Shwag vs. Dro


Well-Known Member
shwag is polinated mexican outdoor shit weed. that was unloved
hes pretty much got it bud grows like it looks when you get a bag of schwag its just been handled through a few dealers and its been bricked up usually so it loses alot of THC and turns brown because its fairly old....the seeds come from it being in a huge field most of the time and they dont get rid of males everything just grows and they rake it all down


Active Member
So are the leaves good for anything? do they have any THC? i heard that you could make brownies with the grinded leaves is that true? are they good for anything else?


Well-Known Member
yes the leaves carry low levels of thc but you can make bronies but only use the leaves that you cut off during the harvesting stage!!!


Well-Known Member
While there is some thc in the fan leaves, the bulk is in glangular trichomes. If they are not readily visible to the naked eye, that leaf is to be put in a pile called " this will get me high, but won't cure the frunstration caused extracting that buzz ", and if they are visible those leaves go into a pile called " food/hash/oil " Like stated, shwag is tipicaly imported brick weed. It may or may not have been grown well, but it most certainly has been treated poorly. When I travel, I use my hash press to compress 1g bud into a disk the size of three US dimes stacked together. It can be the finest tasting connoisseur stuff, and when I get in to the rental car and pack that first bowl, I can hardly recognize the taste. Only earthy hazes compress well, all berry/fruit notes are gone. Much shwag is seeded andwirh none can you be sure you aren't smoking pesticides, chemical polutants ,and worse. Some shwag a domestic and poorly grown. Couple this with lack of proper cure and and crappy transporting, and you more often than not end up smoking vegetative matter as opposed to thc rich oils and resins. True compressing keeps the trichomes contained inside the buds, they usualy rupture and the cannabinoids oxydize and degrade to less psychoactive, more sedative, or even wholly ineffective compounds.


Well-Known Member
there wouldnt be shitty weed of you guys would stop buying it haha, i have never bought a sac of shwag or anything like that, i mean what can you expect, people want better bud but they sitll buy the shitty weed, so how is that going to help the situation


Well-Known Member
some people are not elitists and and will smoke what they can get...there are some places where dank is not readily glad you have enjoyed the benefit of always being able to afford/find dank all the time but some people can't


Well-Known Member
some people are not elitists and and will smoke what they can get...there are some places where dank is not readily glad you have enjoyed the benefit of always being able to afford/find dank all the time but some people can't
lol! @ this!


Well-Known Member
where i am at in indianapolis..if you dont grow your is ALL MEXICAN SWAG..ALL ALL ALL..EVERY LAST BUD OF can wring the seeds out of it like wringing water out of a paper wouldnt be smoking anything but swag...that is all their is..or you wouldnt be smoking at all..if you went out on the street here looking for bud...all you would find is mexican swag...its fucking horrible..


Well-Known Member
Harsh. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that ya'll got something against Beaners & Taco-benders.

Not all schwag is Mexican. In fact, I'd bet that some of it starts out as good genetics. My bagseed grows bear that out. You just cannot get the kind of quality with a large commercial grow that you can in one of our "little" gardens.
It's like with anything else. You can have quality...... or quantity. Take your pick, you cant have both.
I have envisioned trying to pamper a large grow like I do mine, and I'll tell you that it would be a full time job just about trying to tend a hundred or so plants as carefully as I do the 12 I have.

Somehow, at some point all shit weed got classified as "Mexican Dirt".


Well-Known Member
i grow the schwag seeds into kind bud and people pay out the yang when the weed originated from schwag but they don't know that!!!!


Well-Known Member
i grow the schwag seeds into kind bud and people pay out the yang when the weed originated from schwag but they don't know that!!!!

EGGZACKLY!!! Kind of amazing how much better the stuff I grow is compared to it's origins!! And yes, they will pay thru the nose for it if ya can come up with a good catchy exotic sounding name.


Well-Known Member
where i am at in indianapolis..if you dont grow your is ALL MEXICAN SWAG..ALL ALL ALL..EVERY LAST BUD OF can wring the seeds out of it like wringing water out of a paper wouldnt be smoking anything but swag...that is all their is..or you wouldnt be smoking at all..if you went out on the street here looking for bud...all you would find is mexican swag...its fucking horrible..
Wrong, wrong, wrong - you need to meet the right people. I lived in Naptown all my life and always smoked nugs. In fact, it's hard to find schwag in my experience. So, I lament your situation, but I can guarantee you that your description of Indy is mostly false. I know many growers there and they keep the city well supplied. Go to the Patio in Broad Ripple on a weekend and ask around - you'll get what you want. Otherwise, try Speedway bars.


Well-Known Member
thelastpirate yeah thanks i got the name from the first real hybrid grow and you put the origin where i am and i came up with that!!! i am about to do citral from nirvana and i will post the pics of the grow room soon!!!!