Active Member
Yeah I mean I agree the things fruit was saying definately makes him sound ignorant. Have I ever been followed around a store for being black? No. Have I been followed around a store because of the way I have dressed in past years? Yes. In a lot of cases its people of an environment being stereotyped. Someone dresses this way they must be poor and want to steal. Someone comes from that neighborhood blah blah blah. I understand that black people get stereotyped in a lot of cases. But plenty of white people do too. If a black man is walking around a store in a suit chances are he won't get followed. Same goes for white. If you go in there with some raggity clothes on, white or black or whatever, and are looking sketchy, you will get followed. There is always exceptions to people who will be racist but there is nothing you can do about it. I'm not arguing I agree plenty of white people are racist to blacks and really ignorant. There are plenty of blacks who are racist to whites and really ignorant as well. Just kiddin about that Reverend Sharpton comment as wellI think what I failed to mention in my post was that I do not agree with "reverse" racism anymore than I do racism. I dislike hatred in all of its forms, period.
What annoys me about this thread is that Fruit said two very very hateful things in 2 different posts and when he was called to carpet for it others felt the need to "defend" racism to an extent. I know, I know, you are now thinking "I did not defend racism" if U did not there would have been no need to post in this thread other than to comment on the original article or the comments already made, not add your own.
You say that any little thing a "white person" does can be construed as racist yet I guarantee you that you have never been followed through a department store by security because you are black. How many white people think that everything every black person does is "ghetto?"
My favorite racist are the people that feel the need to point out that they are not racist. In my entire life I have never felt the need to say "I am not racist...but..."