Sick Clones.. Lots of pics.

Ok boys and girls, heres a little story about 8 sick clones..
lets see who can figure out whats wrong with them before they shrivel up and die *crys a little*

13th Feb:
5 foot bushy dark green female
sativa outside has been left to
grow natural for almost a year,
has been through alot in her life but
looks healthy as ever shows signs
of the female sex.

I decide she is a worthy plant to take
my first clones from so i buy everything i
need and cut 8 of the healthiest looking
clones and dip them in my clone powder and
place them in my 2 inch 6.5ph soaked
jiffy pallets and put them in there humidity
dome (a container with plastic wrap over
the top)

I then read (this may be the mistake..) that
clones need feeding through there leaves as they dont have roots yet.
So i put just a couple drops of my A and B Grow nutes in my
clones 1L spray bottle and like 2 drops of this
seaweed concentrate that says it helps plants and roots and so on..

I then put them under 6 cfls
(5x15w 6500k & 1x32w 2700k) on 24 hours as i wanted
to make sure they went back to veg.
I checked the temps and they were usually around 75 - 85.
I would spray them 3 or 4 times through out the day
and they all looked like they were doing great..

Until a week later i started to notice a few of
the bottom leaves were looking a bit yellow
and some of the end tips were going a little brown.
I thought maybe the new top leaves arnt getting enough nutes
so they could be sucking food from the bottom to help the top but then
why would the tips be going brown? then I thought it could be 3 things,
Nute burn.. Heat Stress.. 24 lights stressing them out..

I stopped giving them nutes straight
away and moved the lights a couple
more inches away.
Im not sure if i should put them on 18/6 coz
it gets pretty cold in there if the lights are off
for 6 hours and i cant afford a heating mat just yet so yehhhh...

26th Feb:
First signs of roots but leaves still yellowing.

Check out my pics taken 11 days after clones cut..

and heres a couple bagseed that arnt doing to well either..

Now i know someone out there knows how to correct this problem
so please share your knowledge with me so i can save my babies :P


Active Member
have you been opening the plastic wrap? clones dont need nutes in the begining. i clone and veg with straight water for about 3 weeks. yellow leaves mean usually the clone is trying to root. tips turning brown usually means nute burn. and ur medium shouldnt be so soggy. it should be wet but not drenched. they dont look so bad. ive had clones look worse and end up growing pretty strong. and if ur using cfls u can put them pretty close. my plants are like 2 - 3 inches away and i let them actually grow into my cfl bulbs.
yeh i open the plastic like 4 or 5 times a day just for a couple of minutes while i give them a spray.
i think your right i may have gave them nutes to early and thats why the tips are going a bit brown and they are showing more roots now so i think that was the cause of the yellowing leaves.

im planning on putting them in rockwool and make a bubbleponic set up for them..

when do you think i should do this? they only just started showing roots..
and when should i start adding my grow nutes to the bubbleponic water once iv put the clones in there? :)
thanks for the help


Active Member
honestly i try to read my plants. its one thing when u take advice from someone else but the thing is most of the time everyone has a different setup, using different machines and different nutrients, with different strains.
this is what i do. i take clones with rooting gel (Olivia's) in rockwool with only tap water. [CFL light] once it roots i move it to a bigger container with same tap water. i let it grow to about 6 - 9 inches tall and then i put it straight into flowering [HPS light] with nutes. i would say on average from the time it rooted it takes about 3 weeks before i actually give it some nutes. there are times though u have to look to see if ur plants are healthy. so far i never had to add nutes before schedule.
i think also if ur spraying 4 - 5 times a day u dont need the plastic. it might be over humidifying them. i think the plastic is to keep it humid for people who can go spray their plant 4 - 5 times a day. i spray 3 - 4 times a day with no plastic.


Well-Known Member
i've had some pretty rough looking clones, but your's look fine just lay off the nutes and give a little less water like WidowAG said
yeh im gonna take the plastic off today and see how they go..
they have all taken root so i might buy my rockwool today and transfer them into something bigger.
ill try take some pics later :)