sick plants


Active Member
okay i have 4 plants under a 400 watt mh dimmed to 75% one is a clone the clone was giving to my by a friend when i got it the stem was all purple and leaves yellowing a lil he said his basement temp was to cold and a few of the others are doing almost the same yellowing when i got them i tansplanted into happy frog

also one looks a lil heat stressed with some canoeing leaves but the temps dont go above 80 been doing it since it was young



Active Member
first six pics are the clone the others are bag seed havent fed any nutes bagseed are about 3 or 4 weeks from seed the clone is about 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
I am a rookie, so please take that into account.

I think you could hit them with some 1/4 strength nutes as you have a few nodes of growth.

Looks like they are a bit hungry to me.

Peace and Great Grows



Active Member
I agree with asmallvoice they look hungry to me, plus maybe need some cal-mag the leaves are yellow on the ends on one for sure.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Yellowing leaves usually indicates a need for nitrogen unless your late into flowering then its acceptable. Purple stalk indicates a magnesium need(I think) or its a calcium need. If your nutes are present then your plant has an uptake problem.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
If its a Ph problem here's a cheap and easy fix. Next time you water do so with no nutes. Just add a cap of white vinegar to each gallon of water. That should lower it to around 6.3 if you're using tap water. If its well water then the amount of vinegar used will be different.


Well-Known Member
Yee agree with the rest start giving nutes I give them nutes wen there 1 inch big and they start taking off. Make sure you use much less then what they say on bottle. On mine it says 40ml per 10L I put in 10ml per 10L whilst there young