Sick Plant


Hey guys. I had this plant in Miracle Gro until about three weeks ago when I transplanted it into some EarthGro organic soil mixed with cow manure and did a couple of waterings with a small amount of Alaska 5-1-1 fish fertilizer. I started using the Alaska 5-1-1 when the lower leaves started yellowing really fast and moving upwards and that trend seems to have stopped. The lower leaves have been somewhat curled under since it was about 6 inches tall and seemed stable until recently. I definitely do not overwater it and don't think I'm underwatering it (I water when the dirt is dry as deep as the tip of my finger goes). I'm starting to notice what I guess is a little bit of nute burn on some of the leaf tips and the curling under has gotten much worse and is on more and more of the leaves. I'm thinking I should have flushed the heck out of it once I got it out of the MG because I don't think I'm dealing with just one problem. Anyway, any thoughts?

By the way, this plant has been on 12/12 from seed and just started flowering about a week ago. It's like 8 weeks old. It's a girl!!!



Active Member
Looks like N deficiency to me, are you using any nutes with this in it yet? Fish ferts won't have everything that plant needs. Eventhough you are not in Veg which is when the plant needs N the most, you never Vegged in the first place since you went 12/12 from the beginning, therefore the plant might be needing that building block that it never got.


Active Member
nitro tox can do that (curling). i wouldnt say that thats it cause ur leaves would be really dark green. ventilation can be the reason for ur curling, temps as well (not likely for the temps, cold nights((lower than 10-15degree day/night))) could be the reason. would like to know what ur soil is made of though. it looks awful "twiggey" is there any actual dirt in there? goodtimez


those ridges show salt buildup. flush with 3x the size of the pot with water. the coloring could mean your pH is off and it is locking out the other nutes. needs to be between 5.5 and 7. If pH is over 7, then you are locking out Potassium. You can buy soil amendments to rectify soil pH.


Thanks for the replies!

As for the soil being twiggy, it is. Or was. I have 8 other plants going in the same soil and as I was preparing that mix, I pulled out the larger chunks and set them on top of the dirt of the finished pots. That twigginess isn't throughout the soil, just on top.

Which ridges show salt build up? This is my first grow, so I'll take anything you know! The affected leaves don't have a weird texture, they just seem thin compared to the newer leaves. pH could be off, but I haven't tested the soil. I was hoping the grow would be pretty hands-off...guess not :). I'll test the soil and go from there.

One thing this definitely could be is heat. This is in my garage and it's hot hot hot this summer. There are fans going, but obviously that won't do much when the ambient temperature regularly reaches 90 (+?). There's nothing I can do about the location though. The best I could to would be to bring the plants inside at night when they're on the dark cycle. My thinking is that that seed came from a plant on some mesa in Mexico, surely it can handle a little heat!


After talking with an awesome guy at a local hydroponics shop, I think my problem is heat and humidity. The seedlings seem love it out in my garage, but the older plants, not so much. I have since cleaned out a surprisingly perfect closet and have the vegging/flowering plants in there. We'll see! I also bought some Pro Bloom and some Fox Farm soil for the round of seedlings I have that are almost ready for bigger pots. Gotta take care of my girls!