if your into that stuff.

men - let's refer to Schuylaar's formula of MINIMUM Trumpy* is a we agree?

in the US 1% of the populace are narcissist with 75% of those being men..we have 328.2M people.

simple math, really..
like, say, protests against racial injustice caused a spike in covid? you have been doing that

or, say, protests against racial injustice are getting "special treatment" somehow? you've been doing that too

or, say, that the left wants to abolish the police? youve been doing that too

or, say, you will be deemed a racist soon if you dont want to literally abolish the police? you've done that too

it's all baseless but a very clear pattern.

and you dont like trump but. LOL

get the fuck out of here

I agree with everything you're saying but I can't like it because it all ends in trumptard or gtfo. How is degrading her while debating perspectives constructive? No matter how much I disagree with someone, I try to stay respectful. How else will such a divided nation communicate with each other to compromise opposing views if we can't debate without being insulting? Honest question.
I agree with everything you're saying but I can't like it because it all ends in trumptard or gtfo. How is degrading her while debating perspectives constructive? No matter how much I disagree with someone, I try to stay respectful. How else will such a divided nation communicate with each other to compromise opposing views if we can't debate without being insulting? Honest question.
maybe because She says I don’t support trump and I support black lives matter. But I don’t understand why they’re allowed to protest.

we said well it’s in the constitution

She says well I get that blah blah but I don’t understand why they’re allowed to protest. Which just shows she doesn’t support it
I agree with everything you're saying but I can't like it because it all ends in trumptard or gtfo. How is degrading her while debating perspectives constructive? No matter how much I disagree with someone, I try to stay respectful. How else will such a divided nation communicate with each other to compromise opposing views if we can't debate without being insulting? Honest question.

the slams are just Bucky and everyone knows it's about the content not the slam..if that helps.