shwag seeds

Alright so just a theory. I've had a thought for awhile now. if I was too grow a shwag seed "bag weed" would it come out too be a random strain? Because I know there isn't a strain out there called bag. I get the whole idea of genectics and stuff but it still has a certain type right? I keep hearing bag weed is bag weed, well I get that part but if growin without males around it it should expose what strain it is right?


Well-Known Member
Bag seed is just weed that has been seeded. So, quality is lower than what it would have been unseeded.
I and others can contest. Some of those bean can be a real winner....!
You need them to flower to know if it's a male or female.


Well-Known Member
Schwag or Regs(Mids to some) are commercially grown most of the time.
Cash crops grown for a profit and nothing more.
the time was not put in like most true growers would do to create a high quality product.

This usually means the plant will produce a medium to heavy yield.
Because most commercial crop growers like heavy yielding plants.

If you are just starting out growing, then bag seed will be a perfect start.
Most new growers don't want to put in the money for something they may not be able to grow properly the first time...

Good luck

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
Most shwag weed is grown and dried, never cured, never cared for so it is gonna taste worse and look worse but the genes are good. just like a 1st timer looking for $$$ versus a 20yr vet with same seed looking to grown it the best it can.


Well-Known Member
Bag seed is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you get. That's all I have to say about that.


Well-Known Member
I disagree. Not about random bag seeds, but mexican shwag isn't seeded from hermies. I've never encountered a hermie or have one pollinate late in flower... in fact that's part of the reason I keep growing them. I always hear about hermies and stressing your plants ect or pheno hunting some of them even being hermies.. I've never had issues with mexi brick and I have honestly tried to get them too, they will take just about anything I throw at em. And I'm always impressed with the quality.........was it you? I've been growing about 10 years and in finally gonna try and get some good seeds. I kept seeing someone talk about shoreline, I think I might pick some up on my bday here in a couple weeks:).... nvm I think that was beech


Well-Known Member
99.9 % of the time you will have a bouncing baby Hermie.
100% false.....

Unless you know the grower and know the product came from a herm plant and not just some males out in the field......

You can get some of your best seeds from bag

Sire Killem All is 100% correct. Never taken care of. never cured. the time as NOT put into the crop as a veteran grower would do.

Fields of females with vet growers in cali compared to 20,000 plants(both male and female) in the middle of a state park forest grown by Mexican cartel members..

There would be a huge difference in quality, even if they used the same plants to start.


Well-Known Member
If the product the seed came from was good, you're almost guaranteed to have a good plant out of that seed.
Again, not true.

If the product was bad it's Mostly likely cause is Improper growing.
The product quality WILL increase no matter what..

You will always make a better product from bag seed than what you smoked for it originally.

This is because you are using taking care of that plant throughout it's life.

If you grow it properly, Dry it properly, and Cure it properly, it will ALWAYS be better than the mids/shwag you got the seeds from....
