sick plants

Hello all,
I am looking for a little help on my plants. I am a new grower, long time smoker. I have two bubbilicious plants grown in FFO. They are about 7 weeks from seed. I was wondering if someone can help me diagnose my plants. I do have to admit that I have added nutes probably to early. How do I stop the dry leaves? I have checked soil pH..water pH..moister....ect. it is a cfl grow.I have 7 65 watt plus a t8 aquatic light. Can someone help? How do I add pics?



Well-Known Member
Probably nute burn since with CFL its probably not light scorched. FF doesnt need anything in it for at least 4 weeks. Not much you can do with the affected leaves but hope that the new growth is ok. If you really overdid it with the nutes I guess you could consider flushing