Sick Leaf Diagnosis


Hi guys, one of my 5 plants (different strains) seems to be quite ill. All plants have been fed the same (relative to how much they use) but this northern light plant is a sensitive little bastard.
Late-stage N deficiency?

I'm growing in plant magic OT with their soil too. I've tried flushing as much as I can, but I'm in pots in a wardrobe scrogging and it's a challenge with my setup - there's not really anywhere to flow out too without making a mess - something I'll fix on my next grow.It's the 4th week of flower at the moment.

I have checked all the leaf sickness charts etc. but as it's my first grow I'd appreciate a seasoned growers opinion before I make things even worse!

The same plant:
Here's my healthy L.S.D. for comparison:
Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
That first pic looks like a painting or something, not a real leaf, but anyway.......
What are you feeding and how often?
Any N lately?
If you're 4 weeks in, you could give a taste of N, just not a lot every time.
Do you have good drainage? You mentioned noplace for runoff from flushing, but you're not sitting in trays of water are you?


It's a leaf I just ripped off on my sofa next to me to snap a pic on my phone, definitely not a painting haha!

I'm feeding 3-4ml Plant Magic OldTimer, following the feeding schedule. This is the second week of flowering nutes though now. I feed once a week (Wed) and make sure there is no dryout in between, so I usually water plain water again on Saturdays.

This problem started during veg I think, I think maybe I even started feeding it plain water as I was worried it was overfeeding (a problem I had before), maybe that's the issue?

When I water, I always make sure I water until the tray below the pot fills up. I usually keep checking over a 30 min period. They are never sat in water, but sadly there is no runoff until I build proper tray on my next grow cycle.

PM OT Grow is 5:3:3 and Bloom is 3:5:4


Well-Known Member
It's a Magnesium def..........check your PH first!!....If it's solid, add epsom salt (dilute accordingly) at your next watering............good luck grower


Thanks for all the advice guys, as I'm using soil and organic nutes I doubt it's a PH issue, maybe I just haven't been feeding enough for fear of nute burn I experienced in early veg. I will start fullstrength nutes for a few days to see if there's any improvement.


Definitely not PH, I think it's just multiple deficiencies because they are starving. I fed two days ago, any idea how long I should wait before I feed again/see some improvement?


Okay guys, 3 days after watering fullstrength organic bloom nutes (4ml/L) it seems lower leaves are yellowing at a rapid and scary rate. Not dying - no crispiness - just yellowing.I think this is just general malnutrition due to my fear of over-fertilisation. I am now seeing signs of it on all my plants.PH was tested with a traditional kit from a nursery and came out 7.5ish. I don't think PH is the problem.Am I good to refeed with more nutes today? Again, I don't want to overfert. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
If you dont get the ph down the plant won't uptake nutrients, So feed all you want but thats not your problem. Listen to me this time or plant going to die! 6.0- 6.3 PH, NOT 7.5


Everywhere I have read thus far has said a pH of 6.5-7.5 (average 7) is ideal. In addition to this, many say pH in an organic soil grow is rarely a problem. I therefore conclude that even if I am +1pH above your stated ideal pH of 6.6-3, this is unlikely to be the cause of all my problems, and as stated, the problem is underfertilisation by fault of my own. Unless you can prove otherwise regarding pH I will assume you do not know what you are talking about.


Active Member
Everywhere I have read thus far has said a pH of 6.5-7.5 (average 7) is ideal. In addition to this, many say pH in an organic soil grow is rarely a problem. I therefore conclude that even if I am +1pH above your stated ideal pH of 6.6-3, this is unlikely to be the cause of all my problems, and as stated, the problem is underfertilisation by fault of my own. Unless you can prove otherwise regarding pH I will assume you do not know what you are talking about.
that one point is a big difference. dont be a dick to the people helping you or do the research yourself. here's a freebie for you. he was right. with a ph of 7.5 - 8 you are locking things out its very sensitive. there is a chart with where things are getting locked out at certian ph's. your locking out iron and manganese for sure, possibly boron, as well your on the edge of locking out nitrogen and phosphorus too.