Sick of the fighting on RIU!

What the hell.
.. :(

i've learned alot here, I know how to grow well enough, but you'd have to dig through my posts to find out why I've had not much success at it thusfar.... sht always happens :( Let that be lesson number one for getting along here at riu.... dont let people's post count/join date fool you into thinking they are a pot-growing guru.
I personally give no grow advice unless I know 100% what I'm talking about.
Also it's winter now in many places and the traffic on the site goes up overall when we aren't outside playing. I'm on here twice as much when golf season ends.
Also it's winter now in many places and the traffic on the site goes up overall when we aren't outside playing. I'm on here twice as much when golf season ends.

This is exactly the time you should be out there, it's safer for everyone.

The shnkrmn and myself both belong to club 600, the six hundred watt club, to be exact, the Roger 600 Watters. In my humble opinion, the best thread on RIU. There are quite a few of us who have been there for some time and more people are joining the fun. We strongly discourage negativity. We occasionally get someone in there who wants to be a dick but nobody plays along and so the trolls don't stay too long at all. I was reading a thread with two extremely knowledgeable growers, it was like watching two kids argue over toys, sad. Each insisting they knew more than the other. Instead of arguing amongst themselves, they could each be helping others. This was a severe case of big egos in action. Personally I have come to the conclusion, there is no wrong way in our hobby, there might be ways some will disagree with, but wrong, no. I grow for me, not for the people on here and not to be involved in a mine's bigger contest. As long as I have one jar with something inside of it, I could care less what others say I must do if I want to do it the 'right' way. We were all new at one time, the least we should do is share our knowledge with each other. The world is already crazy enough, there should be at least one place of sanity we can all go to in times of craziness and RIU is the place. Do not let the ogres and trolls discourage you from learning. There are some really great people on here willing to share, why waste time on a bunch of assholes who want nothing more than to irritate others?
i call it the winter blues, and with christmas coming and people not having as much cash as the did in past years it puts some in stressed out moods,
I've tried to be nice and well frankly i give up, even pm'ing someone asking them whats wrong doesn't always work, some people will argue regardless.
Weird part is it's only the guys that seem rude lately, i'm female and i've never had "bad words" with another female member.
Well this is the internet and for some people this is their only form of social interaction...and while they are interacting with you socially you might find out why they only have friends Alot of people turn to the net because they aren't fit to talk to people in person...Internet posts hide alot of really poor social skills, but some shine right on through. If I am interested in what a person is saying then I read their post...if not then I don' sense fighting with someone online...although I will admit I have done it a few times and thoroughly enjoyed
I tell you what...

Until someone creates a system that grows pot 5* better than now with no dispute that it is the most hands down awesome grow system possible and it needs no tweaking to operate perfectly.... Then we are gonna be arguing...
Gafoogle, I agree, do ya' think you can do something to encourage more females to take up the hobby?

Theres a good article in Treating Yourself (I think it was the most recent one available for download) written by the great Soma. It's about female growers and how they create better cannabis than men just because of their aura and nurturing nature.
There's a great article in Manly Marijuana Makers Monthly written by Virgil M. Beasleton about the need to keep women of child-bearing age out of grow rooms because they have pheromones that cause your plants to hermie. . . .

You know it's all true. . . . .
Theres a good article in Treating Yourself (I think it was the most recent one available for download) written by the great Soma. It's about female growers and how they create better cannabis than men just because of their aura and nurturing nature.

I believe it.
There's a great article in Manly Marijuana Makers Monthly written by Virgil M. Beasleton about the need to keep women of child-bearing age out of grow rooms because they have pheromones that cause your plants to hermie. . . .

cool, I can add that to my list of talents